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The Police


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Look, I don't always agree with what the police do, but fighting them is stupid. Case in point: The woman tased by cops in Ohio for not wearing a mask. First off, I don't believe she was tased for simply not wearing a mask, they more than likely approached her and advised her that she had to have one on or leave the premises. She then refused and then she was going to have to be removed by force, if she didn't like it, she could have taken the ride to the police station and pleaded her case to the judge. Whether you like the cops or not they still have a job to do, just let them do it.

I have said before that I conceal carry. If for some reason I get pulled over and I don't agree with the reason, I'm not going to be uncooperative and not show him my ID. I'm going to do what ever he asks me to do and try not to get myself shot. I pay the ticket or contest it. People just have to start using some better judgement when it comes to the police, know your rights, just don't be an asshole.

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1 minute ago, hammertime said:


Why is this thread turning into something else? I'm just stating the fact that you make things worse for yourself when you fight the police. Am I wrong? There are ways to go about things. When I was younger, I used to get stopped by the local police all the time. Most of the time for something stupid like loud music, and it was always the same cop the stopped me. He eventually confinscated my radio faceplate and I had to make an appearance in front of the judge. When the judge asked me if I had learned anything I said " Yeah, don't get caught" We all had a laugh and I was on my way. Like I said, there are ways to go about things.

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27 minutes ago, Neo said:

Why is this thread turning into something else?

Because your point is empty, boring and not an issue. I'm sure no one agrees with everything cops do.

Do you agree with those democrats who shot 2 police officers point blank in Compton California... and the shootings of cops by democrats in Louisville and other places across the nation?

I am asking you because many on your side condone it, even cheer it. The left is evil.

And the fact that Joe Biden only recently for the first time had halfheartedly condemned the recent attack on cops.

Democrats are scum.


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57 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Because your point is empty, boring and not an issue. I'm sure no one agrees with everything cops do.

Do you agree with those democrats who shot 2 police officers point blank in Compton California... and the shootings of cops by democrats in Louisville and other places across the nation?

I am asking you because many on your side condone it, even cheer it. The left is evil.

And the fact that Joe Biden only recently for the first time had halfheartedly condemned the recent attack on cops.

Democrats are scum.




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7 hours ago, Neo said:

Look, I don't always agree with what the police do, but fighting them is stupid. Case in point: The woman tased by cops in Ohio for not wearing a mask. First off, I don't believe she was tased for simply not wearing a mask, they more than likely approached her and advised her that she had to have one on or leave the premises. She then refused and then she was going to have to be removed by force, if she didn't like it, she could have taken the ride to the police station and pleaded her case to the judge. Whether you like the cops or not they still have a job to do, just let them do it.

I have said before that I conceal carry. If for some reason I get pulled over and I don't agree with the reason, I'm not going to be uncooperative and not show him my ID. I'm going to do what ever he asks me to do and try not to get myself shot. I pay the ticket or contest it. People just have to start using some better judgement when it comes to the police, know your rights, just don't be an asshole.


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