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Magnetic Morons

MLD Woody

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I won't fault anyone for not wanting to get the vaccine. There are documented cases of otherwise healthy people who have neurological sequelae following vaccination. The long term risks are not and will not be known for decades. All of us who have gotten it are the guinea pigs, like it or not. That said, if you are at risk because you are old, fat, pregnant, immunosuppressed, have an autoimmune disease or any combination of the above, you should probably get the vaccine. 

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This started in 2011 with Malaria.


You have multiple Companies making different types of Vaccines, and each Company has different batches that are distributed to different parts of the Country.

They are not all the same - some are even Placebos.


This is still an experimental drug undergoing testing, and will not be out of testing until ~ 2023 if lucky (and that's pushing it).


The only reason this is out is because it has EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).


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48 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

I won't fault anyone for not wanting to get the vaccine. There are documented cases of otherwise healthy people who have neurological sequelae following vaccination. The long term risks are not and will not be known for decades. All of us who have gotten it are the guinea pigs, like it or not. That said, if you are at risk because you are old, fat, pregnant, immunosuppressed, have an autoimmune disease or any combination of the above, you should probably get the vaccine. 

YEP. There is a risk - any surgery, there is a risk. But I'm really glad I got my shoulder put back right, delighted to have an artificial bionic super knee.

     Wife's best friend's husband didn't want to get the vaccine. Got covid. Refused to go to the hospital until too late. Died. Was getting ready to retire.

   Personally, I"m wasn't keen on the J&J  - we got the Phizer. Don't know of anyone who has had any problem, exempt one friend who said her arm hurt after the second shot.

There is surely a nurse here and there that can't aim right.


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2 minutes ago, JAFBF said:





This started in 2011 with Malaria.


You have multiple Companies making different types of Vaccines, and each Company has different batches that are distributed to different parts of the Country.

They are not all the same - some are even Placebos.


This is still an experimental drug undergoing testing, and will not be out of testing until ~ 2023 if lucky (and that's pushing it).


The only reason this is out is because it has EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).


And there's our resident crazy person. Right on cue 

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17 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

And there's our resident crazy person. Right on cue 


Yes or no, this shot has completed trials and has been fully approved ?



FWIW - I've seen dozens of these the past few weeks.


And like I said, even the formulas from the same Company are different.


I could go into other aspects of this, but it's pointless.


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46 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


Yes or no, this shot has completed trials and has been fully approved ?



FWIW - I've seen dozens of these the past few weeks.


And like I said, even the formulas from the same Company are different.


I could go into other aspects of this, but it's pointless.


You're joking, right?

This has to be a joke.

You can't be this stupid 


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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You're joking, right?

This has to be a joke.

You can't be this stupid 



Yea, it's all a big joke.



Different Companies.

Different formulations even within the same Company.

Different areas of distribution.


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2 hours ago, JAFBF said:


Yea, it's all a big joke.



Different Companies.

Different formulations even within the same Company.

Different areas of distribution.


You're a fucking moron man. This is maybe the dumbest thing you've ever believed. I seriously think you have some kind of learning deficiency if you believe this. My god. How do you believe any tweet or tiktok you see as long as it advanced the brain dead, dipshit, anti fact maga right wing agenda?


You understand people's natural oils can make them sticky, right? No of course you don't. Because the only solution must be that a fucking vaccine magnetizes people. 

Put some baby powder on the arm and then try this again.

But wait, you have no fucking idea what the scientific method even is, let alone how to apply it. Because you're one of the biggest morons to ever live.

Actually, that's harsh. If this past year has shown us anything it's that a giant portion of our population is actually clinically brain dead. 

For fuck sake

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

You're a fucking moron man. This is maybe the dumbest thing you've ever believed. I seriously think you have some kind of learning deficiency if you believe this. My god. How do you believe any tweet or tiktok you see as long as it advanced the brain dead, dipshit, anti fact maga right wing agenda?


You understand people's natural oils can make them sticky, right? No of course you don't. Because the only solution must be that a fucking vaccine magnetizes people. 

Put some baby powder on the arm and then try this again.

But wait, you have no fucking idea what the scientific method even is, let alone how to apply it. Because you're one of the biggest morons to ever live.

Actually, that's harsh. If this past year has shown us anything it's that a giant portion of our population is actually clinically brain dead. 

For fuck sake


You have no idea what's going on with this.



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11 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


You have no idea what's going on with this.




Hahahaha, as if you do. 



You're brain dead dude. Please don't ever vote or do anything that affects other people. Like literally don't even try to put up a fence because it will probably hurt your neighbor in some way. 



You're a fucking moron. You are. I know the "correct" way to deal with you Q conspiracy nutjobs is to try and get to your level and find common ground, but fuck that. You lost any level of respect for that a long time ago. You're just a gullible, braindead, dipshit.

HIV? Magnetism??? Because you saw it in a tweet, on 8chan, or on some conspiracy pedaling site?

Fuck outta here

If you have kids I hope they didn't inheriy your completely inability for critical thought 

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Hahahaha, as if you do. 


You're brain dead dude. Please don't ever vote or do anything that affects other people. Like literally don't even try to put up a fence because it will probably hurt your neighbor in some way. 

You're a fucking moron. You are. I know the "correct" way to deal with you Q conspiracy nutjobs is to try and get to your level and find common ground, but fuck that. You lost any level of respect for that a long time ago. You're just a gullible, braindead, dipshit.

HIV? Magnetism??? Because you saw it in a tweet, on 8chan, or on some conspiracy pedaling site?

Fuck outta here

If you have kids I hope they didn't inherit your completely inability for critical thought 

OMG- a complete Q-Ball.  it's gone from Bill Gates microchips to magnetism now? There is NO WAY IN HELL a vaccine could somehow induce "magnetism".  But the true believers believe. China has a solution for crazies like that- involuntary sterilization to protect the gene pool...   

You want to be magnetized?  Go buy a pound or two of iron fillings and swallow them. Probably won't feel  all that great.   

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11 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


Hahahaha, as if you do. 



You're brain dead dude. Please don't ever vote or do anything that affects other people. Like literally don't even try to put up a fence because it will probably hurt your neighbor in some way. 



You're a fucking moron. You are. I know the "correct" way to deal with you Q conspiracy nutjobs is to try and get to your level and find common ground, but fuck that. You lost any level of respect for that a long time ago. You're just a gullible, braindead, dipshit.

HIV? Magnetism??? Because you saw it in a tweet, on 8chan, or on some conspiracy pedaling site?

Fuck outta here

If you have kids I hope they didn't inheriy your completely inability for critical thought 




Perhaps, but it seems like I'm a bit more zeroed in than you are.


Whole lot more than just this going on.


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28 minutes ago, JAFBF said:




Perhaps, but it seems like I'm a bit more zeroed in than you are.


Whole lot more than just this going on.


You mindlessly search the dumb side if the internet for whacky shit to confirm your already held beliefs. You take TikTok and tweets as gospel if they help confirm your warped view of reality. 


The only thing you're zeroed in on is wasting the end of your life with nonsense conspiracy theories as you lose your grip on what's real. 

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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

There are risks everywhere in life. It is of course ironic that the group who insults people who have concerns about the vaccine are the same people who still wear masks walking down the street. 



- I'm not sure you fully understand irony

- A much larger group than that is making fun of these magnetic Morons

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4 hours ago, Axe said:

Just in case there is any doubt as to who the magnetic morons are.


Woodpeckers Flat Bars, Side Kicks and Magnetic Clamping ...

The length of the Woodpeckers Magnetic Clamp Blocks spreads the clamping force over a much larger area, making each clamp more effective and often reducing the number of clamps needed. The Woodpeckers Magnetic Clamp Blocks (#Woodpeckers Magnetic Clamp Blocks-4) sell for $23.95 per pair. In The Shop
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If anyone wants to step up and defend JAFBF and others, be my guest.

Tell me you think the vaccine causes you to become magnetized.


Really, go ahead. Tell us. Don't just take little pot shots on the side. Do you think this is actually happening?

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35 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

If anyone wants to step up and defend JAFBF and others, be my guest.

Tell me you think the vaccine causes you to become magnetized.


Really, go ahead. Tell us. Don't just take little pot shots on the side. Do you think this is actually happening?

It sounds as far fetched as the 64 different genders you Libtards are preaching.

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12 hours ago, hoorta said:

OMG- a complete Q-Ball.  it's gone from Bill Gates microchips to magnetism now? There is NO WAY IN HELL a vaccine could somehow induce "magnetism".  But the true believers believe. China has a solution for crazies like that- involuntary sterilization to protect the gene pool...   

You want to be magnetized?  Go buy a pound or two of iron fillings and swallow them. Probably won't feel  all that great.   

I'll agree here.. They don't need the damn chip.. They already track you via phone..

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Well hers a known fact.... We are surrounded by so much generated Electro Magnetic Frequences  such as Televisions.. Computers and appliances that are own natural Electro Magnetic Field has been decreased.. We used to be able to use our own EMF to detect danger and disasters like animals did in the distant past.. This sadly is no longer the case...

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