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Supreme Court Overturns Roe vs Wade

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I don't give a shit about your religious beliefs or anyone else's. If you think abortions are wrong then live your life that way. But you, or anyone else, has no right to impose those religious beliefs on anyone else. And yet, that's basically what we're getting here.

Fuck you and nasty male appendage that you rode in here on.. 🖕

The question of legality was simply returned to the states as it always should have been. I personally don't care either way on the abortion question but as long as we're returning rights of govern-ship to states lets also return the education system back to them as well.. Then maybe we'd have a few less indoctrinated punk ass bitches like you thinking they know what they don't know.


Don't like what the SC did? Get active in your state to make that it's legislation concerning abortion aligns with something you believe in.  Otherwise , shut the fuck up woodsucker

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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, geez. Woody, seriously - this judgement DOES NOT BAN ABORTIONS.

and, for years some of us have explained our opinion when it comes up - that roe vs wade was a very flawed decision.

It poliltically and socially added a federal right that did not exist, was unConstitutional, and even per Justice Ginsburg - it had flaws.

     I find it sad that so many can ignore the fact that the unborn child is a LIFE. How can anyone who harps about science so much, ignore that science?

    The pouty emotional blurbs about "my body" and "what about rape..." - are stupid. No woman who is ever raped, has to wait 6 or 7 months to find out the bad knews. So just stop with the nonsense.

  Obamao himself, when a state senator? supported partial birth abortion. How in God's name can any human being support THAT?????

   And, the 1st and 2nd Amendments were established for the basic rights of Americans to protect themselves by speaking out and fighting/defending themselves from violent crime and tyranny.

  The Constitution has NEVER had abortion as an absolute right. It just leaves it to the states Woody. Forcing states to sanction what the citizens can't stand to sanction is tyranny.

   Abortion doesn't even BEGIN to rate as a federally mandated univeral right. It's just an anomaly that some people resort to when mistakes happen. So many healthy babies aborted, when so many couples would dearly love to adopt right here  in America - instead of taking their chances and going overseas.....

 Cal you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You don't. Zero. You have outdated views from decades ago, you don't understand what information on the internet is legitimate, and you haven't taken in a new view in decades. 

You called rape a "pouty emotional blurb". You're an asshole. An asshole that's forcing his beliefs on others. 

You have zero clue as to what any statistics or standard practices with abortion are. You're fed shock tactics and deceptively edited sting attempt videos from the right. You say whatever you want because it feels right. For being the jackass that rants about liberal feelings all of the time you're more emotional and feelings based than damn near anyime here. 

You're a lost cause. 

And the right wing battle cry of small government. What a joke. As usual you don't actually have any morales or ideals. You just react. You don't actually give a shit at all about big government. You just want the government to do what you like.

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:

 Cal you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You don't. Zero. You have outdated views from decades ago, you don't understand what information on the internet is legitimate, and you haven't taken in a new view in decades. 

You called rape a "pouty emotional blurb". You're an asshole. An asshole that's forcing his beliefs on others. 

You have zero clue as to what any statistics or standard practices with abortion are. You're fed shock tactics and deceptively edited sting attempt videos from the right. You say whatever you want because it feels right. For being the jackass that rants about liberal feelings all of the time you're more emotional and feelings based than damn near anyime here. 

You're a lost cause. 

And the right wing battle cry of small government. What a joke. As usual you don't actually have any morales or ideals. You just react. You don't actually give a shit at all about big government. You just want the government to do what you like.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These words from the Declaration of Independence are familiar and oft quoted.

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17 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You called rape a "pouty emotional blurb". You're an asshole. An asshole that's forcing his beliefs on others. 

liar, or....el stupido.

You can't understand a simple explanation? Your slurs are getting to be more moronic the last few days.

Here is what I said:

"   The pouty emotional blurbs about "my body" and "what about rape..." - are stupid. No woman who is ever raped, has to wait 6 or 7 months to find out the bad knews. So just stop with the nonsense. "

Now, I will spell it out for you. The "pouty emotional blurb" refers to the knee jerk reply when a woman says "my body", and "what about rape".

   Then I explained that it doesn't take 6 or 7 months to find out if the woman is pregnant by rape or not.

   So, that makes the comeback a "pouty emotional blurb".

Rape is of course, very serious a felonious offense, a sick offense.

Read it again, and grow the f up. Misinterpreting what others say just so you can feel like you aren't a moron by falsely claiming some imaginary high ground......is not working, I think.

The rest of your post is changing the subject to lash out at being made a fool. You did not address any point I made, except for one, and you did that falsely.

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

RE: your bold... you're getting as paranoid a some of the MAGAs are here on differing issues.... Let me wax poetic for a second... One nation "under God" once you take "God" out of the equation... pretty much anything goes.  BTW, I've said for years we should take "In God we trust" off of our currency. Same sex marriage, and a bunch of other stuff... If it will make you happy- using a few biblical references, Deuteronomy said adulterers should be stoned.  Hey Donnie!!! Line up!!!   And if you want to quote John's Gospel MAGAs- "let the first of you without sin cast the first stone".  The line of those willing to pay $10,000 bucks starts on the left.  :D   

OK, fair enough... If you want to believe this is a concerted effort of the Evangelicals to get abortion off the table... Great. It all boils down to this Woodster.... is this just a medical procedure,,, or is that "tissue" summarily disposed of a real human being?  Don't forget- I have a soft spot in my heart for our Native American brethren, who for a long time according to our Federal Government weren't "persons".  Of course, some of the radical pro choice folks want to say- in a similar vein- until the kid pops out it isn't a "person".   :( 

No, it isn't paranoid man. You don't see it, or don't want to believe it, because this is a ruling you agree with. But you need to understand the implications and the darker side to it all. More conservative states, mostly in the south, are going to have stricter more crimilaized laws on abortions. Even if a woman leaves the state. Being a criminal offense to that state they will utilized tactics already being used when investigating criminal cases. This includes pulling personal internet, app, and Financial data for someone thought to have had an abortion. Tracking search history, data from period tracking apps, credit card history,etc. All of it is in play. 

If you want to consider yourself above the delusional MAGA masses I suggest you read up on the implications. 


More religious nonsense. God (or specifically the Christian god you're referring to) doesn't create morality. No one needs religion to tell the difference between right and wrong. Not to mention we were much more religious in the past and yet much more violent. God was in school, your god, when women were called witches and burned alive / hanged, no? So miss me with this "we need Jesus" bullshit. 


Many aggressively practicing christians in this country, especially those pushing political ideals, are massive hypocrites. Finding a passage in the Bible that contradicts something they say or do is one of the easiest things to do. But again, I don't give a fuck what the Bible or any other old book says. It's a fictional fairy tale book that should have zero influence on the public's lives. 



It absolutely has been a huge push by evangelicals. They're a large force behind the Republican party and they're some of the most deranged people in this country. They exist to fight progress and force their ancient beliefs on others. 


And conservatives historically would be the ones fighting to not consider native Americans, women, or blacks people. Making a comparison here to an embryo is ridiculous. And leading with the most extreme case of abortion is just as ridiculous. This is about medical privacy and the freedom of choice.

Hilarious how the side that's constantly "rah rah freedom, rah rah small government, rah rah privacy" is all for this, an attack on all of those. 


The south will become more of a backward mess. Maybe we should just let them split off and do their own thing. Between this, anti LGBTQ pushes, damn near being pro covid, etc... just let them split. I couldn't imagine ever living down there. 



This is another example of the right and republicans just playing the game better and getting something passed a majority of Americans disagree with. Through top tier manipulation, lobbying, gerrymandering, voter suppression, media campaigns, etc they can make a ruling a heavy majority of people disagree with. 

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20 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

 Cal you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You don't. Zero. You have outdated views from decades ago, you don't understand what information on the internet is legitimate, and you haven't taken in a new view in decades. 

You called rape a "pouty emotional blurb". You're an asshole. An asshole that's forcing his beliefs on others. 

You have zero clue as to what any statistics or standard practices with abortion are. You're fed shock tactics and deceptively edited sting attempt videos from the right. You say whatever you want because it feels right. For being the jackass that rants about liberal feelings all of the time you're more emotional and feelings based than damn near anyime here. 

You're a lost cause. 

And the right wing battle cry of small government. What a joke. As usual you don't actually have any morales or ideals. You just react. You don't actually give a shit at all about big government. You just want the government to do what you like.

Cold blooded non emotional.  Yeah, I don't love the right wing delusionals, but I also have no love for the other side of the coin... from the 60s "if it feels good just do it"....   On steroids. I hope you realize, in thousands of other ways well meaning Big Brother 1984 has come home to roost....  I won't bother to start listing them.. We are in fact a lot less freer country than we were 50 years ago. 

Woody, I've been around the block a few times from the 60s where some people thought interracial marriage was ok, to a lot of people, to most people not caring.... 

Now it's self determination. I think I'm a woman, so it's OK for me to have doctors whack off my weiner and take hormones to fulfill my destiny with the opposite sex. Let me know when scientists figure out a way to change your DNA. Yup- I understand your POV... NO God.. Why should I consider what anyone else thinks about my "right" to rip some tissue out of my uterus?   

FWIW, the pro abortion crowd is in the minority guy.  

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So blathering about people who want to go so far as to make contraception illegal just shut up. It's a non-issue.

Also two and a half times as many people think anytime for any reason is okay than those who think it should be illegal in all cases. Another non-issue.

The fact is that more and more Americans care less and less about the sanctity of human life. Love it? Hate it? Who cares, it's a fact. It's hard to look at that tract has something positive for society going forward.


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Theres only one guy who posts here whose opinion I would take into account as more than a stock opinion. So if he decides to drop in and give it I'd listen. Otherwise all our opinions from Woody's to Cal's are highly colored by political leanings. Cal, at least, doesnt try to lie about where his political leanings are. 

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16 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I don't give a shit about your religious beliefs or anyone else's. If you think abortions are wrong then live your life that way. But you, or anyone else, has no right to impose those religious beliefs on anyone else. And yet, that's basically what we're getting here. 

I'm as godless of a heathen there is on this board, but the Constitution provides a secular framework for changing legislation, which was adhered to in this case. Surely, you don't think that all 50 states have laws against theft and violence just because those laws are in the Torah. I'm pro-choice, but since my time as a secular activist in college, I have met a surprising number of atheists who are pro-life. Roe v Wade was a federal overreach, and it was rightfully corrected to give that power back to the states. Now with the federal injunction being lifted from Dewine's heartbeat law, we are going to face the economic and social consequences of that decision. 

Funny aside - The secular student group I made in college was the result of a lot of hard work between me and one other guy. We ended up getting covered in the national media, which was pretty wild. It lost momentum when I lost the other guy. He knocked up his atheist girlfriend he met through the student org. She didn't want to have an abortion. He pressured her into getting one. He was also big into feminism and the pro-feminism groups on campus had posters of students with their reasons for being a feminist. His posters were taken down when his girlfriend brought up her situation to that group. She ended up miscarrying.

13 hours ago, hoorta said:

RE: your bold... you're getting as paranoid a some of the MAGAs are here on differing issues

Woody's privacy concerns are valid. I'd go even further, while Woody says those things can be tracked, I would argue that they are actively being tracked and sold to who knows where for advertising bucks. Now, some state-level politicians in the south are discussing creation of laws that would punish those who aid and abet an abortion. What is stopping their police from creating a shell advertising company, buying that data with the real purpose of investigating suspected abortions? You saw how most of the people complaining now were frothing at the mouth over Kyle Rittenhouse "crossing state lines to commit murder." Well, now there is going to be more of such idiocy, but just the other way around. 

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42 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Theres only one guy who posts here whose opinion I woukd takd into account as more than a stock opinion. So if he decides to drop in and give it I'd listen. Otherwise all our opinions from woodys to cals are highly colored by political leanings. Cal, at least, doesnt try to lie about where his political leanings are. 

wait, am it suppose to be honored by that, or.......lol


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1 hour ago, VaporTrail said:

I'm as godless of a heathen there is on this board, but the Constitution provides a secular framework for changing legislation, which was adhered to in this case. Surely, you don't think that all 50 states have laws against theft and violence just because those laws are in the Torah. I'm pro-choice, but since my time as a secular activist in college, I have met a surprising number of atheists who are pro-life. Roe v Wade was a federal overreach, and it was rightfully corrected to give that power back to the states. Now with the federal injunction being lifted from Dewine's heartbeat law, we are going to face the economic and social consequences of that decision. 

Funny aside - The secular student group I made in college was the result of a lot of hard work between me and one other guy. We ended up getting covered in the national media, which was pretty wild. It lost momentum when I lost the other guy. He knocked up his atheist girlfriend he met through the student org. She didn't want to have an abortion. He pressured her into getting one. He was also big into feminism and the pro-feminism groups on campus had posters of students with their reasons for being a feminist. His posters were taken down when his girlfriend brought up her situation to that group. She ended up miscarrying.

Woody's privacy concerns are valid. I'd go even further, while Woody says those things can be tracked, I would argue that they are actively being tracked and sold to who knows where for advertising bucks. Now, some state-level politicians in the south are discussing creation of laws that would punish those who aid and abet an abortion. What is stopping their police from creating a shell advertising company, buying that data with the real purpose of investigating suspected abortions? You saw how most of the people complaining now were frothing at the mouth over Kyle Rittenhouse "crossing state lines to commit murder." Well, now there is going to be more of such idiocy, but just the other way around. 

I don't come at this from a religious standpoint either though I try to understand and respect their positions. And I don't suppose there should be very much of an economic backlash due to an explosion of illegitimate births in Ohio, at least not as much as some people like to predict for the simple reason that people aren't having children or not having children based on the availability or lack of availability of abortions. I think they're basically having the children because it's a natural instinct of mammals after puberty. (Maybe a couple of minor factors around the edges but that's basically it IMO.)

As far as Dewine and the heartbeat law, that's just political theater. He veered to the left pretty heavily during the pandemic over reaction and now sensing opposition coming from the right decided he wanted to do something to try to get conservatives back into his camp.


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59 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I don't come at this from a religious standpoint either though I try to understand and respect their positions. And I don't suppose there should be very much of an economic backlash due to an explosion of illegitimate births in Ohio, at least not as much as some people like to predict for the simple reason that people aren't having children or not having children based on the availability or lack of availability of abortions. I think they're basically having the children because it's a natural instinct of mammals after puberty. (Maybe a couple of minor factors around the edges but that's basically it IMO.)

I disagree with you about the economics. I think the Donahue-Levitt study demonstrated a pretty significant correlation between Roe v Wade and the subsequent crime drop 18 years later. I also think that a lot of the criticisms of it are fair too - transitioning from leaded gasoline and the crack epidemic ending also played a role in the downturn of crime. I would not be surprised to see another crime spike in inner cities in 15-20 years from people who can't afford to go out of state to get an abortion. Being an unwanted and unloved male between the ages of 15-20 predisposes you to a higher likelihood to commit crime. 

59 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

As far as Dewine and the heartbeat law, that's just political theater. He veered to the left pretty heavily during the pandemic over reaction and now sensing opposition coming from the right decided he wanted to do something to try to get conservatives back into his camp.

He actually signed that law in 2019, prior to the pandemic. 

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I don't come at this from a religious standpoint either though I try to understand and respect their positions. And I don't suppose there should be very much of an economic backlash due to an explosion of illegitimate births in Ohio, at least not as much as some people like to predict for the simple reason that people aren't having children or not having children based on the availability or lack of availability of abortions. I think they're basically having the children because it's a natural instinct of mammals after puberty. (Maybe a couple of minor factors around the edges but that's basically it IMO.)

As far as Dewine and the heartbeat law, that's just political theater. He veered to the left pretty heavily during the pandemic over reaction and now sensing opposition coming from the right decided he wanted to do something to try to get conservatives back into his camp.


Gifts for People Who Love Condoms

The same people who tried to force you to cover your face are not willing to cover their penis...

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10 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

No, it isn't paranoid man. You don't see it, or don't want to believe it, because this is a ruling you agree with. But you need to understand the implications and the darker side to it all. More conservative states, mostly in the south, are going to have stricter more crimilaized laws on abortions. Even if a woman leaves the state. Being a criminal offense to that state they will utilized tactics already being used when investigating criminal cases. This includes pulling personal internet, app, and Financial data for someone thought to have had an abortion. Tracking search history, data from period tracking apps, credit card history,etc. All of it is in play. 

If you want to consider yourself above the delusional MAGA masses I suggest you read up on the implications. 


More religious nonsense. God (or specifically the Christian god you're referring to) doesn't create morality. No one needs religion to tell the difference between right and wrong. Not to mention we were much more religious in the past and yet much more violent. God was in school, your god, when women were called witches and burned alive / hanged, no? So miss me with this "we need Jesus" bullshit. 


Many aggressively practicing christians in this country, especially those pushing political ideals, are massive hypocrites. Finding a passage in the Bible that contradicts something they say or do is one of the easiest things to do. But again, I don't give a fuck what the Bible or any other old book says. It's a fictional fairy tale book that should have zero influence on the public's lives. 



It absolutely has been a huge push by evangelicals. They're a large force behind the Republican party and they're some of the most deranged people in this country. They exist to fight progress and force their ancient beliefs on others. 


And conservatives historically would be the ones fighting to not consider native Americans, women, or blacks people. Making a comparison here to an embryo is ridiculous. And leading with the most extreme case of abortion is just as ridiculous. This is about medical privacy and the freedom of choice.

Hilarious how the side that's constantly "rah rah freedom, rah rah small government, rah rah privacy" is all for this, an attack on all of those. 


The south will become more of a backward mess. Maybe we should just let them split off and do their own thing. Between this, anti LGBTQ pushes, damn near being pro covid, etc... just let them split. I couldn't imagine ever living down there. 



This is another example of the right and republicans just playing the game better and getting something passed a majority of Americans disagree with. Through top tier manipulation, lobbying, gerrymandering, voter suppression, media campaigns, etc they can make a ruling a heavy majority of people disagree with. 

Abortion Addict Confesses 15 Procedures in 16 Years



After having 15 abortions, motherhood saved her


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2 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

I disagree with you about the economics. I think the Donahue-Levitt study demonstrated a pretty significant correlation between Roe v Wade and the subsequent crime drop 18 years later. I also think that a lot of the criticisms of it are fair too - transitioning from leaded gasoline and the crack epidemic ending also played a role in the downturn of crime. I would not be surprised to see another crime spike in inner cities in 15-20 years from people who can't afford to go out of state to get an abortion. Being an unwanted and unloved male between the ages of 15-20 predisposes you to a higher likelihood to commit crime. 

He actually signed that law in 2019, prior to the pandemic. 





So  there are undoubtedly are other factors influencing the crime rate.

Number two it seems as if they out of wedlock birth rate has skyrocketed since Roe v Wade was decided. As has the teenage single parent family.

OTOH I stand corrected on the heartbeat bill. Still have the feeling it's grandstanding to impress conservatives but it did predate the pandemic.


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16 hours ago, hoorta said:

Cold blooded non emotional.  Yeah, I don't love the right wing delusionals, but I also have no love for the other side of the coin... from the 60s "if it feels good just do it"....   On steroids. I hope you realize, in thousands of other ways well meaning Big Brother 1984 has come home to roost....  I won't bother to start listing them.. We are in fact a lot less freer country than we were 50 years ago. 

Woody, I've been around the block a few times from the 60s where some people thought interracial marriage was ok, to a lot of people, to most people not caring.... 

Now it's self determination. I think I'm a woman, so it's OK for me to have doctors whack off my weiner and take hormones to fulfill my destiny with the opposite sex. Let me know when scientists figure out a way to change your DNA. Yup- I understand your POV... NO God.. Why should I consider what anyone else thinks about my "right" to rip some tissue out of my uterus?   

FWIW, the pro abortion crowd is in the minority guy.  

"If it feels good just do it" is the motto the boomers lived by to set us up for many of the messes we're in now. Without the common decency to get the hell out of the way.

I never said everyone in the 60s was against interracial marriage. Never. Those that were against it though are comparable to those fighting against equal rights now. Those people will do some mental gymnastics to say why they're different, but it's the same thing. 

No idea what the point of the scientists whacking off a Weiner comments were. 

I'm not saying there's no god. I'm saying there's no proof. If I had to bet, I'd say no, but I'm not sure we'd ever know any way. My beliefs aren't important here though. You do whatever you want with your beliefs, just don't force them on other people. You can feel abortion is wrong. Great. Don't do it. But don't force that view on others. 

It isn't pro abortion, it's pro choice. And you need to take a bigger poll than your Sunday mass. Legalized abortion absolutely is the majority opinion. 




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12 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


So blathering about people who want to go so far as to make contraception illegal just shut up. It's a non-issue.

Also two and a half times as many people think anytime for any reason is okay than those who think it should be illegal in all cases. Another non-issue.


And yet here we are. A country wide ruling at odds with the majority opinion. Multiple states about to ban it outright. Many more ready to pounce on further restrictions. 

Give it a few months. We'll see what Texas and the deep south cook up. Tragedy for all of the affected groups living down there that don't have the means to fight it / go around it. 

You call these things a non issue, we'll see. A solid majority of Americans didn't want roe v Wade repealed either...



The Republicans/ conservatives are masters at forcing through legislation and rulings the majority of this country disagrees with. They're better at playing the game. Much better 

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10 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Theres only one guy who posts here whose opinion I would take into account as more than a stock opinion. So if he decides to drop in and give it I'd listen. Otherwise all our opinions from Woody's to Cal's are highly colored by political leanings. Cal, at least, doesnt try to lie about where his political leanings are. 

Yeah man, I believe in a women's right to choose. I must only watch CNN and read Slate articles. You got me. Only way that's possible.

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9 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

I'm as godless of a heathen there is on this board, but the Constitution provides a secular framework for changing legislation, which was adhered to in this case. Surely, you don't think that all 50 states have laws against theft and violence just because those laws are in the Torah. I'm pro-choice, but since my time as a secular activist in college, I have met a surprising number of atheists who are pro-life. Roe v Wade was a federal overreach, and it was rightfully corrected to give that power back to the states. Now with the federal injunction being lifted from Dewine's heartbeat law, we are going to face the economic and social consequences of that decision. 

Funny aside - The secular student group I made in college was the result of a lot of hard work between me and one other guy. We ended up getting covered in the national media, which was pretty wild. It lost momentum when I lost the other guy. He knocked up his atheist girlfriend he met through the student org. She didn't want to have an abortion. He pressured her into getting one. He was also big into feminism and the pro-feminism groups on campus had posters of students with their reasons for being a feminist. His posters were taken down when his girlfriend brought up her situation to that group. She ended up miscarrying.

Woody's privacy concerns are valid. I'd go even further, while Woody says those things can be tracked, I would argue that they are actively being tracked and sold to who knows where for advertising bucks. Now, some state-level politicians in the south are discussing creation of laws that would punish those who aid and abet an abortion. What is stopping their police from creating a shell advertising company, buying that data with the real purpose of investigating suspected abortions? You saw how most of the people complaining now were frothing at the mouth over Kyle Rittenhouse "crossing state lines to commit murder." Well, now there is going to be more of such idiocy, but just the other way around. 

I'm saying there is clearly a very heavy religious push behind this ruling. And I never said an atheist can't be pro life. Again, if a Christian wants to live a life against abortion, fine, but they shouldn't push their religious views on everyone else. This was a decision the majority of people disagreed with. True government overreach will come soon as states full of Republican lawmakers push draconian anti privacy, anti women's rights laws. 


You made a secular student group? That's some effort into atheism. You would have been pre med, right? I just couldn't imagine anyone ever bothering with anything like that in engineering. Hell, you could win the engineering student board elections with a view dozen votes. 


That is a fair clarification on the second point of mine you referred to. All of our data is already being tracked. Mostly bought and sold for advertising. It can all easily be accessed to crack down on abortions and it absolutely will be. Again, the group that says they're "anti big government" won't even care when it happens.

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

And yet here we are. A country wide ruling at odds with the majority opinion. Multiple states about to ban it outright. Many more ready to pounce on further restrictions. 

Give it a few months. We'll see what Texas and the deep south cook up. Tragedy for all of the affected groups living down there that don't have the means to fight it / go around it. 

You call these things a non issue, we'll see. A solid majority of Americans didn't want roe v Wade repealed either...



The Republicans/ conservatives are masters at forcing through legislation and rulings the majority of this country disagrees with. They're better at playing the game. Much better 

Actually the one thing you've bumped into the truth is to wait few months. I think the anytime for any reason quadrant is creeping out the 60% of normal people who figure it's okay with some restrictions. But it seems like that's what the left always does. But again, we will see. And if it goes south in any states we will see how many single-issue voters there are.

And you might hope that you reside tempers there burned down the government and assassinate the justices attitude. As you say not a good look.

Kind of similarly I hated it when the FED took the power from the states to set the drinking age.




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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Yeah man, I believe in a women's right to choose. I must only watch CNN and read Slate articles. You got me. Only way that's possible.

You consistently try to act all like "fuck both the democrats and republicans" but you take democrat positions 100% of the time. Whatever, man. Just say you're a democrat and be done with it. 

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

It isn't pro abortion, it's pro choice.

NO, it’s Pro Lazy.

You act like there’s something wrong with birth control. If these fucking people would just use birth control….abortions aren’t part of the equation FFS. I know, I only had one biological child, birth control works.

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49 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

You consistently try to act all like "fuck both the democrats and republicans" but you take democrat positions 100% of the time. Whatever, man. Just say you're a democrat and be done with it. 

I'd have to register as one to start...

I think our two party political system is fucked. I think the Dems are the lesser of two evils. I do say fuck them both, and I always say fuck the Reps more. 

Not sucking Trump's dick at every waking moment doesn't mean you're completely on the other side of the spectrum. Not sure why that is so hard to understand here. I can think the Democratic party is trash but then still vote for them (when not voting third party) because I feel they're the least shitty choice of the two choices we have. 

Legalizing weed, a women's right to choose, LGBTQ rights, acknowledging climate change, gun reform, etc.... all seem like pretty common sense or science based positions to me. Many of which have support from the majority of this country. 

At least if you called me a liberal that would be more accurate....but not a Democrat. 


If you had to only watch either the Ravens or the Steelers all season, those were your only choices, I wouldn't outright consider you a Ravens fan (if that was your pick). I'd realize you just considered that the least worse pick of the two. 

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23 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

NO, it’s Pro Lazy.

You act like there’s something wrong with birth control. If these fucking people would just use birth control….abortions aren’t part of the equation FFS. I know, I only had one biological child, birth control works.

You should do se research on the overall effectiveness of birth control. 

Though I know that would require you to confront data the goes against something you believe. Definitely easier to call them all lazy.... This also doesn't directly affect you at all either... Both of those together and you've got some classic social conservatism 

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30 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You should do se research on the overall effectiveness of birth control. 

Though I know that would require you to confront data the goes against something you believe. Definitely easier to call them all lazy.... This also doesn't directly affect you at all either... Both of those together and you've got some classic social conservatism 



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well, woody - your  I got yer majority of Americans" right here:

(and, btw, your majority needs context. Read below.)

Jan 29, 2021About 76% of respondents said they favor at least some form of limitation on legal abortion. The data shows that 25% of respondents (35% of pro-choice respondents and 14% of pro-life respondents) believe that abortion should be legal "only during the first three months of a pregnancy.". Meanwhile, 28% of all respondents (40% of pro-life ...
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2 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:


Ignore the ideal-case numbers. They never happen with any type of birth control except for IUD or Prevena. Typical use tells you your actual odds of becoming pregnant year by year. OCPs come with a 3-5x increased risk of blood clots. For those who don't want to assume the risk of chemoprophylaxis side effects, or surgical complications in the case of IUD, there are condoms. Condom typical use failure rate is even higher at about 15 of 100 women becoming pregnant per year. 

Suppose you exclusively use condoms for 3 years. Your 3-year odds of pregnancy are now 45%. Here's a fun science fact for everyone. The typical use, yearly pregnancy rates for condoms and withdrawal are about the same. You can significantly reduce the risk by combining methods. If someone were to combine condoms and withdrawal, the yearly rate drops to 2.25%. But after 5 years of this method, 1 in 10 women will become pregnant. I'd argue this method is quite safe on the spectrum of safe sex practices. But if we take that number and multiply it by the zoomer population, then you can see that there are going to be quite a bunch of unplanned pregnancies.

This should be a mandatory discussion between a provider and any individual starting on birth control. Hell, it should be a mandatory part of sex ed across the country. It's too bad that most doctors and schoolteachers have no idea how statistics work. All I remember from my sex ed class was that "condoms are 99% effective!" They're not. 

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

well, woody - your  I got yer majority of Americans" right here:

(and, btw, your majority needs context. Read below.)

Jan 29, 2021About 76% of respondents said they favor at least some form of limitation on legal abortion. The data shows that 25% of respondents (35% of pro-choice respondents and 14% of pro-life respondents) believe that abortion should be legal "only during the first three months of a pregnancy.". Meanwhile, 28% of all respondents (40% of pro-life ...

Cal, did the majority of Americans approve or disapprove of repealing Roe v Wade?



(Not to mention I haven't once been pushing for completely unrestricted access not have I at any point made it seem like that view point is the majority. Keep up)

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