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Decision time for Democrats and liberals

Westside Steve

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53 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

do you even know what you are saying? are you "channeling" joe biden?

You inferred being a pervert doesn't hurt anyone.

I told you a major reason it hurts kids in schools, as a distortion/diversion of what their parents teach them.

social engineering towards tyranny in the form of alienating children from who they would have been, and grooming them to be what the left wants them to grow up to be. Leftists.

  I worked with a guy like you after college. He couldn't program logically/constructively at all. I kept trying to help him, and finally, he admitted that he got his degree by going to his brother's alma mater, and that fraternity had copies of all the tests.

   He finally quit, I could only help him so much. I wonder about how you got through college without knowing how to discuss anything intelligently or think logically and translate it into words constructively.

You don't get it. You think it's weird. You don't understand. Etc etc etc

None of that means it "hurts" kids. Your FEELINGS don't constitute any "legit" argument. You're just a brainwashed old man yelling at what he doesn't understand. Nothing more. There have been plenty like you in the past and they were just as ridiculous and ignorant. 

You have no idea what "grooming" is. In the right wing's culture war attempt at winning an election they've regressed to calling anything they disagree with "grooming". It's pathetic. 


I do myself a disservice by attempting to engage with you. It's not great and a waste of time. But any unbiased individual with half a brain can figure out what's going on here. But hey, go regurgitate another Blaze article...



And we even got one of Cal's fantasy fiction stories where he's the hero, is the best at programming, saves the day, or some combination of those. 

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Which one actually affects you?

That teacher angle goes both ways right now. Purposely being an ass to trans students shouldn't be tolerated from a teacher. Not hard to use correct pronouns. No matter what the media you consume is telling you. 

You don't give a shit about women's sports. None of you do. This is just the anti trans angle that stuck so you're towing the party line. How much this is affecting anything has been massively blown out of proportion. Obviously it has. Like I said before, the bathroom bill stuff from years ago didn't work. People just thought the right was being weird. This repackaged girls sports angle is working though so here we are. I think as long as there has been some time of hormone therapy I don't see the harm. Though a straight up biological male would have an advantage over females, obviously. But this whole argument is being boiled down to sports and fairness where on reality trans people just want to live their lives without harassment. 

What jobs are having standards reduced and what does that have to do with trans individuals?

What jobs are "set aside" for women that trans women are flocking to? And where that is happening, if at all, why is it bad?

Yes, everyone is using tax payer money to "get their weenies chopped off". Brilliant shit here. How much do you weight Steve? How much will medical complications due to your weight cost taxpayers over time?




THIS is the issue conservatives seem to want to push. The hill they want to die on. No way I can compete with the constant BS you're fed (as we can see from this forum). You'll chose to believe these delusions and set up shop on the wrong side of the latest social issue. Then the Reps will lose and blame mail in voting or something and you'll all eat that up too. 

To be honest woody, nothing really affects me. So if that's all it comes down to there's no point in us talking about anything, right? I was going to make up a list of hypotheticals, but to what purpose?

By the way I weighed 222 fairly recently. I was 309 a long time ago. But since you brought it up apparently you are offended by people who are overweight and out of shape eating up the assets of the medical facilities? Yes? No?

So let's say no they're probably aren't very many parents who would have that done because of Munchausen by proxy or some such shit. Then again you were just shitting your pants about a congressman being unsuccessfully prosecuted for a relationship with a 17 year old? So how does that affect your life? If that's the bottom line?


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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

peck, sissy peck, peck, peck (fart) peck

typical woodpecker, your reply means nothing of legit content. Just more personal attacks, nonsense slurs and incoherent rambling. Try replying someday to the actual post you are referring to. Of course, that means you have to learn the subject. Indoctrinating kids as to trans and gay and perverted sex etc etc, IS weird, weirdo. I wish I thought you were only gaslighting, but nope.

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23 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

... so how does a biological man feeling more comfortable as a woman affect you?

So you didn't start with the first question, who and what are making what illegal?


"I mean, you're a delusional moron the believes loads of stupid shit, as evidenced by this forum, but no one is trying to make your idiocy illegal "

Speaking out your ass as usual or what?

Are we in 4th grade again? How does it affect me? Argue against me, you can't so you say little grade school comments.

You tried stating as fact, a man can get pregnant, and when pressed you doubled down on your stupidity by saying a woman who feels like a man can get pregnant. In all reality, a woman is still a woman no matter what she feels and a man cannot get pregnant. What's your follow up since you are wrong? Being a typical lefty you come up with...shit.

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14 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Aaaaaand the paranoid delusions creep in immediately. 

You constantly FEEL you're right, and the only emotion you base your beliefs on is fear. Sad. 



Hell, at one point in Cal's life he was probably against gay teachers. Shit, he might still be now. I mean that's weird and different and kids can't know that exists! Jesus and such!

How is this any different than the individual playing the role of Cal from decades ago mad that their kid's teacher was black? Hint, it isn't. 

How many articles you want posted on this very thing happening? You want this post flooded?

As an aside, why are you bringing up gay or black teachers? No one said or hinted to as such. As usual, you can't stand on your own arguments so you have to embellish a little.

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