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The Jab lies continue.


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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

What did I say earlier? "You can't make me."   We had measles eradicated until the anti-vaxxers showed up. Smallpox and polio uptics soon to follow.  :( 

Now we have conspiracy folks claiming covid vaccines will destroy your immune system. Whatever....  

make sure you get your boosters…🤡

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11 hours ago, hoorta said:


Now we have conspiracy folks claiming covid vaccines will destroy your immune system. Whatever....  

I do take these claims with a grain of salt, but if you scroll down the link provided it appears to be heavily populated with charts and data. Quite an elaborate undertaking for a hoax or conspiracy. No?

The title is misleading, I will say that. The subject matter talks of is "a type of" Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It doesn't appear to be the form AIDS we are familiar with.

Then there's this:

Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them - PMC (nih.gov)

Some studies suggest a link between COVID-19 vaccines and reactivation of the virus that causes shingles [12, 13]. This condition is sometimes referred to as vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome




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It's sad how easily manipulated some conservatives were into not taking the covid vaccine. Just like literally every other issue they rant about it became a culture way issue. M&Ms not sexy enough, something about Dr Seuss, and then everything COVID. 

Thousands and thousands of qualified experts meant nothing because dumb conservatives were manipulated into thinking they were being "free thinkers" by ignoring the experts. 


Maybe next time we'll get a more deadly disease with a vaccine right away. "Experts say to take this or you'll die." We can start handing out Herman Caine Awards left and right...

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Still great content 

Sad these morons were more likely to contribute to the spread of covid. And sad they probably left behind family and friends that cares about them very much. 

But if the vaccine had been around and you're unvaccinated and dying from COVID I have no sympathy for you. 


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14 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

until sicko destitute illegals flooded across our border by the millions, "thanks" to

every single demoquack voter......

Ya know Cal, I'm honestly going to admit we DO have a problem at the Border...  But those measles outbreaks aren't happening in El Paso....  It's happening because the anti-vaxxers think a one in a million adverse effect isn't worth the proven benefit of taking the vaccine.  

4 hours ago, FY56 said:

I do take these claims with a grain of salt, but if you scroll down the link provided it appears to be heavily populated with charts and data. Quite an elaborate undertaking for a hoax or conspiracy. No?

The title is misleading, I will say that. The subject matter talks of is "a type of" Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It doesn't appear to be the form AIDS we are familiar with.

Then there's this:

Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them - PMC (nih.gov)

Some studies suggest a link between COVID-19 vaccines and reactivation of the virus that causes shingles [12, 13]. This condition is sometimes referred to as vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome



When I have time FY, I'll go through the article in more depth, I just skimmed it...  You're probably aware I'm completely qualified to assess what someone with a non-medical background would consider gobbledygook.  I did get this though  As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued.   OK, I see their reasoning...  

HOWEVER,  those who are spouting RNA Covid vaccines are completely destroying people's immune systems don't know what they're talking about. Based on the above article, it's a VERY limited reduction to immune response directed against covid viruses. Possibly increasing your risk of getting shingles? OK, insufficient data on that from my POV, further studies indicated.  Make sure you get your Shingrix vaccine if you're over 50.  

Yeah, covid vaccines were NEVER touted as being 100% effective...  I have a good friend in our wine group who's gotten covid for the second time, even though he's been completely vaccinated. Though I like to think he'd probably be dead if he hadn't taken the shots, instead of being sick for a week at home...   

MHO? We're just going to have to take our chances and live with this highly mutagenic virus, that mutates faster than they can crank out vaccines to counteract it.  :( 

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On 1/14/2023 at 2:03 PM, MLD Woody said:

It's sad how easily manipulated some conservatives were into not taking the covid vaccine. Just like literally every other issue they rant about it became a culture way issue. M&Ms not sexy enough, something about Dr Seuss, and then everything COVID. 

Thousands and thousands of qualified experts meant nothing because dumb conservatives were manipulated into thinking they were being "free thinkers" by ignoring the experts. 


Maybe next time we'll get a more deadly disease with a vaccine right away. "Experts say to take this or you'll die." We can start handing out Herman Caine Awards left and right...

 Yes as ironic as it is for you to say so it is sad how easily manipulated some people can be. I'm going to repeat this one more time so you can go sulk. It would have been hundreds of times better if EMS workers were allowed to take a quick covid test and then go to work than to forbid them all from performing their duties because they haven't had vaccination which neither stops the spread nor protects you from kidding the virus.

 But because moron's like Joe Biden told people that if you get the vaccination you won't get covered and there is political hay to be made, well you understand whether you admit it or not.

  And yes I made the decision to get vaccinated and get a booster because I think it will probably keep me from getting as sick as I would've had I not had one when the time comes I get the shit again. Then again would you rather get the Herman Cain award or the Andrew Cuimo award?

 And remember 'you guys', meaning the people who vote for democrats, wouldn't boot him out of office until he said some rude things to dames, NOT for neglectfully killing a bunch of old people.

(Of course  we know you are good with killing old people 😁)



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On 1/14/2023 at 2:03 PM, MLD Woody said:

It's sad how easily manipulated some conservatives and a lot of black people were into not taking the covid vaccine. Just like literally every other issue they rant about it became a culture way issue. M&Ms not sexy enough, something about Dr Seuss, and then everything COVID. 

Thousands and thousands of qualified experts meant nothing because dumb conservatives and a lot of dumb black people were manipulated into thinking they were being "free thinkers" by ignoring the experts. 

Maybe next time we'll get a more deadly disease with a vaccine right away. "Experts say to take this or you'll die." We can start handing out Herman Caine Awards left and right...

I edited in bold. You shouldn't discriminate.

Also, your "free thinker" rhetoric makes zero sense. By ignoring the thousands of qualified experts means that they were already free thinkers, they didn't need to be manipulated into thinking they were.

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24 minutes ago, FY56 said:

I edited in bold. You shouldn't discriminate.

Also, your "free thinker" rhetoric makes zero sense. By ignoring the thousands of qualified experts means that they were already free thinkers, they didn't need to be manipulated into thinking they were.


  Skin color and sexual preference mean a lot to the woodpecker.


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3 hours ago, Axe said:

I don't know guys. My wife and I like to travel, and in this day and age if you want to travel, you have to be vaccinated. So, we are..

That's cool all I ask is just don't try to force me or others to do it ...

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On 1/14/2023 at 2:03 PM, MLD Woody said:

It's sad how easily manipulated some conservatives were into not taking the covid vaccine. Just like literally every other issue they rant about it became a culture way issue. M&Ms not sexy enough, something about Dr Seuss, and then everything COVID. 

Thousands and thousands of qualified experts meant nothing because dumb conservatives were manipulated into thinking they were being "free thinkers" by ignoring the experts. 


Maybe next time we'll get a more deadly disease with a vaccine right away. "Experts say to take this or you'll die." We can start handing out Herman Caine Awards left and right...

Are you still hung up on that....0000.gif.b6b06e43672395e0eb9eea2c1d46c9c7.gif

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Just now, Westside Steve said:

Hell I can't believe some suckers are still wearing masks in their cars.



I still wear a mask going into stores. Not outside, not around family, not in my car. I have actually been getting sick less in general since I started wearing one. I'm only in a store for a few seconds, it's not a big deal to throw a mask on. But I agree, if you are alone and in your car wearing a mask, you have problems.

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1 minute ago, Neo said:

I still wear a mask going into stores. Not outside, not around family, not in my car. I have actually been getting sick less in general since I started wearing one. I'm only in a store for a few seconds, it's not a big deal to throw a mask on. But I agree, if you are alone and in your car wearing a mask, you have problems.

I try not to give people too much shit for their personal choices. I don't wear one unless I'm forced to but I did have my 2nd shot. But yes, in the car , on the bike trail, etc that's at least worthy of some minor ridicule.

Actually, for those who are actually concerned, I think unless they're really careful about the things they touch, they are overlooking something that could well be more important.


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well, we got our two shots early on, Then, booster? hell no. At this point, the booster has caused some serious problems, most notably ....strokes I think it was.

   No more than our emergency first two.  Meanwhile, we don't wear masks at Texas Roadhouse, and Mission BBQ, and in stores for the most part. Never got covid.

  Covid is still out there - our niece got it three weeks ago, but was only really sick for three days.

  damn communst china sombeitches.


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That is, personal vaccination status today is the most stigmatizing personal data of modern times, surpassing having AIDS. As such, any government compilation must be “bulletproof” against hacking and misuse.

As well, the government must be trusted to maintain the data for use only as other personal medical data have been used.

anyone trusting the US government when its ambitions are a banana peel slip joining into a total globalist position?  Anyone outside of America first see that as being a problem?  Throwing away your / our soveriegn rights? 

its just a chart now given by the WHO, but can easily be adapted by the CDC and used to advance the ( for the time being feel good approach to having been vaccinated) to a requirement before recieving medical care or staying in a lockdown.

oh wait - we seen that before 

ask Austrailia for instance....


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so, according to woodpecker arrogant squawking,

conservatives are terrible and should die because they don't listen to science.

"science, science, science a thousand times science" blah blah blah.

and yet, we are supposed to take seriously 37+ GENDERS?

after all, the traitor fauci lied about research done in communist china's wuhan lab that apparently DID result in covid all around the world, and

dr birks admits she LIED and LIED.

They lied to Pres Trump...

but we are supposed to be dupes and listen to their political fake "science".


woodpecker, we have YOUR kind of "science" right here:

One of the strangest parts of the COVID-19 pandemic has been all of the public health "experts" who openly lied to the American people while expecting to be lauded as heroes in response. Certainly, most have witnessed Dr. Anthony Fauci's grotesque level of arrogance over the years, with numerous examples of the good doctor admitting to lying in order to get the outcome he desired from ...
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On 1/18/2023 at 7:06 AM, Westside Steve said:

My feeling is never trust a dude who wears skinny jeans.

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27 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

I had three total, last being November 2021.  I don't plan on getting anymore.

 I have been at th Cleveland Clinic   A Lot recently for cataracts.  Pharmacist told me I could get the 3rd shot if I wanted but didn't think it's needed since it was made for the last round of covid.  So I didn't bother.

 I did get pneumonia and shingles vaccines.


 Just for the Record  My best friend is an RN and a staunch anti vaxer. Almost obsessive over i 

 He's Had covid at least 3 times and has been sick as a fucking dog.


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