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Evaluate the QBs


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I vote Quinn. Anderson freezes up under pressure, and we all already know this. At this point, continuing with DA splitting the reps is just hindering Quinn. Name a starter and get that guy ready.


Apparently, Fox Sports ranked Quinn's passing performance 12th for the week and Anderson is ranked 34th. (He beat Grossman.)



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BQ won the night even though edwards left him hanging in the endzone (nothing new)and its BQs job to lose again..DA was just DA below average and pathetic and ratliff absolutely sucks our oline sucks and so much for a running game...any wins this year will have to come off of BQs arm and our rookie WRs..

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Quinn wins the night, like everyone has said. Slam dunk.


We have read how much Quinn studied Tom Brady in the off season. On his first drop back, I noticed a dramatic change in Quinn's feet. SUPER QUIET. It is obvoius to me he has made huge strides to have quiet feet in the pocket, but maintaining his rapid progression through his reads.


Another game like this and Quinn is in for good.


However, if you're really trying to decide between these two QB's, I'm not sure the coaches saw enough to move towards a decision. Our offense had the ball for very little time and I think they should have let each QB go some into the second half, unless the desision has been made...



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I didn't watch the game, but I see where we scored zero points.


So Pro Bowler Anderson obviously still has the advantage.


He has accomplished something, whereas Quinn, in year three, still has done nothing...



--Not trying to be a dick .. but if Quinn doesn't take "the bull by the horns" ... let's go with the guy that we KNOW can win 10, hit 29 and throw for 3,7000...


I am starting to posts like these are made on purpose to get a rile from Quinn's fans.


Listen, the system was brought in for him. Randy drafted him to be the franchise face, Mangini didn't bring his Jets offense(which was similiar to the Browns offense in 2007-8) so Quinn could be the man.


The fact Anderson had no trade value and still is rotting in the tree, is besides the point.

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We know what Anderson can do, Quinn has done nothing ... what am I missing?



--Brady Quinn, we all love you, DO SOMETHING...


In a different system that better fitted him.....and he was average cept for about a 4 game period.


Time to move on Zombo, reality hurts, but it is what it is.

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I didn't watch the game, but I see where we scored zero points.


So Pro Bowler Anderson obviously still has the advantage.


He has accomplished something, whereas Quinn, in year three, still has done nothing...



--Not trying to be a dick .. but if Quinn doesn't take "the bull by the horns" ... let's go with the guy that we KNOW can win 10, hit 29 and throw for 3,7000...


zombo.... lay off the crack pipe dude... Quinn took our offense into the red zone both times he had the ball. He drove down field, and was VERY accurate. He threw a perfect TD to Braylon, that was dropped, he threw another catchable ball to Braylon that bounced off his hands and into the hands of the safety. Quinn was very productive tonight, he ran the no huddle, and read blitzes.


DA looked like a clown... seriously, all jokes aside he looked like a real life clown, his footwork is terrible, and his passes were waaaaaay off the mark. He threw 1 complete pass and that was a screen to harrison (that counted as a handofff because it was backwards) and LOST yardage.... Bernie Kosar said he must not have read the blitz... or the man coverage....


DA is a great practice player, outside of that he is garbage. Yeah he put up 29 TD's and won 10 games, he went to the pro bowl (and SUCKED horribly when in showing that he diddnt deserve to be there). But the fact of the matter is, he played a great game the first time around against cincy that padded his stats. After that he had a few good games then shat the bed, and hes been doing it ever since. Defeses have figured him out, they get it, hence why it only took a couple snaps for him to throw the pick.


You say you trust DA because of what he has done in the past, and not Quinn because he hasnt done anything. I think that is a load of shit. In the past DA has showed his garbage tendancies. Quinn has showed us that when healthy he can put up a QB rating over 100 in an NFL game, which he did. We know what DA is, and im sorry for you to hear it man, but he's garbage, and Quinn has the potential to be great, if we give him a chance. DA got his chance, chances in 06 (2 games), 07(15 games) and 08 (8 games?) and he has showed that he ant do it? Where has Quinn showed he cant do it? Practice? I dont want to get AI on your ass, but were talking about practice, not the game, but practice. And clearly Quinn has proven enough to get a shot, after all what did DA prove to get his shot in 07? NOTHING! He lost that battle remember? So all im asking of you Zombo, is to give Quinn his chance so we can see if he is Tom Brady or Joey Harrington, we need to give him a few seasons starting chances like NY gave Eli....


Thats it

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Since you didn't watch the game:


  • Quinn's first drive: Took the ball from own 21 to the 13. So, 66 yards and a FG, except Fraley holds, and Phil misses the follow up FG.
  • Anderson's first drive: 3 and out. 4 yards gained in 3 plays.
  • Anderson's second drive: Browns get the ball at the 50 after a missed 60+ yard FG attempt by GB. He hits DB Blackman in the gut, who drops it. And 1 play and 6 yards later (5 of which were from a penalty), he floats an interception.
  • Quinn's second drive: 1:50 to go in the half and takes Browns from own 45 to the 6 in 40 seconds without using any timeouts. Very efficient. On 2nd down, he hits Braylon in the hands in the end zone and on 3rd down he is picked.
  • Then halftime and Ratliff plays the rest of the way


Donovan calls Quinn's throw to Cribbs in the seam "perfect", Bernie says the same about the throw to Braylon in the end zone, and NFL network calling the throw on the slant to Furrey "perfect" as well. 3 commentators calling 3 different throws perfect. Quinn has two drives, one 66 yards (NFL Network saying "Quinn is looking terrific") and one 49 yards. DA's drives totaled 10 yards, 5 of which came from defensive holding. The missed FG is out of Quinn's control and he flippin' hit Braylon right in the damn hands.


Now, I agree neither lit the world on fire, but Quinn clearly did at least a little better.


And as far as Anderson's Pro Bowl track record, in '07 he was our worst ranked offensive player and in '08 he was the leagues worst QB. I don't want to go with the guy we know.

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We know what Anderson can do, Quinn has done nothing ... what am I missing?



--Brady Quinn, we all love you, DO SOMETHING...



You obviously missed the end of DA as a starting NFL QB. Don't give an opinion if you didn't even see the damn game.


Some of you guys make yourself look so stupid when you give an opinion without even watching the game with your own eyes.


"Highlights"??? Highlights??!!! I guess you only saw replays of when Quinn was in there. LOL

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I've seen Derek Anderson throw for 5 TDs in an NFL game and I've seen absolutely nothing from Brady Quinn but a nice little loss to the worst defense in the NFL last year.


I am seriously not trying to be a dick ... but when does Brady Quinn start impressing me as a pro? I'm ready.





When? This season.


Christ, the kid has played 1 1/2 games healthy and all 10 fingers "working" and was still able to put up 30 pts in those games. You're ready to write the kid off after 3 or 4 games in his career? Give the kid a chance to show you/us.


Stop living in 2007. What, 2008 didn't happen or something? DA stunk up the joint...and look at how 2009 has began...the same as it was last year. He stinks!

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I guess my standards are still too high ... I just want to see Brady Quinn TAKE the job. I wanna see something special. Otherwise, let's just go with Anderson and play some defense for a change.



--Don't get intercepted in the end zone ... make the play, get the start, and never look back ... TAKE the job, for the love of God...



If the Browns scored 10 pts in the very short time Quinn was in, would you sat he was "taking" control of the job?


Because, that's what he really did. He did his job to get the 10 pts. Other guys f'd up to make sure that didn't happen.

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I'm not writing "the kid" off ... I'm saying, "hey, Kid, ... Impress me!"


If he's not as good as Big Gay Ben or Palmer, then we made a mistake, let's go back to the drawing board.


Quinn is in his third NFL Season ... he needs to take over and never look back ... if he is not an absolute superstar, then he is a failure, let's go with the guy that can get us 10-29-3700, play some defense, and go back to the drafting board.


Brady Quinn has one week to win the job, and one season to throw for 30 TDs and 3800 yards ... otherwise he is useless to the Cleveland Browns.




DAMN man!! I know Giants fans are glad their coaches and organization didn't think like you when they were watching Eli struggle early. He didn't throw for 30 and 3800...(in fact he NEVER has) and look where they are now. A nice big fat shiny ring on their finger.

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At the present time,


Quinn is our man as #1 he will make some mistakes but he will improve. Overall he will give us an opportunity to win.


note: Cribbs is NOT a Receiver! I love what Cribbs can do as an athlete but he cannot run routes!


As for DA he should be demoted to 3rd string or less, I say cut him or trade him for a washing machine or something that will be useful to the team. DA has regressed, he has proven that he can not overcome a QB competition during his whole career.

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Anderson has thrown for 29 and 3700. If Quinn can't throw for 30 and 3800, then he is useless to us.


Either prove you are better than Anderson, or get the f*** out of the way ... you have one more week.





LMAO... it's like talking to a wall.... :rolleyes:


What did "29 and 3700" get us? Did we make the playoffs? Didn't think so.


I, and the more intelligent Browns fans, are more interested in "wins" and "playoffs" and "championships" than "30 and 3800".

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let's go with the guy that can get us 10-29-3700, play some defense, and go back to the drafting board.



After watching DA tonight, I'm not so sure he can/will ever be able to be that 10-29-3700 guy ever again...which really sucks. I loved that feeling I used to get watching DA - that we always had a chance to come back and win. I just don't get that feeling anymore. It's been replaced by - when is he going to self-destruct?

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Quinn's numbers 7 of 11 with one int... Let's say Braylon catches the perfect pass that hit him in the hands... You do not need pass #11.. then Quinns numbers are 8 of 10 with an TD.... It's amazing what one dropped and one bobbled pass can do to your numbers. Quinn, while not great.. certainly played better than DA who should have had 2 int's... He looked terrible.. What was that deep duck into double coverage???? I could have thrown up that blind duck.. Round one goes to quinn on a decision...

Overall. We looked terrible. Frayley was getting pushed around just like last year.. Mack.. I give a pass in his first nfl game.. Must improve. Run Defense STILL SUCKS.. pass rush..STILL nonexistent.... I know it's just preseason and the sky is not falling... But the hail stones loom large right now.

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I am intelligent enough to realize that if you throw for 3700 and 29 and go 10-6 WITH THE 30TH RANKED DEFENSE IN THE NFL then I can win with you if I improve my f***ing defense.




Otherwise, I am quite open on the quraterback positon ... wait, did I miss something ... did somebody do something tonight?



--STEELERS 1st DEFENSE, RAVENS 2nd DEFENSE, BROWNS 30th DEFENSE ... let's fix the QB position, that'll show 'em!


dude, tom brady diddnt even get to 29 and 3700 until 2007.....

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Quinn looked like a genuine pro moving the ball unlike DA he wasnt afforded the luxury of 2 back to back drives to get a rythm going but got a rythm anyways..DA looked like genuine shit and made yet another lame excuse for his bad decision.. im sure the staff has already amongst themselves determined the starter if they havent they need not be coaching because the the class difference between round 1 and round 6 was quite visible on and off the field..


DQ fags and gentlemen we have an un-named starter!

Its time to name BQ the starter and begin making full preparations for the season instead of wasting more valuable time evaluating a bad bet in DA..

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Anderson has a rough night

Posted by Mike Florio on August 15, 2009 10:25 PM ET



Browns quarterback Derek Anderson didn't get the start on Saturday night, when Cleveland traveled to Lambeau Field.


In hindsight, Anderson might wish he hadn't played at all.


In two drives, Anderson threw two incomplete passes, one of which was intercepted.


Then, with 1:50 on the clock before halftime, starter Brady Quinn returned.


The only silver lining for Anderson is that Quinn threw an interception, too.





I'm wondering if rhythm passer DA is going to have trouble with this method of a QB competition. A series in and a series out makes it difficult to get in the groove.

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Round 1 of Browns' Quarterback Fight Goes to Brady Quinn

Posted Aug 15, 2009 11:59PM By Chris Burke (RSS feed)



If Cleveland's Brady Quinn-Derek Anderson quarterback battle was Mike Tyson's Punch Out, then Anderson played the role of Glass Joe on Saturday night in Green Bay. If it was a horror film, Anderson was the sexually precocious teenagers that run off into the woods, then die. If it was Simon and Garfunkel, Anderson was Garfunkel.


OK, this thing's falling apart. Long story short, Anderson stunk.


Anderson quarterbacked two possessions against the Packers, finishing 0-of-2 passing with one interception and a near-interception. Quinn wasn't sensational -- 7-of-11 for 68 yards and a pick -- but next to Anderson, he looked like Johnny Unitas.


It was bad enough that, after Tramon Williams intercepted an Anderson pass midway through the second quarter, Cleveland coach Eric Mangini reinserted Quinn into the lineup just before halftime -- almost an unheard of preseason move.


This thing's far from over, of course. One decent performance from Quinn isn't going to be enough for him to definitively claim the Browns' starting job.


But let's be honest about this: if either of the pair needs to go out and win the spot, as opposed to simply not losing it, it's Anderson.


Quinn's in the third year of a five-year rookie contract. The Browns drafted him as their future franchise QB, and have since opted not to trade him, despite multiple reported opportunities. They're not keeping a promising 24-year-old quarterback around just to sit him on the bench.


Placing Quinn second on the depth chart, though, becomes much more reasonable if Anderson shows he's the guy Cleveland saw in 2007. Anderson threw for 3,787 yards that season with a 29-19 touchdown-to-interception ratio and went to the Pro Bowl. Last year, in 10 games, he had 2,000 less yards and 20 less touchdowns.


On Saturday in Green Bay, Anderson didn't look much like a Pro Bowler. He looked like Garfunkel -- and that's not another crazy analogy; he looked like how I would imagine Art Garfunkel would look playing quarterback in the NFL.


That's not going to be good enough to win the starter's role.


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Zombo's posting in a thread analying QB play from a particular game he didn't see?


Smart. Real Smart.


Go to a friend's house, watch the game on a TIVO replay, then come back and post with the big boys.


Seriously, I get your point on the QB's. However, the QB that you pine for that threw 29 TD's and 3,700 yards went 0 and 0 on those two stats respectively. Oh, but he did have a "1" in the INT column. DA looked pretty darn bad. Matter of fact, we haven't seen that guy but for one game in the past year and a half to 2 years. Might want to move on.


Quinn looked efficient. If our starting center doesn't hold on a FG attempt and our all pro WR catches a routine pass, Quinn would have put 10 points on the board.


All that said, the OL and defense looked pretty crappy so worrying about who starts at QB is probably the least of our concern.

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Quinn is in his third NFL Season ... he needs to take over and never look back ...


You are right, Zombo.


Simply stated, Quinn is in a position where he needs to be 'prime time player'. The fact that the Browns still have a QB 'controversy' is sickening.


This is year #3 for Quinn. His apprenticeship is over. No more excuses.


If he doesn't leave Anderson in the dust then, even his strong supporters, need to take notice.


Disclaimer: I want him to succeed. Just that he has to DO SOMETHING. When I saw the score this AM, I assumed that Anderson started and played the bulk of the game. When I noticed that DA was the 3rd QB and noticed that Quinn averaged just over 6 yards a completion, a sick feeling came over me.


Leave the excuses at the door. Stand and deliver. Otherwise, BQ needs a change of scenery.


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Anderson looked awful. Quinn looked much better. That is what you missed.


Who was it that said, "When you have two QBs, you have no QBs".


Being better than DA's putrid performance isn't going to do it for me.


From the raw numbers, the other QB played as well as, or better than, BQ.


Maybe, just maybe, Mangini will start the QB he knows best. Wouldn't that speak volumes???

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Guest SoupDawg


Your a chump zombo


Your poor fatass can't even afford cable TV.


LOL, Jesus, even the steeler fans on this board rank above you man. I am sick of brown fan posers posting on this site.


I will paypal 50$ to have Zombo and LUmbergh banned. Dead serious. PM me for paypal.

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