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Heels Up Harris.. The Pride of the Left


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3 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Then- in that case I apologize... and I am truly sorry. 

But-  come January 20th- I'm pretty much gone here, it's just a waste of time... There's far too much delusion- just look at the threads started- 90%+ of Red State, Blaze propaganda.  

And I still have 3 pts I didn't deserve.


Good night.. Please don't alter this thread to suit your purposes.


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Just now, Axe said:

" You suck Trumps tiny male appendage "

This is what you said to me earlier in this thread..

Had I said this to you about Biden?

But it's OK to Bash Kamala the whore.  Now I admit probably over the top-= but the rhetoric is getting pretty heated. Great- have at it... 

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I can’t really get too worked up about who’s sleeping with who when it comes to powerful people. I suppose l’m just desensitized and assume it’s what powerful people do. As long as they’re consenting adults it doesn’t really red line my outrage-o-meter.

At least in Willie’s case he had been separated from his wife 12 years before he met Kamala, so it’s more like he was “married.” 


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50 minutes ago, hoorta said:

If it makes you feel better- I'll revoke them, but I have to further review.... 

LOL, my short term memory is shot. BUT I dont give warnings out without a damn good reason. So just remember- next time I won't be so nice to clear your account... 

PS- 20\22 right wing rants Threads  is damn proof this forum is so biased- it's not worth bothering with.... 

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but leftwing rants are fine, because of a certain someone's bigotry.

got it.

that is how it works with emotional knee jerking. They get so bad they give themselves nosebleeds.

and threaten anyone who disagrees with their crap.

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11 hours ago, Axe said:

And I still have 3 pts I didn't deserve.


Good night.. Please don't alter this thread to suit your purposes.


Free Speech is being denied all over .... guess who demands that everyone STFU for having opinions about even about football that are not you know who approved:


 The Browns Hire Asshat Grigson Back As Consultant!

CENSORED: replied to nickers's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD
Well I do so- kindlySTFU . Mr. Knowitall..... Post deleted...

    February 15, 2020 69 replies

Andrew Luck

CENSORED: replied to Gunz41's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD
...So kindlySTFU about it already.


CENSORED: replied to Tacosman's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD
...soSTFU Woody.
CENSORED: replied to gumby73's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD
...Dorsey listened to Hue and told himSTFU , go sit in the corner Minion. So troll-a-matic, want to explain how Hue (by his own admission as of yesterday) doesn't know who DORSEY is going to pick? $hit- even Haslam doesn't know yet. Make no mistake about it- Dorsey is making the personnel decisi...

Exactly when did "everyone" here climb onto the Chubb train? And why?

CENSORED: replied to Tour2ma's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD
...thenSTFU . And you can stop that crap Dorsey will draft whoever Hue tells him to. If that was the case the guy Jackson really wanted- AJ McCarron would be the Browns quarterback, not Tyrod Taylor. The assistant coaches, Haley and Williams- you probably didn't know their names- and I'll bet y...

Jets trade up

CENSORED: replied to jcam222's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD
...you're full of it- if not- thenSTFU on your Barkley love. Too much green beer or Irish whisky today Po? Or hallucinogenic substances? Without a doubt- Barkley or Chubb will be there at #4.

NFL.com's Pre-Combine grades are out...

CENSORED: replied to Tour2ma's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD
...SoSTFU . last year or so your hero Lynch bust-o. 6.17, hurt &sucks. When we do screw up another draft, get back to me Tom, you aint got a crystal ball.
   SAY, this one is really a hoot:
On 8/6/2014 at 12:33 AM, Mike H said:

No, I respect a lot of their opinions, and you didn't say anything about the possibility of injury being rather high. You openly wished he got hurt, then backtracked and said it was sarcasm.

You're a garbage mod, fan, prognosticator, whatever you think you are.
    n 8/6/2014 at 2:15 AM, CENSORED: said:

    Maybe you'll realize it when you grow up, and learn to respect dissenting opinions- even if you disagree with them.


anybody wondering who CENSORED: is?

    do a search on it. There are so many more.....

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17 hours ago, hoorta said:

Then don't try to be a jerk. ONE  warning. 

So sorry you're all butthurt- just like The Trumptards- that Cheetos can't lie his way to another term.   Let me refresh your memory- you got a time out for explicitly calling others "a piece of shit" and "dumb fucks" you can now STFU.   

Believe me, if I didn't have to hold my tounge as a Moderator- you'd be getting an earful of profanity- that doubtless Steve would look the other way on...

You sure you're not just drunk with a tiny amount of power? This whole country maybe the whole world is one big personal insult and you're gonna get offended by that?

Steve doubtless would have let it slide and I, for one, commend him. Flags are ruining the game. Let them play. 

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Mike Huckabee says Kamala Harris also should be impeached given standard used against Trump


'If we're gonna play this game, everybody should have a turn'


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On 1/18/2021 at 4:06 PM, The Cysko Kid said:

You sure you're not just drunk with a tiny amount of power? This whole country maybe the whole world is one big personal insult and you're gonna get offended by that?

Steve doubtless would have let it slide and I, for one, commend him. Flags are ruining the game. Let them play. 

still waiting for an answer......from you know who.

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23 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

still waiting for an answer......from you know who.

not only that, but kamoola dirtbag hooris is an illegitimate VP.


3 Reasons Why Kamala Harris is a Corrupt Opportunist ...


Wrongful Conviction: Kamala Harris is not only an expert in colluding with the corrupt and letting off criminals but also in prosecuting the innocents.

Kamala Harris’ rampant prosecutorial abuses


As a prosecutor, Harris too often abused her office in just the way she decried as a campaigner. The former San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general is the last person who...

Kamala Harris follows a pattern - Corruption News


Kamala Harris completes the Democrats’ Manchurian candidate ticket. Let us explore a pattern of corruption peculiar to Democrats and see how Kamala Harris fits in. (Article by Stu Cvrk republished from UncoverDC.com)

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So I'm curious, now the vice president Harris has shown a generation of young woman exactly how to get ahead.....

Had she not gotten political help for having sex with Willie Brown could or should she join the me-too movement and sue him like the actresses who blew Harvey Weinstein and did not become big stars?



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Kamala Harris follows a pattern - Corruption News


Kamala Harris completes the Democrats’ Manchurian candidate ticket. Let us explore a pattern of corruption peculiar to Democrats and see how Kamala Harris fits in. (Article by Stu Cvrk republished from UncoverDC.com)

Dirty prosecutor Kamala Harris rages with fake ...


Dirty prosecutors like Harris are why dirty cops like Derek Chauvin were able to operate with impunity in their blue city bubble, until they killed someone. For Harris to be yelling this is the...

It's CONFIRMED! Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top


Swamp critter Kamala Harris is running for President. The woman known as the “female Obama” is the lunatic Attorney General who prosecuted David Daleiden for taping the brutal Planned Parenthood officials selling baby body parts in California.

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Kamala Harris: This is how a dictator comes to power


Kamala Harris: This is how a dictator comes to power ... something nasty will happen to Biden shortly after he takes the oath of office. ... and an end to cow flatulence (no kidding). Harris was ...

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