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Happy first day of Cheeto's first (of many) criminal trials.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Regarding the BOLD he already said so. Believe it (or not)  at your own risk. YOU weren't serious? But Trump certainly is. 

We'll find out.

At your own risk, bahahaha....I can tell who has been swilling the kool-aid.

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1 minute ago, Jax said:

We'll find out.

At your own risk, bahahaha....I can tell who has been swilling the kool-aid.

HAHAHAHA  I gave up Kool aid long ago.  However, I spent a WONDERFUL afternoon checking out the full range of Duckhorn wines... Including a rare opportunity (on my retirement budget) to try a taste of their $150 buck a bottle Three Palms Merlot.  Hic...  And some $50 buck a bottle Japanese sakes that expanded my tasting horizons.   

LOL, if you losers want to believe Cohen is a liar- just keep it up calling me a drunk.  FU....   :D  

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22 minutes ago, hoorta said:

HAHAHAHA  I gave up Kool aid long ago.  However, I spent a WONDERFUL afternoon checking out the full range of Duckhorn wines... Including a rare opportunity (on my retirement budget) to try a taste of their $150 buck a bottle Three Palms Merlot.  Hic...  And some $50 buck a bottle Japanese sakes that expanded my tasting horizons.   

LOL, if you losers want to believe Cohen is a liar- just keep it up calling me a drunk.  FU....   :D  

I'd rather drink kool aid

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Just a quick note for future reference.


Not able too quickly pull these up at the moment (hours I do not have right now), but from what I've seen   .   .   .   these "Cases" are all dead.


Stormy / Cohen - LOL, wow, what a BS show of exposure of corruption.


Secure Documents - not going to worry myself about the Clown running this - dead, corrupt, and more.


GA - I believe I saw that she'd (Fani) just been striped of authority in this Case - wish I could pull up the exact article   .   .   .   but basically the Appeals Court trounced her.



Damn, some of this is days old, so recalling it ($hit moving fast right now) is pretty difficult   .   .   .  


Cohen = Pinocchio   .   .   .   it's bad when even CNN tags him as a Liar, which they have.

$hit, there are a ton more lies I can tag on this guy, just not worth the time or effort.



If I recover the exact tags on the above BS, I'll drop them here, but I'm not going out of my way right now too dig this crap up.


It's all been BS from the git / go   .   .   .  


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2 hours ago, Axe said:

But, But, But, Larry the pathetic drunken asshole that he is says the exact opposite. :D


Woody in 3 2 1


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2 hours ago, Axe said:

But, But, But, Larry the pathetic drunken asshole that he is says the exact opposite. :D


Woody in 3 2 1

See my response to Steve Axe- just keep, on keeping on- IN YOUR SAFE SPACE.   You have a certified QAnon reality denier saying... IT'S ALL GOING TO GO AWAY!!! Not f**king likely unless your Mango Messiah happens to win come November.   

If you pathetic MAGA- tards get your jollies calling me a drunk- well, that demonstrates your juvenile IQ level of room temperature intelligence.    :D :D :D 

BTW Axe, I'm now 100% immune to your Grade School insults. Maybe you might (possibly) be able to figure out in an ADULT  Forum ad hominum attacks (you really should Google what those are)  signify you've already lost the argument.  :D :D :D 



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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

See my response to Steve Axe- just keep, on keeping on- IN YOUR SAFE SPACE.   You have a certified QAnon reality denier saying... IT'S ALL GOING TO GO AWAY!!! Not f**king likely unless your Mango Messiah happens to win come November.   

If you pathetic MAGA- tards get your jollies calling me a drunk- well, that demonstrates your juvenile IQ level of room temperature intelligence.    :D :D :D 

BTW Axe, I'm now 100% immune to your Grade School insults. Maybe you might (possibly) be able to figure out in an ADULT  Forum ad hominum attacks (you really should Google what those are)  signify you've already lost the argument.  :D :D :D 




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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

See my response to Steve Axe- just keep, on keeping on- IN YOUR SAFE SPACE.   You have a certified QAnon reality denier saying... IT'S ALL GOING TO GO AWAY!!! Not f**king likely unless your Mango Messiah happens to win come November.   

If you pathetic MAGA- tards get your jollies calling me a drunk- well, that demonstrates your juvenile IQ level of room temperature intelligence.    :D :D :D 

BTW Axe, I'm now 100% immune to your Grade School insults. Maybe you might (possibly) be able to figure out in an ADULT  Forum ad hominum attacks (you really should Google what those are)  signify you've already lost the argument.  :D :D :D 



You realize a few things here right?

Safe spaces were created by liberals and lefties. The right makes fun of safe spaces.

You always have some type of name and it's usually sounds like frustrated rage vomit.


pathetic MAGA- tards get your jollies calling me a drunk- well, that demonstrates your juvenile IQ level of room temperature intelligence

For someone that talks about civility and adult behavior you sure do like acting like a child.


I'm now 100% immune to your Grade School insults

Come on man, have some dignity. We wouldn't even use this line in grade school. Are you sticking your tongue out too while you type? Get it together man.

You rant and cry about everything stupid because you know Trump is a good president and biden is a pos. I don't know why you guys are so jealous of trump, just move on.

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17 hours ago, hoorta said:

Thanks for showing your bias pal.  Maybe you might admit to me that I'm 100% right... this is a right wing echo chamber circle jerk forum. Opposing opinions not welcome. 

Passed an Infrastructure bill and the chips act. Would have gotten a Border Bill done, but Mango killed it.  

Nickers- I'm sorry that you're part of Cult 45.  Would you like me to pull a Cal and post a dozen or so posts saying Trump is spiraling down a dementia hole- and there's no coming back?  

Regarding the BOLD he already said so. Believe it (or not)  at your own risk. YOU weren't serious? But Trump certainly is. 

Obviously Steve- you have no rational comeback- whataboutism is for the weak. and I won't hold that against you. The ONLY reality based evidence of 1\6 is a MOB instigated by the Mango Messiah stormed the Capitol, seriously injured- in many cases- Capitol Police, shouted "Hang Mike Pence" caused a million or so of damage to the Capitol breaking windows and doors- (literally shitting on the floor). In the meantime DJT sat on his diaper for hours not telling the mob to go home. If you want to deny that, you're beyond hope. That's the fucking facts jack-sorry if you want to keep swilling Kool-Aid. 

Yeah- I could get personal regarding your nut job pals living in some alternate reality posting- that you allow to spew here, About all I can do to restrain myself from sinking to their juvenile delusional (psychotic) level of name calling.  but I won't. You know who I'm talking about Steve. He needs an intervention. 

Bias? I don't think I've ever claimed otherwise. I consider myself a moderate conservative. I have no personal hate for Joe Biden I think he's just a useful idiot for the hard left and our government. By the way Woodrow hard left in the US government is not hard left and European socialist governments. Nor do we actually have a hard right. If someone is pro-abortion pro higher taxes anti-energy Independence Pro BLM Etc Joe is your man. Just don't be a hypocrite about it. It seems the bulk of your Trump hatred is based on things that happened after he was out of office.

There is no rule and the bronze board bylaws about me being 100% neutral and political affairs. Sorry.


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13 hours ago, hoorta said:

BTW Axe, I'm now 100% immune to your Grade School insults.




Yet you respond every time like a dancing  monkey..


Dance lil monkey, dance 🤣

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20 hours ago, hoorta said:

Thanks for showing your bias pal.  Maybe you might admit to me that I'm 100% right... this is a right wing echo chamber circle jerk forum. Opposing opinions not welcome. 

Passed an Infrastructure bill and the chips act. Would have gotten a Border Bill done, but Mango killed it.  

Nickers- I'm sorry that you're part of Cult 45.  Would you like me to pull a Cal and post a dozen or so posts saying Trump is spiraling down a dementia hole- and there's no coming back?  

Regarding the BOLD he already said so. Believe it (or not)  at your own risk. YOU weren't serious? But Trump certainly is. 

Obviously Steve- you have no rational comeback- whataboutism is for the weak. and I won't hold that against you. The ONLY reality based evidence of 1\6 is a MOB instigated by the Mango Messiah stormed the Capitol, seriously injured- in many cases- Capitol Police, shouted "Hang Mike Pence" caused a million or so of damage to the Capitol breaking windows and doors- (literally shitting on the floor). In the meantime DJT sat on his diaper for hours not telling the mob to go home. If you want to deny that, you're beyond hope. That's the fucking facts jack-sorry if you want to keep swilling Kool-Aid. 

Yeah- I could get personal regarding your nut job pals living in some alternate reality posting- that you allow to spew here, About all I can do to restrain myself from sinking to their juvenile delusional (psychotic) level of name calling.  but I won't. You know who I'm talking about Steve. He needs an intervention. 

Larry… pull all the Cal you want,,, I know and accept the truth… the lady who wrote that book is a personal family friend and would eat people like you for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She has dealt with the likes of Danny Green and other powerful figures,, She would laugh at you and embarrass the fuck out of you… she’s got facts and evidence on her side… You’re just another common blow hard

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17 hours ago, hoorta said:

TW Axe, I'm now 100% immune to your Grade School insults.

drunken dancing monkey kind of rage


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23 hours ago, hoorta said:

HAHAHAHA  I gave up Kool aid long ago.  However, I spent a WONDERFUL afternoon checking out the full range of Duckhorn wines... Including a rare opportunity (on my retirement budget) to try a taste of their $150 buck a bottle Three Palms Merlot.  Hic...  And some $50 buck a bottle Japanese sakes that expanded my tasting horizons.   

LOL, if you losers want to believe Cohen is a liar- just keep it up calling me a drunk.  FU....   :D  

I always heard that his wine was bottom shelf
Lord cccjwh just could not wait to find out for himself

Well don't knock it till you've tried it

And he tried it my friend

He'll never drink wine with Larry again!

Now we learned a hard lesson in a small Texas town
He fired up a uncorked a bottle of Boone'sfarm and he passed it around
The last words cccjwh spoke before they tucked him in
I may discount Bungee jump
But I'll never drink wine with Larry again

cccjwh will never drink wine with Larry again
My party's all over before it begins
You can pour cccjwh some Old Whiskey River his friend
But he'll never drink wine with Larry again
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On 5/18/2024 at 8:24 PM, hoorta said:

Actually Axe, I'm feeling more sorry for you.  Donald Trump hasn't said much truthful outside of his 30,000+.. pathological lies.... However...  

He did say" "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I wouldn't lose any supporters". Welcome to Cult45 Axe.  

Oh, from my medical background I have to wonder if poopy pants diaper Donnie is too obstinate to admit he has Krohn's Disease or something similar. Don Snoreleone isn't impressing the outside world much at his trial.  :D :D :D   


This is an example of your POV that you deem earns acceptance and respect?

This is just another case of you liberal scum accusing the other guys of what you say or do.

As if Biden doesn't lie. Nobody showed you the list yet or what?  Biden actually lies. Bald faced lies.

Trump tends to exaggerate, engages in puffery on things trivial. (the attendance at his inauguration for example). He tends to pass off hearsay without verification. 

Those statements you so conveniently place under the heading of "lies". But for things important to Americans, Trumps speaks the truth.

Your TDS is exceptionally glaring here...

You took a common idiom, "to kill someone" literally because Trump said it.

One will be extremely, belligerently angry with someone (though not with an actual intent to kill them).

Mom is going to kill you Larry if she finds out you told someone that she's really a man.
Mom is gonna kill you Larry if she catches you jacking off to a picture of Joe Biden.
Trump with diapers?
This is all I've got to say about that.
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On 5/19/2024 at 1:09 AM, hoorta said:


BTW Axe, I'm now 100% immune to your Grade School insults. 



That must mean you weren't before, so that's good.

You've got to understand that your grade school behavior merits grade school insults.

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8 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Looks like the defense is going to rest tomorrow, closing argument to follow. Three more to go. 

Michael Cohen Admitted He ‘Stole’ $30,000 From Trump Org—But Legal Experts Say He Probably Won’t Face Charges

quid pro quo

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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Looks like the defense is going to rest tomorrow, closing argument to follow. Three more to go.



Cult members dressing up as their leader, funny AF.  😆

The Only Prescription Is More Cowbell GIFs - Find & Share on ...

I agree…look at all the Biden Nut Swingers! 😂🤣🤡



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