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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. Play calling is tired and extremely predictable tonight. This is slowly becoming a pattern.
  2. He’s being completely confused by coverage tonight, that’s for sure
  3. Trust me, we're all thinking this I feel haha. It may end being a good thing for this game in particular they got embarrassed last week, cause they'll still be coming out hungry. Fans I'm sure are going to get creative in the heckles, that's for sure. Doesn't help Sam still looks 16 years old in the face.
  4. My buddy got mono senior year high school (12 years ago, to be fair) and they would absolutely not let him play football (or any contact sport) for a month based on his spleen being "sensitive". That didn't have to do with his case being severe, just standard practice, On top of that as you've noted, this really has almost pneumonia type symptoms. I have zero clue how they treat this nowadays, but I'd bet he misses a full month.
  5. Sam Darnold is a surprise "out" against us Monday Night with mono. Spread is sure to move our way a bit more. Trevor Siemian is their back-up.
  6. Maybe, but based on him acting literally insane and harassing her even now (there's emails she leaked a few days ago) a good lawyer will coach her well. "honestly, he made me fear what would happen if I didn't comply to coming back to his place". Easily believable based on his past year or so, especially when the burden of proof is much, much lower. With that being said, much too early to "take a side". From a football stand point, I'm very surprised no action has been taken by the NFL.
  7. Unless I'm sorely mistaken, as this is being tried as a civil case they aren't looking to prosecute (i.e. send him to jail). This sort of case fundamentally is about being awarded damages as opposed to putting someone behind bars. It will be interesting to hear why these chose this route.
  8. With Lamm out, it's definitely a possible. We traded some non-insignificant pieces for Wyatt Teller who was I believe a healthy scratch from week one (maybe based on limited practice time).
  9. I appreciate your comments, always great to have a good banter. I guess my whole thing is this, and I'm not sure anyone can really "deny" this. If you want to call the game at the level of "ticky-tacky" they did Sunday, it's gotta be both ways. If Robinson's block was illegal, so was the one that led to the Henry TD. If you're calling the holds they were calling, you need to call hands to the face/holding when Garrett's helmet is literally 1/2 way off his head. If this game was even something like 18 penalties to say 10, I'd be willing to fall on the sword. It's just a very tough pill to swallow when that's not the case. I absolutely don't think for a second there's a "conspiracy" against teams. But I do absolutely feel the NFL has a unique problem and the methods used to correct them aren't there. Frankly, I think the solution is to make the game "easier" to officiate, save safety issues.
  10. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2019/09/devaroe-lawrence-cleveland-browns.html "Lawrence told Scott Petrak of the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram that the official said to him “watch where the f——you’re going.’’ Neat! Nothing to see here though...
  11. Hubbard is still a huge liability, but hopefully it'll get cleaned up (save injury) Monday night. I don't want to get into the weeds, but of the 5 sacks I believe 4 were after Robinson was a moron and Lamm/Forbes also went out. Tough hill to climb with that level of injury. Big one is Higgins-it was apparent that dude brings a lot of value to the squad.
  12. Which is why I was going ballistic in the game thread. I'm sitting there watching the Saints game and watching guys block just like this and wow! no flag. It made me so frustrated I legit turned the game off. The play being described is a textbook armbar holding call. It wouldn't make me nearly as mad if they ref crew weren't calling below average at best (described above) holds against the Browns all afternoon. I've said 10 times we deserved the loss, but the ref crew was absolute garbage. Gene on the Henry TD play said something along the lines of "while despite that pretty apparent hold, they can't review this part of the play". If the dude whose job it is to defend the referees makes that statement, it was a seriously blown call.
  13. Look man, this will be my last post cause I dominated the game thread, but I don’t want to make it seem like I was after you personally. my point For several years now has been and continues to be the NFL has a serious referee problem, and they know it. As I noted, I guarantee we will get the “im sorry” email that they missed a blatant hold which directly led to a Titans TD. In a game like football, that matters so, so much. The team earned 10-11 calls today and were extremely undisciplined. But that shouldn’t, in any manner, negate an objectively miserable call which mattered so much in the flow of this game. Again, this isn’t a “the refs are against the browns” thing. But this league has by far the worst reffing issue across major sports and it’s not even close. That being said, they earned the L big time. All you can hope is this lights a bonfire under the asses of these dudes.
  14. Let me say it this way. The Browns deserved to lose this game, big time today. We got BADLY out coached and it showed, from start to finish. Of the plenty of penalties, most were warranted. If this game were more reasonably called on both sides, I'd expect the flags to be considerably closer. With that being said, I'd bet a cold case of beer the Browns are going to get a 'we're sorry' email from the NFL about the missed hold that directly resulted in a touchdown for the Titans. The game is 15-13, and instead of a score for the Titans it's now 1st and 20. The fans would be losing their damn minds. You cannot for a second tell me that doesn't impact the result of this game significantly, you just won't. This is a marked problem for the NFL (not just the Browns), and they know it. I'm simply suggesting it's time for teams to have a chance to be able to challenge against that sort of thing. Let me guess, Baker was totally in the grass there too right? Right.
  15. I can tell you without hesitation if the flags were the other way around I’d be saying “ I’m not against it, but they are getting screwed”. Believe it or not, I watch that part of the game very even level. 3 flags now to 14. The browns have absolutely deserved 8-9 and made several bad, stupid penalties. But when the head of refs for over 2 years says on national television, “I’m not sure how they missed that hold” on literally the most pivotal point in the game, there’s a ref problem. That dude will protect his ilk if at all possible. So that excuses a missed holding call they’d teach a high school ref to call? Right.
  16. Which is why i said they deserved several, not hard to read my comment. But if you’re looking at that titan touchdown and as a fan of football looking at this going “hmm” you’re just being naive. if the flags were the other way around I’d be saying the same thing. Gene after the review said and I quote. “Well regardless of that pretty apparent hold that can’t be reviewed”. What more do you want man?
  17. That sort of play has to be able to be challenged, period, should be a 1st and 20.
  18. So bacon let me guess, that wasn’t a textbook arm bar hold that directly resulted in a touchdown for the Titans right? And you’re just so sure that wouldn’t have been called against us today right? pathetic.
  19. We just watched a guy get hit 2 yards out of bounds, that’s not a flag either right?
  20. Tony romo: “I’m not sure how you possibly call a hold there”. Me too tony, me too.
  21. Nah man, fuck that line of thinking. The refs stalled two strong drives on one terrible call and one mediocre at best call. This line of thinking allows the problem of nfl refs to perpetuate. They deserved several today, but it shouldn’t 3 yellows to 11. No way. im not a guy who says they’re against the browns. But statistically refs have been a unbelievably bad issue for several years. We just watched a browns player get dragged to the ground in the end zone 5 feet away from the ref, and the browns got 2 flags against them.
  22. Another mediocre at best hold against the browns. No way they aren’t looking closer
  23. Maybe, but that shouldn’t be something in the year almost 2020 a team should have to overcome. idk what it’s been the last two years or so, but refs have been dramatically favoring teams. That’s not for or against Cleveland, 538 did a whole thing on it. It just can’t happen. The browns had several bad penalties that they deserved, but so did the titans. Can’t be that lopsided. It’s very much an nfl problem.
  24. OBJ was held twice, and didn’t lay a finger on the guy who lost his footing. I stand by what I said but they’re simply looking for it against the Browns. im not being dramatic when I say it’s time for more robotic nfl refs. This nonsense has to stop.
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