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If our new Defensive Coordinator gets a Super Bowl ring...


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...does that make him a better coordinator than if he doesn't?

He was DC for Denver in '17 & '18.     His first year they ranked 3rd in team defense.  Year two they fell to 22nd.   -  This year, without him, they fell 3 more spots to 25th...but still good enough to stifle OUR offense.

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13 hours ago, Orion said:

He was DC for Denver in '17 & '18.     His first year they ranked 3rd in team defense.  Year two they fell to 22nd. 

Yards allowed rankings aren't the end all/be all.

In those same two years they rose from 22nd to 13th in points allowed.

How to account for points allowed falling as yards allowed rose? As a team they rose from 31st to 8th in Takeaway/Giveaway ratio. The D's  contribution was a rise in takeaways from 17 to 28.

Feel better? :)

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He was a Niner Secondary coach.  Before our matchup with the Niners I knew very little of anyone in that secondary outside of Richard Sherman.  But They did well throughout the year.

They also played behind a GREAT Dline and a ball control offense that helped reduce Time of Possession definitely something that would help a secondary. 

it certainly can’t hurt to bring coaches, players or any other personnel from a championship team. 

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59 minutes ago, Orion said:

I'd heard where he's not married to either system, 3-4 or 4-3.  

That's called adapting to the skills & talent you have. I like it!

I also understand he stresses fundamentals. HALLELUJAH!!! We may see REAL tackling this year.


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18 hours ago, Orion said:

I'd heard where he's not married to either system, 3-4 or 4-3.  

Nor was Wade Phillips when he was using a 3-4 D the year before they drafted JJ Watt; but went to a 4-3 D about 85% of the snaps when JJ was the Defensive Rookie of the Year.    A lot of good Coordinators with a wealth of experience are comfortable using either front or have a capability to evolve with the times and their personnel at hand. Even though BB was a HC in New England - he had a huge volume of injuries to his DL so he went back to a 3-4 while enjoying the idea that guys like Richard Seymore and Willie McGinest could succeed in either front. When JJ Watt came along, Seymore was the guy I thought he'd be most like.  And I thought it was a compliment until I saw JJ was even better at getting to the QB. I think he was even better at getting to the QB in Wade's system than he was at Wisconsin.

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I hate the yards allowed metric. Absolutely meaningless.

Jump out to a 21pt 4th qtr lead and you're going to go into time eating/yardage giving mode on defense.  < just one example of many

Your O turns it over at your own 22, yet you give up 7......... Impressive. You only gave up 22yds

Give me a defense that leads the league in points allowed..... Every. Single. Time. 

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