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Praise Putin


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11 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

nobody is "praising putin " anything. Never underestimate your opponent - putin isn't stupid, he's diabolically

driven, and is evil. Clever, sure. He was in the kgb.

Why not give the trolling fake narratives a rest - they blow up in yer'alls faces all the time.


I think that Putin is mentally ill.  Something snapped in him.  He is dangerous now, very dangerous and I hope his generals can put a stop to his madness before he does something really stupid like invade a NATO country.

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37 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I think that Putin is mentally ill.  Something snapped in him.  He is dangerous now, very dangerous and I hope his generals can put a stop to his madness before he does something really stupid like invade a NATO country.


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23 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

Given that this is a conflict of choice but Russia, the concept of this being planned, prepared, war-gamed, recon'd, testing of geo-political waters, financial blowback, long term occupational cost, etc etc... to believe this was a move coordinated from February of last year to rolled out now is.... either a incredible feat of military engineering or laughable.


This is a dumb contention at this point - planning over years has nothing to do with who was president. Be serious? But ACTING OUT and INVADING - the timing was keen - did NOT DO IT WHILE PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT.


Russian aggression in 2008 started things down this current path.  For those not keeping score, that would have been under Bush.  Everything else since then has been a litmus test of pursuing further Russian expansion.   


see comments below - that was started, but stopped in five days.


In short, that means while Putin was playing reasonable with Obama and Trump on the surface, he was undermining any deterrent they believed brought to the table by their administrations the entire time.  This has been in the works for a good while now.  

I don't have to go back and read the responses to know what the majority of posters who frequent the poli board are offering up in their boundless foreign policy knowledge.   I'm sure it's simply BiDeNs FaUlT -or- tRuMpS fAuLt (the latter in the case of Tex)


AGAIN, planning and undermining - is NOT the point. He never invaded and took the Ukraine. DOING it is the thing. "planning it" is irrespective and non-consequential as to who was president. Nice try, but not valid at all. My point is, 9/11 was planned for three years. But when they actually DID hit, it was under Pres Bush. That is was planned  is just that. No guilt or embarrassment or failure on who was president during their planning. Except for clinton being ....serviced by Lewinski under his desk and not taking the call to take out bin laden...but I digress....


In reality this is a failure of 2 decades of policy, both domestic from the US along with individual and collective failures from NATO members.  My thoughts are with the Ukrainian people and those who armed themselves to resist.  Russia believed they would modern blitzkrieg their way to controlling key locations within 48 hours.   But if on-ground reporting is even remotely accurate, the Russian attack has not been as overwhelming as they believed it would. To the point Russian forces and armor has struggled to even secure certain points.  Credit the Ukrainians for their tenacity. You can learn a lot watching your enemy, even if it's not in an engagement with you. 


Failure to know what they were planning, sure. Actually going for broke when the time is right - and full scale invasion happens when the obaMao/biden incompetence and division has America inept with no effective legit leadership to oppose in any way.

 although Georgia conflict was different. That was a historical hostility between russia and Georgia, since 1918. Different situation entirely.


See, russia vs Georgia was five days. Bush and the world handled it, got a ceasefire, etc etc etc. Look at the timeline.

But it started again... in 09. Why? because obaMao became president after winning in Nov 08, that's why. And when russia took over Georgia's crtitical OIL PIPELINE ? it was in 2015. Guess who was president in 2015.

ObaMao commie sombeitch. His vice pres obviously was bramble-brained biden. Now, the Ukraine has been fine except for a corrupt pro-Soviet gov. back then -


VAST majority of the Ukraine people wanted freedom and closer ties with the west.

Now here is where it gets amazing. Yanukovych. ***electoral fraud***. Elected.... favoring EU, etc.

then goes full on toward russia. Then became incredibly filthy rich. where did the fortune come from?

it wasn't his presidential salary. He was finally removed from office by the Ukraine people for being a traitor and selling them out to russia.


russia has been meddling for years. But invasion? that takes weak leadership in America. obaMao/biden/left.

That is how russia prefers to work. obaMao was president.

failing to keep controlling the Ukraine (refer to stalin and Holodomor in the distant past) pukin has been seething over the loss of the soviet union and not controlling and "owning" the Ukraine for years. But did not act out and invade until biden was back into our WH.


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On 2/26/2022 at 9:12 AM, Westside Steve said:

As far as believing any narrative to be a contrarian I'm shocked that you don't see that in yourselves. It occurs to me I'm the only guy here that ever steps off the reservation. I have consistently preached stronger relations with Russia. Consistently.

Speaking of consistency you guys seem to take any world or United States issue and spin it so you can b**** about Donald Trump or prop up Joe Biden. That's ridiculous in my opinion.

Best opinion I can give you which is better than any of the bulshit you guys have put out oh, is that the Russians want to put a stop to the squealing about Ukraine joining NATO.

Considering us missiles in kharkiv we would have the same reaction as we would have with Russian missiles in Cuba. Or Detroit.

So that's one issue. Another issue would be how many ukrainians would prefer to go back to being part of Russia. Those are all Factory in so sorry I can't give you a black and white answer.

I know Putin is your boogie man and Russia has been strawman since the 1950s. And you guys don't give a rat's ass about Ukraine. And no, The Invasion is never a good look but there are mitigating factors.

As far as Joe Biden's response? He's a joke. There's probably nothing he can do anyway and the small things that he could he will refuse to do. In fact if you want to cry about oil and gas prices he could back off from the AOC and John Kerry factions of his party. But he won't. And the NATO members will keep buying their oil and gas from Russia anyway. Onlt America seems like a country willing to cut off their nose to spite their faces.

What more can I tell you that will make my opinion more clear?

Just as an aside you can probably find the debate between Joe Biden and Mitt Romney where he scolded the senator for saying that the Russians were a big problem. And I don't have any idea how much this comes into play but it seems like the Joe Biden Ukraine corruption rank has been overlooked. That's not surprising because Democrats are in power. I control the media to a large extent.



Still haven’t taken a side. Must be nice to sit on the fence and then claim your opinion during the autopsy.

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2 hours ago, BaconHound said:

Still haven’t taken a side. Must be nice to sit on the fence and then claim your opinion during the autopsy.

I guess that's about as clear as I can be. It's a complicated situation. Sorry it's not good enough for you. Speaking of must be nice how about seeing everything as black and white? Isn't that what some of you guys accuse others of doing? If you think I'm wrong in any facet of my post feel free to let me know where you disagree.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I guess that's about as clear as I can be. It's a complicated situation. Sorry it's not good enough for you. Speaking of must be nice how about seeing everything as black and white? Isn't that what some of you guys accuse others of doing? If you think I'm wrong in any facet of my post feel free to let me know where you disagree.


I see this as black and white, what Putin is doing is wrong and history will judge it as such.  

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16 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Then  lets go to war.


The response is a completely  different question.  There are check boxes for me such as genocide, chemical/biological warfare, UN/NATO support, etc.. I don’t feel enough of those have been checked to this point for me to say war is justified.  What Putin is doing is wrong, that fact has not changed.

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1 hour ago, BaconHound said:

The response is a completely  different question.  There are check boxes for me such as genocide, chemical/biological warfare, UN/NATO support, etc.. I don’t feel enough of those have been checked to this point for me to say war is justified.  What Putin is doing is wrong, that fact has not changed.

Let me ask you this if you were the president of Russia what action would you take knowing that, or believing that, Ukraine was going to become a member of NATO?


By the way I just noticed you can't receive PMS

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I wouldn’t take any action.  I don’t believe NATO is truly the threat Putin perceives it to be.  If I were in charge in Russia, I’d realize I’m not the global player the USSR was I would gain far more from remaining neutral globally while quietly courting China’s favor.

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