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🔴 LIVE: Trump joins 'Save America' rally; Trump supporters hold multiple rallies—Washington DC


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but it's ok for lefties to do the same, even threaten Axe and his family... ?




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24 minutes ago, hoorta said:

 I'll let it slide this time- but let me refresh your memory I kicked Gorka off for a week after he called me and a few other posters a "piece of shit".   

So someone is calling out your double standard and this is your response?

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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

human garbage like neo

Oh yea, what about you keyboard warriors that talk all this shit but wouldn't do a damn thing if you were in public. The only thing you and your scumbag friends have done since I've come is basically tell me that I'm no better than people that are out looting and burning buildings because I identify as a Democrat. You and the of your friends are nothing but cowards. No spine, just like your coward in chief.  That's why I don't bother posting much any more you're a pathetic bitch.

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5 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

So someone is calling out your double standard and this is your response?

Sorry if you're confused.... 

4 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

He probably invited NEO and CC to the board for support.

When I want to see actual intelligent political commentary that isn't loaded with conspiracy crap, it sure isn't on this forum.  :D 

For kicks and giggles, haven't watched it yet, but I taped Insanity Hannity tonight to catch his 35,000 RPM spin on what happened yesterday.   

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You are the only one confused Son.

And a pathetic example of a Mod.


I admined  large  forum for almost 10 yrs. 10-15 mods.. Over the yrs a couple went totally biased like you. Sadly, I had to remove them..

Someone needs to do the board a favor and do the same with you.

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13 minutes ago, Axe said:

You are the only one confused Son.

And a pathetic example of a Mod.

I admined  large  forum for almost 10 yrs. 10-15 mods.. Over the yrs a couple went totally biased like you. Sadly, I had to remove them..

Someone needs to do the board a favor and do the same with you.

Sorry- I had to sensor one guy for continous profane ad hominum attacks. That's it. 

What? I'm not allowed to have opinions just because I'm a Moderator? Pound salt pal.  Yeah- if you're not far right here, you're a jerk, or a communist. I understand that....  

You many now continue with your conspiracies... 

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2 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Any of you guys ever get a kick out of imagining unsuspecting internet passers by reading this forum? You can almost see their twisted expressions and whispered “WTFs” as a post about a Trump rally takes a hard turn into necrophilia. Nice work fellas. Keep it wierd. 

If you are so above it all, and so aghast... You know where the door is.

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

but it's ok for lefties to do the same, even threaten Axe and his family... ?




I read the article. Bit of a tough read for me with all the linked tweets and me trying to figure out who the tweeters were and what they had to do with the article as a whole. I think l finally got it though. 

Water Buffalo guy - Pro Trump guy and an actor

Hammer and Scythe tattoo guy - showed up on an Antifa site as a suspected neo-nazi/white supremacist.

John Sullivan - definite anti Trump guy, claims he was there to document the protest and later interviewed by CNN. 

So basically that guy did for CNN what the author of the article did for Redstate: give an accounting of the events that occurred. 

So yes. To your point, there was a blm/antifa type guy was there. 

Pretty odd mix of people to be hanging out together, but hey, they found a common activity to do together, so that’s something.

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4 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I read the article. Bit of a tough read for me with all the linked tweets and me trying to figure out who the tweeters were and what they had to do with the article as a whole. I think l finally got it though. 
Water Buffalo guy - Pro Trump guy and an actor

Hammer and Scythe tattoo guy - showed up on an Antifa site as a suspected neo-nazi/white supremacist.

John Sullivan - definite anti Trump guy, claims he was there to document the protest and later interviewed by CNN. 
So basically that guy did for CNN what the author of the article did for Redstate: give an accounting of the events that occurred. 
So yes. To your point, there was a blm/antifa type guy was there. 

Pretty odd mix of people to be hanging out together, but hey, they found a common activity to do together, so that’s something.

fair enough. btw, Trump peaceful protesters stopped and tried to stop the nutjobs from breaking windows and getting inside the building.


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1 minute ago, calfoxwc said:

fair enough. btw, Trump peaceful protesters stopped and tried to stop the nutjobs from breaking windows and getting inside the building.


Well from the looks of it, a couple hundred nut jobs got inside.  

Were there a few from the left in the crowd as agitators? Don't doubt it Cal.  But what I also don't doubt is at least 99% of those folks were Trump supporters. Really- breaking into the Capitol while full Congress is in session and you fancy yourself a "Patriot"? When the Feds knock on your door to haul you off to jail, I think you'll find out the Government has a different view of your activity.   

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blah blah blah. all those who broke the law should be prosecuted. Not one of you lefties wanted antifa/blm prosecuted.


Utah Man With a History of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM Protests, Was Inside the Capitol

Katie Pavlich
Posted: Jan 07, 2021 3:10 PM
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Well one good thing we've discovered is we're finally in agreement on what a peaceful protest is not.  This has been happening for the past 4 years now, glad some of you have come around.  

And be mad at Trump if you want, but don't forget the very same media that is pretending to be objective right now, has been happily stoking this fire.

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6 hours ago, htownbrown said:

Well one good thing we've discovered is we're finally in agreement on what a peaceful protest is not.  This has been happening for the past 4 years now, glad some of you have come around.  

And be mad at Trump if you want, but don't forget the very same media that is pretending to be objective right now, has been happily stoking this fire.

It's only ok when the libtards destroy things.

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11 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

blah blah blah. all those who broke the law should be prosecuted. Not one of you lefties wanted antifa/blm prosecuted.


Utah Man With a History of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM Protests, Was Inside the Capitol

Katie Pavlich
Posted: Jan 07, 2021 3:10 PM

And the woman who was shot and died was a big Trump and QAnon supporter.  Yup, the spin is getting pretty  thick from the right. 

Maybe you missed those inflammatory speeches by Donnie Jr, Ghool-iani, and the Head Seditionist. There was a keg of gunpowder waiting in the revved up crowd,  and Trump threw a match into it. 

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Lawmakers and Leftists Continue to Push ‘Get in Their Face ...


“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Obama said on the presidential campaign trail in September 2008. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican.” “I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” Obama said.

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Obama on GOP: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We ...


Barack Obama is warning supporters that the general election fight between him and John McCain may get ugly, but the Illinois senator is vowing not to back down. "If they bring a knife to the ...

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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Obama on GOP: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We ...


Barack Obama is warning supporters that the general election fight between him and John McCain may get ugly, but the Illinois senator is vowing not to back down. "If they bring a knife to the ...

And what exactly does Obama have to do with the Insurrection at the Capitol?  I know who's responsible, but there's still a few in denial over it...  

And just stop with the lame shit argument- the classic "the exception proves the rule".  Maybe about a dozen Antifa in the mountainous haystack of 5,000? or so MAGAs and QAnons? See- IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT!!!! 

So who started it? The guy who Tweeted "come on down to Washington January 6th. It's going to be HUGE!!" It turned out to be huger than even the Tweeter in Chief could have imagined. May wind him in jail if Pence or Biden don't pardon him for sedition. 

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blah blah whine blah...

now they will have to live with it.


Like Obama, Like Biden: Let the Seeds of Racial Division Be Sewn; At Every Concocted Opportunity

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36 minutes ago, Vambo said:


I'll start up at the bottom of this bullshit. No outrage? The violence was widely condemned, by both Democrats and Republicans. Of course the MAGAs are too dense (or too drunk on Trump Kool-Aid) to recognize the key difference between garden variety riots and breaking into the US Capitol while full Congress was in session.  

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blah blah.

ATTENTION: arson, beating the hell out of policemen, and bystanders.

not one time did I see the haters condemn the blm/antifa rioters. They were condoned by pelosi...

and it was not criticized by dirtbags obaMao commie or biden or moochelle...

and the police were ordered to stand down and let them do it.

  the criminal damage and trespassing etc into Congress ?

throw the book at them.

but letting the leftwing brownshirts/blackshirts (nazi/mussolini references) do whatever they wanted...

also should have been prosecuted.


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39 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I'll start up at the bottom of this bullshit. No outrage? The violence was widely condemned, by both Democrats and Republicans. Of course the MAGAs are too dense (or too drunk on Trump Kool-Aid) to recognize the key difference between garden variety riots and breaking into the US Capitol while full Congress was in session.  

Unless they are against a Democrat!



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