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Justice? 16 year prison sentence for burning a gay flag


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Lot's of good points on both sides but I think this underscores a more important problem which is the imbalance of the application of the legal system in America. Would a 16 year old with two felonies on his record get 16 years for stealing a 12 pack of beer from a Korean shop owner in the hood? I think the hate crime tag is bullshit because it makes certain groups of people more important than other groups of people. Was the Civil Rights legislation about ending that or just about turning the tables?


I feel like I know where you're going with this except the statistics don't back it up. Specifically if you're inferring that races other than white don't get charged with hate crimes or that white people aren't protected under hate crime laws. Statistically, based on their percentage of the population, black people are charged with, and convicted of, a much higher percentage of hate crimes than their overall percentage. White people are charged with and convicted of less than their overall racial percentage. 





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9 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Doubtful. Should for sure because they poison the well and add doubt to people who actually experience true racism and violence. But highly doubt anything happens to them.

At the very least, if something does happen to them, you know it won't get reported, and surely not posted here.


Right Wing won't want to show a punishment happening to these people as it hurts their narrative

Left Wing won't want to remind people that some fake this stuff, underscoring actual prejudice, and hurting their narrative

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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

I feel like I know where you're going with this except the statistics don't back it up. Specifically if you're inferring that races other than white don't get charged with hate crimes or that white people aren't protected under hate crime laws. Statistically, based on their percentage of the population, black people are charged with, and convicted of, a much higher percentage of hate crimes than their overall percentage. White people are charged with and convicted of less than their overall racial percentage. 





Not surprising but per capita white people commit a lot less violent crimes.

But no that wasn't exactly my point. My point is precisely what it was. A 16 year old two-time felon which nailed with a big sentence supposedly because his actual crime was stealing a $2 flag. Fair enough. With the same thing happened to any kid that stole a $20 case of beer? In the same situation? Probably not. And if it's a hate crime shouldn't burning the American flag be equally if not more hateful?

Don't get me wrong I don't like this kid and I don't give a shit if he goes up the river for a long time. 


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