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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Good luck brother. I'm also fighting a battle in that front. I'm only 40 though so I have a great incentive to win. Hope you do as well. Fight like a motherf'r. 

Cysko - I was wondering if you were ok - God Bless and hang in there, just keep on fighting it and beat it. Prayers your way, too.

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Cysko - I was wondering if you were ok - God Bless and hang in there, just keep on fighting it and beat it. Prayers your way, too.

Thanks cal. I don't currently have it in me to argue about politics so I haven't been over there too much. Always got time for football though. 

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On 9/11/2021 at 5:30 AM, ballpeen said:

No feeling sorry.  Feeling sorry for  person is nearing sympathy. 

Attaboy... remember the balls you save may be your own.


On 9/11/2021 at 6:01 AM, tiamat63 said:

So don't you dare have the AUDACITY to check out before the Brownies bring one home.    But when that happens? Then you have my permission to go out and about as you please.  

Your fingertips(?) to the big Man's Eyes(?)... missing that is my only fear of the future, but if I am on the verge of a single digit stroke index (was close once before) that be the next "fear".

Honestly... right now I feel more alive than I have in years... maybe since I retired... so many ideas... so many plans to get involved in my community.  But also so many DR. appts.

Radiation and chemo are coming soon. My stylist worked wonders around my semi shaved areas and stitches only for me to tell her that it all has to be shaved off to allow a special  treatment that is a hat of magnets. Assuming the radiation and chemo rock the lil brain booger back on its heels, then the pulsing magnets confuse(?) it as it tries to regrow (or something).

As my Onc told me in band-aid rip-off #2, what we are doing is buying time. Time to live, yes, but also time for some genius researcher to make a breakthru. Or as my Onc put it, "As of today my condition is incurable." Did not need Skinbracer for a week after that one.

Again for you kids out there...


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On 9/11/2021 at 8:00 AM, SdBacker80 said:

I too was wondering where in the heck was Tour2ma.  This place is little too quiet without you. 

Prayers to you.  Defeat it buddy.

Well... swelling in a brain tends to quiet one down. Hope you and everyone else rested up cause I'm back and my brain is on fire now (as any who I've talked to on the phone will attest) it's going about 600 mph in 8 different directions at once. Basic stream of consciousness stuff... pretty much how I've always been... just now on steroids (literally) although they are not the cause of my motormouth over drive. Luckily for yall typing slows me wa-a-a-a-a-ay down.

Anyone know of a good speech to text download for PC? ;) Of course there's always my new iphone...

On 9/11/2021 at 8:14 AM, D Bone said:

Dammit T. Just dammit. You are of course in my thoughts and prayers and I wish you the strength needed to fight. I usually have some smart ass, hilarious (to me any way - and that's all that really matters) comment to add to just about anything, but I'm a bit lost for words right now.

Dude... smart-ass away... laughter is keeping me going as much as anything. And I may be the only one aside from you that funds you to be funny, but I have all along. Just no more over-the-handlebars pratfalls, please.


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3 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

Well... swelling in a brain tends to quiet one down. Hope you and everyone else rested up cause I'm back and my brain is on fire now (as any who I've talked to on the phone will attest) it's going about 600 mph in 8 different directions at once. Basic stream of consciousness stuff... pretty much how I've always been... just now on steroids (literally) although they are not the cause of my motormouth over drive. Luckily for yall typing slows me wa-a-a-a-a-ay down.

Anyone know of a good speech to text download for PC? ;) Of course there's always my new iphone...

Dude... smart-ass away... laughter is keeping me going as much as anything. And I may be the only one aside from you that funds you to be funny, but I have all along. Just no more over-the-handlebars pratfalls, please.


And the next time you play tackle football it's with your helmet and chin strap on.

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On 9/24/2021 at 12:14 PM, mjp28 said:

And the next time you play tackle football it's with your helmet and chin strap on.

Those days are now officailly long gone...

On 9/24/2021 at 8:41 PM, Marvin the Martian said:

Glad to see you recovering

Thanks, Dr. Mars...That's what my Dr.s are telling me... that my racing mind is considered good news... signs my brain is reestablishing disrupted neuropathways.

So now I've license to motor on....

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6 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

 that my racing mind is considered good news... signs my brain is reestablishing disrupted neuropathways.

Now wait a minute that was going on long before this cancer business. And as my ole Gramp used to say, "You ain't got nothin' a bottle of Wild Turkey wouldn't cure." Funny thing is he said that to me about himself when he was in the hospital newly diagnosed with bladder cancer. But knowing he always said that I came prepared with a pint of it in my jacket pocket. I just pulled it out and handed it to him which of course was the only time in my life I ever got the goat of the most quick witted man I ever knew.😂

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On 9/24/2021 at 6:20 AM, Tour2ma said:

Dude... smart-ass away... laughter is keeping me going as much as anything. And I may be the only one aside from you that funds you to be funny, but I have all along. Just no more over-the-handlebars pratfalls, please.


So you couldn't pop for the hair plugs? Cheap bastard! 

Remember, recovering from brain surgery is a process, and lord knows that's the one thing you really, really like, so you will be fine... 


Great to see you around here again T, and I think about you every day... Kick its ass!! 

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20 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

signs my brain is reestablishing disrupted neuropathways.

...wish my brain could do that.  I'm thinking that mine are just ruptured for good.

Keep up the good work!!

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25 minutes ago, Orion said:

...wish my brain could do that.  I'm thinking that mine are just ruptured for good.

Keep up the good work!!

Neurons and Dendrites are a blessed thing...

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All right bear with me this is going speech to text because I typed a bunch of stuff and then my computer well anyways go on iPhone now. 

amongst other things I am on is a steroid that really boost appetite I’m actually gaining weight while in treatment which everyone’s happy about except me because coming out of the hospital and going into the treatment I weighed in at something under is a little under 220 and I haven’t seen under the underside of 220 since college so I was kind of pleased with that but anyways the other is the steroids are stimulating the appetite I think it’s Monday I had five full meals during the day beginning and we hours of the morning I wake up early I’m not sleeping a lot these days and but I just get up and do some egg whites and keep it light because of the first meds coming about 7 o’clock. 
sure thank you I married you I want to show everybody how long do you oh that just got transcribed in my post that was to my wife so just settle down yeah we’re just getting ready to head out to do a few things beautiful beautiful beautiful Saturday afternoon here in East Texas bright sunshine mid 50s temperature it’s just this is this is this is the best time of year here spring things are good too but this is the best time of year. 
anyway my wife deserves a shout out Cesar she’s my med nurse she’s my companion she’s my cheerleader she’s my best friend and the love of my life suck a little Ohio State here before we depart 17 oh 2317 call shroud T-ball intercepted dammit oh and a penalty coming up yeah yeah guys already out of bounds OK treatments like it’s a chemo pills targeted radiation were halfway through the radiation is daily Monday through Friday the chemo pills are. 
i’m in a little city of basically 85,000 people and the quality depth breath of medical professionals in the flock to this place astounds me I’ve had great surgeon great oncologist in college a group that I’m working with reaches from our little place to UT Austin and then from there I’m down to MD Anderson when I dress up a little bit my foot a couple links and I’ve started financial support for a couple different places Saint Jews research the children’s research Hospital and MD Anderson Hospital which is a another leaving kill leaving cancer research Hospital some of our note down in Houston OK also have a picture that I will figure out how to insert in here sooner or later and it’s of a board that my radiation neurologist sketched out just basically show what the treatment doesn’t want advise and nutshell if nothing happens than that things were happened really bad things the surgery did almost nothing to change that situation on the surgery plus what I’m doing now does a little bit to change that situation and then comes the big one and I’ll put it all into a really explain it but it’s one of the latest developments for battling the the number. 
The next days of treatment involves wearing a hat there’s maggots in aThe next days of treatment involves wearing a hat it has magnets in it along with the battery pack that then turns on and off the Magnuson I don’t know if it’s in a pattern or random or whatever but the same principle as chemo and everything and the magnetic flux very magnetic fields apparently keep the fastest growing cells from growing the tumor is a very fast growing cell what cancers in general are but mine particular is described as an aggressive term tumor which just it means that it grows very fast, and that’s the bad news the good news is the likelihood of missed of a Geo blastoma metastasizing is very low so we’re probably battling this one and we’re not gonna end up chasing it around the body that’s the hope anyways and that is the norm but then I had a one in 10,000 chance of contracting this thing to begin with I raise my lower those odds considerably in a career choice that involved exposure to things like benzene but such as the lot of a chemical engineer and I get all those exposures to place in a time when we didn’t know any better you know it wasn’t until the late 60s that the epidemiology came out on plastics workers around PVC and the exposure to vinyl chloride monomer the basic building block of polyvinylchloride yeah I wasn’t until the late 60s early 70s that that was that relationship was understood and the term some of the mutagenic and carcinogenic started to become more common place and from there it exploded yo-yo what is the vinyl chlorine monomer or was it a little thing called dibenzyl she ran well actually dachshund was the next one that was that was uncovered much lower levels but much also very very mutagenic carcinogenic and from there actually became from a sub a subset of that was a thing called they benzofuran‘s dumb but that’s probably more than you want to know about organic chemistry I’m not even sure I could draw those things for you but. 
I’m gonna go ahead and post this now I’ll come back and clean it up when we’re done running around and so if you wanna well it’s a little late now I get to the bottom of the of the of the post but if you struggle through it and can make sense of it don’t give a shout later on if you want to do what I can at least have a try to make sense get rid of some of the more humorous I’m sure there are plenty of humorous text voice for the walls in the thingi’m gonna go ahead and post this now I’ll come back and clean it up when we’re done running around and so if you wanna well it’s a little late now I get to the bottom of the of the of the post but if you struggle through it and can make sense of it when I go to shout later on if you want to do what I can at least have a try to make sense get rid of some of the more humorous I’m sure there are plenty of humorous text voice for the walls in the thing but it’s kind of my brains working these days is Chyna let me in there’s a little bit so if you have trouble following it it’s not you it’s me. 

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Thanks for the update, and for the love of God, do not clean it up.... if I had to wade through that, then so does everyone else. You had me at maggots. 

I think about you several times a day.... and no, not in that way, you freak. You sound super positive and I know that is a large part of any battle. Stay positive, stay strong, remain brave, and kiss that wife of yours one extra time every day for no reason.


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Appreciate the update, Tour. The tech they have is amazing - I said that before. Not me personally, but been there in a way.

You are strong to stay so upbeat - that is going hugely in your favor. and you fight like crazy, with a sense of humor to match.

and yes, I humbly apologize to you because when I read about "maggots" instead of magnets, I just started laughing while sipping my hot cider with cinnamon. LOL

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Guys as I said before it’s all about the humor the therapeutic value of laugh at her. That and still the mini breaks talking about not future of the past things and I will send a memory or hit it’ll be so strong and I got a little blueberry for yes he had 20/32 tops and then kind of suck it up and I was like you know a little mini break and it’s strange but but if they’re there equally as therapeutic it’s like OK let’s bend the wall a little bit OK it’s cracking a little bit it’s OK get the pressure off now it’s more solid than it was before we started cracking it that I like I like a bone break heels ends up stronger after heels and the surrounding bone didn’t break. 

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What else major general is growing like a weed is occasionally forgetting he’s a puppy and just likes to bite and chew on everything though I think it’s gonna be quite a dog and he already is quite a dog but it is rounding in the shape just unbelievably big so I had a first obedience lesson one on one with the lady who runs one of the better it will be the schools in the area she’s impressive got her dogs to do what I did a lot of coaching with Suzanne and I and and I think we’re starting to get the hang of this dog ownership thing. 

And with a couple of items that I’m not really put up here before I want to wish I wasn’t even aware of that when I did the original post and that was that the week before my surgery and I was hospitalized I was pretty much out of it here at home in bed and Xander is concerned enough to finally tell the doctors and just say we got to go to the hospital that started the path right now so again kudos to her and the other one is a postop I really don’t like that I transferred it was at the Sunday before the surgery right now yeah I was transported to the hospital on Sunday, 29 August and had surgery on August 31. 
The week before that I was pretty much out of it in bed. Complication was I was under some pretty heavy antibiotics pursuing the possibility that my headaches were due to a high sinus infection which is a very difficult diagnosis. 
ultimately Suzanne me to call the doctor and said we got to get on the hospital phone call 911 and transfer came. I remember doing kind of a regal hand wave farewell to neighbors who I was sure was watching as I was carded out on a gurney corona whatever transport Anna whatever transport. 
in the day I was in the hospital before surgery I was shuttle amongst the number of small spaces either small curtain area within the ER a small room and when I woke up postop I was in this gigantic room probably the size of 15 to 20 of the normal private single bed rooms that were in this particular hospital part of the shuttling was all due to the Covid patient load was in the hospital system. Anyway I woke up in this gigantic room I look down there’s like four doctor standing across the bed talking amongst themselves about me and finally they look at my way and I’m looking at this room I just asked them literally is true this is a “am I someone important?“  Somewhere along the way I heard that this facility and the staff by Navy personnel sometime in the past it was originally founded as a hospital on Galveston Island by a group of nuns but after the 1900 hurricane currently was relocated to Northeast Texas or East Texas. 
The doctor for this left him was my surgeon neurosurgeon he’s the one who took out what he could of the tumor. 
To the right of him was I there’s a Doctor Who had that point in time was in the lead for them for the groove and as it’s kind of melted in the background next to him with someone who I’m not sure what was that could’ve been the anesthesiologist and then to one more step to the right was my oncologist and the head of a very large oncology operation here here in there and he’s the lead right now. 
Back to the story after asking if I was someone important I followed up with a more pointed questions asking if I was an admiral switch my college I said no he said you’re your the general I went OK and he said he won’t know why you’re the general and I said yeah cause you’re the patient and the patient is the most important person like a general… OK sounds good. 

so that’s the parallel story as far as the dogs name which who got his name primarily because he had two white spots in a long is back in though was a brown hair area was body I was well body hair and it looks very much like stars early on the feeding and kind of becoming less distinct now ones basically gone in the other one is fading but two star general yeah major general that’s a Dino and think we’re adding true Scott or TruScott    OK more later and yeah I’ll minimize fix office if I do any just so Dbone won’t sulk  🐔🐒


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22 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

major general that’s a Dino

I swear I am not half as weird as this voice to text i making me out to be...


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  • 3 months later...

I have his phone # and email... I'll check in today....   

As a fellow wine lover... You can't take it with you... Unfortunately- like my pal Tom who didn't get around to drinking 6,000 or so bottles of wine before he checked out- that his kids inherited.   So if you're going out... Drink up.  

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3 hours ago, Orion said:

Thank you!  I'm sure that my concern for him of late is shared by many here.

Oh yes.   I haven't PM'd him in over a month,  I like others here hope that he's doing well.  


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