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68%-40% Not Surprised..


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Why wouldn't they? Everyone understands how weak the Biden/Kamelho/Pelosi/Blinken succession chain is and they want to take advantage before the American people wake up..


Let's hope all is not lost prior to the midterms..  Honestly, I think we're past the tipping point already.. One yr and change. 😢


Fuck everyone one of you dumb-asses that voted for this bullshit


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1 hour ago, Axe said:



" Of the Republicans surveyed in the Quinnipiac University Poll, 68% said they would stay and fight compared to 40% of Democrats. Among Democrats, 52% said they would flee the country, compared to 25% of Republicans. "

it goes to show that it's true - lefties/dems/progressives/'cowards  - they only care about themselves and their egos. They worship their own feelings and NOTHING else matters.

   They don't develop character, integrity, discipline, respect, work ethic, sacrifice, love of country, love of freedom, they

don't care about the lives of young unborn and born children, ....nothing. Nothing in this world is important except for THEIR FEELINGS, THEIR "entitielents", and THEIR benefit. They don't respect others, they don't respect their easy lives, they don't respect others' understanding about God, they don't respect.......anything. Probably not even themselves.

They take everything for granted - it's seems such a sad, pitiful, cowardly excuse for existing.

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"25% of Republicans said they would stay, as nothing bad would be happening, because there is no war in Ukraine and Putin is a good guy "


"Republicans were also 15% more likely than Democrats to brag about their physique and income, in a hollow attempt to prove their manhood, to random members of a message board they disagree with politically. Experts noted correlation between this question and those around hypothetically patriotism and war."



"38% of Republicans, and 74% of those Republicans over 65, said they would take information in a poll like this and use it to completely stereotype and generalize the entirety of a group of people they disagree with politically, including commenting the other side has no respect and only thinks with emotions, while not seeing the irony."

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

"25% of Republicans said they would stay, as nothing bad would be happening, because there is no war in Ukraine and Putin is a good guy "


"Republicans were also 15% more likely than Democrats to brag about their physique and income, in a hollow attempt to prove their manhood, to random members of a message board they disagree with politically. Experts noted correlation between this question and those around hypothetically patriotism and war."



"38% of Republicans, and 74% of those Republicans over 65, said they would take information in a poll like this and use it to completely stereotype and generalize the entirety of a group of people they disagree with politically, including commenting the other side has no respect and only thinks with emotions, while not seeing the irony."

98% of Democrats (we aren’t supposed to use gender) would put their hair up in a man bun, grab their soy latte, and ask their parents to drive them to the border.

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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

"38% of Republicans, and 74% of those Republicans over 65 (35), said they would take information in a poll like this and use it to completely stereotype and generalize the entirety of a group of people they disagree with politically, including commenting the other side has no respect and only thinks with emotions, while not seeing the irony."

Sadly, this is pretty spot on but you also need to include the Dems in this, it's not exclusive to Rs. I fixed it to age 35 lol.

I left a group at a local coffee shop because they keep giving me shit about how I voted for Jo Jorgenson and not TRUMP or Biden. Apparently I ruined the country by voting 3rd party. Guys that I've enjoyed hanging out with for about a dozen years, mainly talking sports, mostly the Browns & Tribe.

They also don't believe me when I tell them the media is ruining us- at least TRUMP was 100% spot on on that, so I'll give him utmost credit there.

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3 hours ago, Bob806 said:

Sadly, this is pretty spot on but you also need to include the Dems in this, it's not exclusive to Rs. I fixed it to age 35 lol.

I left a group at a local coffee shop because they keep giving me shit about how I voted for Jo Jorgenson and not TRUMP or Biden. Apparently I ruined the country by voting 3rd party. Guys that I've enjoyed hanging out with for about a dozen years, mainly talking sports, mostly the Browns & Tribe.

They also don't believe me when I tell them the media is ruining us- at least TRUMP was 100% spot on on that, so I'll give him utmost credit there.

It's tough, Bob. But your vote was wasted, it wasn't even a valid choice - you elected to vote to not help America win with your vote. But it isn't just you- tens of thousands here and there also did.

   Just seems to me you didn't take the dangers seriously. How you and so many others felt about Pres Trump personally, and I wasn't on board early on, either.....disregarded what was best for America. Pres Trump did over 200 good/great things as president - he meant what he said, and worked tirelessly to keep all of his promises. But all the folks who did not vote for their country - has led to this war in the Ukraine - and Lithuania upcoming probably, and Poland, and NATO, and china threatening any country that sends aid to Taiwan, and Iran sending missiles toward Iraq and .... maybe, but hope the hell not, WWIII. World peace, domestic health here at home, and our security as a nation - was in our hands. Sorry, but if you didn't vote for Pres Trump and America - you chose unwisely - and the world/America too....will pay terribly. It is just true - it's happening now.

   I don't doubt that most will also let themselves be manipulated to hate whoever runs for president on the republican ticket. Desantis, anyone - will suffer the same attacks. And so many will vote stupidly, like they are democrat/progressive Manchurian Candidates.

   But, maybe not. Maybe a republican will get an honest look from those same people.

dems are in control of both houses of congress, and the WH, and several major depts of our gov.

and all thise despair and death and bombing and missiles ....wouldn't have happened. Didn't have to be. The fault is seriously on every voter who didn't take it seriously.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

It's tough, Bob. But your vote was wasted, it wasn't even a valid choice - you elected to vote to not help America win with your vote. But it isn't just you- tens of thousands here and there also did.   Just seems to me you didn't take the dangers seriously. The fault is seriously on every voter who didn't take it seriously.

Well when these Rs & Ds stop putting party & platform over country, I'll take them seriously. They have a lot to do to earn my vote or votes. 


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45 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

Well when these Rs & Ds stop putting party & platform over country, I'll take them seriously. They have a lot to do to earn my vote or votes. 


I actually think platform was first and foremost. It was just a horrible what form from the Democrats. We might not like the personality of either candidate but kowtowing to the hardest left anti energy Independence and b l m doesn't seem like and plead for me thinking people should support.

And what about the trouble platform did you disagree with?


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I actually think platform was first and foremost. It was just a horrible platform from the Democrats. We might not like the personality of either candidate but kowtowing to the hardest left anti energy Independence and b l m doesn't seem like a platform thinking people should support.

And what about the Trump platform did you disagree with?


I'm having trouble deciphering what you wrote. Was that voice-to-text or something? 

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18 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

I'm having trouble deciphering what you wrote. Was that voice-to-text or something? 

Yes it was. Sorry. Unfortunately sometimes this bastard edits things after I hit send.  Anyway this should be correct below. I think there are some far left people that agreed with the far-left platform that Joe Biden espoused. Then I asked what part of the Trump agenda do people disagree with? I believe that platform wise there was a clear choice.


I actually think platform was first and foremost. It was just a horrible platform from the Democrats. We might not like the personality of either candidate but kowtowing to the hardest left anti energy Independence and b l m doesn't seem like a platform thinking people should support.

And what about the Trump platform did you disagree with?


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Yes it was. Sorry. Unfortunately sometimes this bastard edits things after I hit send.  Anyway this should be correct below. I think there are some far left people that agreed with the far-left platform that Joe Biden espoused. Then I asked what part of the Trump agenda do people disagree with? I believe that platform wise there was a clear choice.


I actually think platform was first and foremost. It was just a horrible platform from the Democrats. We might not like the personality of either candidate but kowtowing to the hardest left anti energy Independence and b l m doesn't seem like a platform thinking people should support.

And what about the Trump platform did you disagree with?




He really didn't have much of a platform, links above. 

I took a chance & voted for him in 2016, mainly due to him not being Hilary Clinton, and his promise to fix the health care system. He didn't fix the health care system as we all know. He didn't handle the pandemic correctly initially. He wasn't playing well in the sandbox with his own Cabinet, party leaders, and world leaders (some of that is understandable). 

You're correct, the Ds platform wasn't anything that was truly appealing to me. BLM wasn't a platform by the way.

I don't think it's wrong to vote 3rd party if you're disgusted with the 2 mainstream candidates. That's what I did, and I did it before (Perot). 

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5 hours ago, Bob806 said:



He really didn't have much of a platform, links above. 

I took a chance & voted for him in 2016, mainly due to him not being Hilary Clinton, and his promise to fix the health care system. He didn't fix the health care system as we all know. He didn't handle the pandemic correctly initially. He wasn't playing well in the sandbox with his own Cabinet, party leaders, and world leaders (some of that is understandable). 

You're correct, the Ds platform wasn't anything that was truly appealing to me. BLM wasn't a platform by the way.

I don't think it's wrong to vote 3rd party if you're disgusted with the 2 mainstream candidates. That's what I did, and I did it before (Perot). 

not buyin it. A vote for a third party is a wasted vote, may as well not bother. As far republicans don't stand for anything - why does a platform have to be new to you?

Law and order, national security, develop our own energy, a strong military, drain the swamp, ORIGINALIST JUDGES TO THE SUPREME COURT, protect our 1st and 2nd Amendments, our Constituion, etc etc etc.

Trump didn't fix the healthcare system? with a democrat controlled congress? that was launching fraudulent attacks on him during the campaign?

I didn't like Trump at first. But I came to understand he meant what he said and would actually KEEP his PROMISES. A vote for third party was a vote for biden.

You all did this absolute disaster. At home, the Ukraine, and maybe the upcoming? (hope the hell not) WWIII.

So you voted in 2016, and after over 200 good/GREAT things he accomplished for America....you voted against your own country ? to help elect a do-nothing, mentally not right liar, plagiarizer, totally corrupt and sleazy loser all his life?

Sorry, there is zero defending that.

btw, Jorgensen was partly an asinine screwball. Some great things, several asswholish things.


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6 hours ago, Bob806 said:

He didn't handle the pandemic correctly initially

No, he completely shit the fucking bed when it came to his pandemic response. And his supporters give him credit for operation warp speed but refuse to get vaccinated. Figure that one out.

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11 hours ago, Bob806 said:



He really didn't have much of a platform, links above. 

I took a chance & voted for him in 2016, mainly due to him not being Hilary Clinton, and his promise to fix the health care system. He didn't fix the health care system as we all know. He didn't handle the pandemic correctly initially. He wasn't playing well in the sandbox with his own Cabinet, party leaders, and world leaders (some of that is understandable). 

You're correct, the Ds platform wasn't anything that was truly appealing to me. BLM wasn't a platform by the way.

I don't think it's wrong to vote 3rd party if you're disgusted with the 2 mainstream candidates. That's what I did, and I did it before (Perot). 

As far as a platform I think a lot of it was spelled out pretty well whether it's puffery or anything else.

Trying to stem the flow of illegals. I think that's important and I think we should wrap up the vetting process and grease the skids for immigrants with the skills. No he never built the wall. Still I don't think that's the best way to address the problem.

Nobody is going to fix the healthcare System. The Democrats had a fit about the Mandate so did some Republicans. I wish the Mandate would have stayed and been pepper. The Democrats deep-sixed that one.

Bringing the United States corporate tax into line with the rest of the world so we aren't hemorrhaging jobs.

Drilling and fracking made the United States energy independent. Big difference in his platform and Biden's.

No BLM is not a platform, who said it was? It is a focus and part of the platform of the Democrat Party and should not be.

I agreed with Trump and Biden about getting the f*** out of The Rat's Nest in Afghanistan. That's one of the reasons the military and Liz Cheney hate Trump. They're both boots on the ground. I'm sick of it. Would Trump have done a better job at it? Who knows and it doesn't matter. It didn't go well with Biden.

I think he misgauged how a cabinet works I think cabinet members Misgauged their own loyalties. The cabinet's job should be to carry out the vision of the president.

Competing with the other party over giving away more and more free s*** isn't good for anybody. 

This has nothing to do with either platform but I don't particularly love three parties. Maybe four if you have to. 3 means hard left and hard right and either soft left or soft right. Third party will undermine the closest mainstream party and help the minority win. Then more people are unhappy.

As for the respective world leaders? Look at who's in the white house now and ask yourself that same question. By and large foreign countries only care about us for our money. Making NATO pay for their defense is the right thing to do.

Didn't like the stimulus from either candidate. Like burning cash to keep you warm if your heater malfunctions.

Not a zero-sum game but I hope this helps.


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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

t A vote for a third party is a wasted vote, may as well not bother. 

Trump didn't fix the healthcare system? with a democrat controlled congress? that was launching fraudulent attacks on him during the campaign?

I didn't like Trump at first. But I came to understand he meant what he said and would actually KEEP his PROMISES. A vote for third party was a vote for biden.




C'mon Cal, he had a Republican majority on Capitol Hill for 2 years. Two years, and he blamed McCain for sabotaging the health care vote....ok, then come up with a better plan to vote on.

That's called a broken campaign promise. He lured in people like me on that premise/promise alone in 2016.

The other stuff, like Ukraine, I can believe some of your rant there, Rs are generally better at foreign policy IMHO. Biden has at least been consistent regarding the NATO/Ukraine situation...if Russia attacks a NATO nation (let's hope not) then he will be truly tested.

My vote did not destroy the country. I am not obligated to vote for a R or D, neither is anybody else. 

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6 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

C'mon Cal, he had a Republican majority on Capitol Hill for 2 years. Two years, and he blamed McCain for sabotaging the health care vote....ok, then come up with a better plan to vote on.

That's called a broken campaign promise. He lured in people like me on that premise/promise alone in 2016.

The other stuff, like Ukraine, I can believe some of your rant there, Rs are generally better at foreign policy IMHO. Biden has at least been consistent regarding the NATO/Ukraine situation...if Russia attacks a NATO nation (let's hope not) then he will be truly tested.

My vote did not destroy the country. I am not obligated to vote for a R or D, neither is anybody else. 

People often talk of a republican majority and I think that's off base. Many of the Republicans hated Trump because he upset the apple cart. It's not so much Republican or Democrat it's the power structure it's the ruling class and they did not like an outsider coming in and making them look like fools. They wanted Jeb Bush or some other milquetoast. So you had Democrat who will hate any Republican and you had never trumper's who didn't want the upstart to succeed.


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Just now, Westside Steve said:

People often talk of a republican majority and I think that's off base. Many of the Republicans hated Trump because he upset the apple cart. It's not so much Republican or Democrat it's the power structure it's the ruling class and they did not like an outsider coming in and making them look like fools. They wanted Jeb Bush or some other milquetoast. So you had Democrat who will hate any Republican and you had never trumper's who didn't want the upstart to succeed.


Ding ding ding....winner!!!

See, it's not about the "we the people" after all, is it? It's about the establishment, the PARTY. Thank you, I guess I didn't get my point across well enough.

Not trying to give you too much crap, but in regards to the BLM stuff, you brought it up, not I. 

Like the Clinton's & Bush's, it's time for Trump to go away. It's divided the R party....if he goes away then the Rs have a truly great chance of recapturing the White House. Nobody's happy now.

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5 hours ago, Neo said:

No, he completely shit the fucking bed when it came to his pandemic response. And his supporters give him credit for operation warp speed but refuse to get vaccinated. Figure that one out.

Can't figure it out.

We used to be a nation about caring for each other. While some of that still exists (thankfully) I think the media does a disservice to our nation by creating too many labels (color, nationality, male, female, etc). 

The pandemic brought out lots of ugly behavior, its horrible.

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52 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

Ding ding ding....winner!!!

See, it's not about the "we the people" after all, is it? It's about the establishment, the PARTY. Thank you, I guess I didn't get my point across well enough.

Not trying to give you too much crap, but in regards to the BLM stuff, you brought it up, not I. 

Like the Clinton's & Bush's, it's time for Trump to go away. It's divided the R party....if he goes away then the Rs have a truly great chance of recapturing the White House. Nobody's happy now.

If you give it back to Republicans it become a rinse and repeat.  We need an outsider, not necessarily Trump.  This current structure we have is a heap of corruption on both sides.  I believe it’s referred to as the SWaMp.

We need to drain the Swamp.


i should add that if the outsider uses a party to get elected I’m fine, just don’t be part of the swamp.

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1 minute ago, Bob806 said:

Ding ding ding....winner!!!

See, it's not about the "we the people" after all, is it? It's about the establishment, the PARTY. Thank you, I guess I didn't get my point across well enough.

Not trying to give you too much crap, but in regards to the BLM stuff, you brought it up, not I. 

Like the Clinton's & Bush's, it's time for Trump to go away. It's divided the R party....if he goes away then the Rs have a truly great chance of recapturing the White House. Nobody's happy now.

I did bring up b l m. It was a huge part of the Democrats plan to win. I'm not sure Trump even mentioned it at least didn't make a flagship issue of it. And you are correct Joe Biden is President and the Democrats control the houses. Nobody's happy. Nothing much to be happy about.

But if either party, and I need to be just general about this, decides the best way to keep power is to start imitating the things that their enemies do,  who cares if that party exists or not?


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4 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


But if either party, and I need to be just general about this, decides the best way to keep power is to start imitating the things that their enemies do,  who cares if that party exists or not?


Right. The differences today are fairly minimal with the parties. 

Citizens United helped create that mess. We little folk are outcasts.

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1 hour ago, Bob806 said:

Right. The differences today are fairly minimal with the parties. 

Citizens United helped create that mess. We little folk are outcasts.

Then again despite my bloviating about this party or that party at the end of the day no politician is responsible for my happiness or success or lack thereof.


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1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

Then again despite my bloviating about this party or that party at the end of the day no politician is responsible for my happiness or success or lack thereof.


Truth. Some policies may irk us more than others, but the USA is still great.

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7 hours ago, Neo said:

No, he completely shit the fucking bed when it came to his pandemic response. And his supporters give him credit for operation warp speed but refuse to get vaccinated. Figure that one out.

Only a simpleton unable to figure it out. To begin with you're making generalizations as you tards always do. Look the word up.

Giving Trump the credit he deserves for getting the vax out doesn't change the fact that taking the vax still remains a matter of choice.

Was I glad the vax finally came out? Hell yes. But was I gonna take it? No. It wasn't until a year later when I decided to take the jab.

Hope that helped you understand.

To say Trump shit the bed over the pandemic is just another indication of your ignorance in combination with TDS.




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11 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

Truth. Some policies may irk us more than others, but the USA is still great.

To you maybe. But younger generations are taught that it is not great, it never was. We are evil.

Liberals like Neo are taught that our very founding was illegitimate, that we are a racist nation, that because of us poor countries exist.  

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