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There are NO such thing as "palestinians". Learn HISTORY


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There Is No Such Thing As 'Palestinians'

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still waiting for Vapor or woodpecker or...... to comment. The hate is falsely manufactured by the arabic terrorists.

How many times does this come up, and the truth still gets ignored by some?

Just as today, it seems that even in 1948 the Arab side was more concerned with opposing and attacking the Jewish state than with creating a Palestinian state. Besides the above statehood opportunities, there were other notable opportunities that were missed too, such as the 1978 Camp
I highly advise woodpecker, Vapor and anyone else who might support the "palestinian cause"...to read:
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I am well aware of the history of the state of Israel, and I regret to tell you that it's irrelevant to the situation now. The reality on the ground is that you have two violent groups of people making claim to the same land. And instead of keeping it a local conflict, the people running our country have to allow Israel to pin its ears back and level Gaza because muh democracy or something. Never mind the refugees. 

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Little warped there I think, you have one violent group attacking a defending state that has all rights to it's land.

And you contradicted yourself, badly. If you want them to keep it a local conflict then the US should be allowing them to defend themselves. Otherwise as you request, they wouldn't be keeping it a local conflict.

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4 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

I am well aware of the history of the state of Israel, and I regret to tell you that it's irrelevant to the situation now. The reality on the ground is that you have two violent groups of people making claim to the same land. And instead of keeping it a local conflict, the people running our country have to allow Israel to pin its ears back and level Gaza because muh democracy or something. Never mind the refugees. 

It is not "irreverent"  at all. Perhaps you don't like the history contradicting your sentiments, but they do. Both are violent?

Show me where the Israelis burned babies alive in their cribs, beheaded babies, raped and murdered men, women and children, shooting children down in front of their parents, committing surprise unlimited mass murder worse in history except for the Holocaust.

   Self-defense in war - especially now, is violent in war. The superficial stupidity of saying both sides do the same violence, is an ignorant moral equivalency so bad that you simply cannot be serious.

   Israel has to demolish every part of Gaza that hams is firing rockets from. That is hamas' fault, and it's the palestinians fault for giving hamas  complete control over Gaza.


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5 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

There is no contradiction. American force projection is allowing the Israelis to bomb the hell out of Gaza, when they would otherwise be kept in check by Iran and proxies (and maybe even Saudi and proxies at this point). Our presence has turned a local conflict into a global one. 

that is stupid. As soon as Israel gave Gaza control over themselves, hamas came in and Iran has armed them to the teeth, and iran/hamas/radical palestinians/North Korea/China and the russians, and syria, have armed hamas and hexbollah for years in prep for this war to wipe Israel off the map.

  Be serious, hamas is all over gaza, why do you "feel" that Israel should just let them send inaccurate missiles at them by the thousands and not take out those hundreds or thousands of missile sites in gaza?

  Pardon me, Vapor, but your bias is showing.

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10 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

You are a cheerleader who is upset because I'm not picking either shitty side in this fight. 

No, I'm not upset at all. You "feel" that babies being burned alive in their cribs, babies being beheaded, 260 innocent guys and gals being slaughtered is fine because Israel is firing at rocket/missile sites in Gaza?

Please, explain to me how you "don't take sides". That is profoundly indicative of flagrant disrespect for the truth about it all.

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3 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

Ah yes, what an accurate summary of my views. 🤡🌎

well, I was trying to get the gist of it, I can only do what I can figure might be the case.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:





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12 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

There is no contradiction. American force projection is allowing the Israelis to bomb the hell out of Gaza, when they would otherwise be kept in check by Iran and proxies (and maybe even Saudi and proxies at this point). Our presence has turned a local conflict into a global one. 

Is that what you think? You think Iran could stop Israel?? Still, you contradicted yourself and you had an even worse cover up. Israel would beat Iran.

However, if you want to talk force projection, whatever that really is, then why can Iran interfere and US can't?

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

Is that what you think? You think Iran could stop Israel?? Still, you contradicted yourself and you had an even worse cover up. Israel would beat Iran.

Can you guys go a single post without a strawman? 

1 hour ago, Jax said:

why can Iran interfere and US can't?

Iran interfering gets them bombed by Israel. The US interfering gets us another 9/11 or Bataclan in 5-10 years. I prioritize American lives over Israelis, Iranians, Palestinians. Would be nice if our government did the same. 

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4 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

I prioritize American lives over Israelis, Iranians, Palestinians.

See, you're a smart guy and sometimes you say really good stuff.

Sets you far apart from the whoorta.

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5 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

I firmly believe that the only winning move in this one is not to play. 

Face facts, Vapor - hamas started the Holocaust type invasion, the attempted genocide of all and any Jews, of all ages.

To "not to play" means Israel gets destroyed and all Jews get tortured, burned alive, beheaded, and Israel is wiped off the face of the earth.

"not to play" ?

that's bs. When forced into a war, you have to fight the war to survive.

America tried desperately to "not play" before eventually having to enter WWI and WWII, only after those wars blew into gigantic proportions, and so many died because they waited.

  Stop hamas NOW, before WWIII breaks out.

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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

So then why do you keep taking such an issue with what's going on? It's clear the two can't coexist and it's only one side that REALLY can't coexist so fuck em. They don't have to coexist if they don't exist. 

Because I am against my country getting flooded with refugees whose culture is incompatible with our culture. 

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If Israel actually goes for a genocide than problem solved. Hate to tell you, doc, but this country is already jacked to the gills with people who hate it and want to destroy it. It's already too late for that. Look at all the leftists simping for people that stand against literally every value they say they stand for. 

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