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Magnetic Morons

MLD Woody

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21 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

We're literally in a thread where a poster is claiming the vaccines make you magnetic....


Your Thread.


I'm just posting examples and possible explanations too said Magnetism.


There are far too many examples out there (some high profile) too just offhandedly dismiss them.



If folks haven't figured it out yet, I tend too dig into $hit too see if it's valid or not - I don't care if people think it's crazy it or not.

No, doesn't mean I'm right all time (more than not), but it does mean I don't trust/believe these B*stards (MSM) one bit.


We've got some real life crazy surrounding us right now in case you haven't noticed   .   .   .  


This just happens too not be a resolved issue yet.


Could be BS, but it's not looking like it so far.


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Just for the record how much stock I put into this just about zero. Mostly because I don't really care. Only the woodpecker cares. But here's a big pile of boring horseshit for him to bellyache about. Keep in mind that Forbes is a never Trump publication.



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Just more weird $hit, huh ?


It's going too keep coming as people start too realize what's going on   .   .   .  




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On 6/10/2021 at 11:04 PM, MLD Woody said:


Hahahaha, as if you do. 



You're brain dead dude. Please don't ever vote or do anything that affects other people.

Oh the 81 million brain dead that voted for 1 brain dead can'tabate


Like literally don't even try to put up a fence because it will probably hurt your neighbor in some way. 

Fences?  Don't they hurt everyone?



You're a fucking moron. You are. I know the "correct" way to deal with you Q conspiracy nutjobs is to try and get to your level and find common ground, but fuck that.

You couldn't climb that high.


You lost any level of respect for that a long time ago. You're just a gullible, braindead, dipshit.

gullible.......linda lovelace couldn't swallow what you have.........

HIV? Magnetism??? Because you saw it in a tweet, on 8chan, or on some conspiracy pedaling site?

says the person still backing the party of Russia, Russia, Russia and many, many more flops

Fuck outta here

If you have kids I hope they didn't inheriy your completely inability for critical thought 

critical you are, thought has never entered your mind


What an interesting thread...........

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If comprehension of the written word has you at a loss......follow your avatar and punt... .

believe....did I project a belief...

in what?  that you are one of said 81 million whacked out Biden voters.....nothing needs to be said about how fucked up that is....there's a boat load of facts that comes out every stinking day.  come on, that high horse in reality is just dirt and I feel for you.  Someday the alarm will sound for you but the shame of being informed all that time but you moved with hate and control.   You have a skewed high regard for your lazy-ass intelligence 

These sheep are pulling up Biden signs from their yards like their neighbors hope they would with all the weeds.........

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6 hours ago, bigbambo said:

If comprehension of the written word has you at a loss......follow your avatar and punt... .

believe....did I project a belief...

in what?  that you are one of said 81 million whacked out Biden voters.....nothing needs to be said about how fucked up that is....there's a boat load of facts that comes out every stinking day.  come on, that high horse in reality is just dirt and I feel for you.  Someday the alarm will sound for you but the shame of being informed all that time but you moved with hate and control.   You have a skewed high regard for your lazy-ass intelligence 

These sheep are pulling up Biden signs from their yards like their neighbors hope they would with all the weeds.........

I think you hit the nail on the head!!!!!  If I voted for Biden....I would just call people names and stay far far away from facts.   What other great thoughts do you have, bambi?  We are truly blessed to have join us....



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27 minutes ago, bigbambo said:

I think you hit the nail on the head!!!!!  If I voted for Biden....I would just call people names and stay far far away from facts.   What other great thoughts do you have, bambi?  We are truly blessed to have join us....



So...  I guess that "alt" theory has a little more evidence, huh?

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