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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. Going full hog on my "anyone against Miami plan" this week in picking the Redskins. I think despite all the chaos interim coaches are hungry to win and well, the Dolphins are still historically bad.
  2. Eh, agree to disagree with you on that one. I can't think of a game where a team doesn't have a strong chance to build momentum going into 1/2 time. Obviously execution comes into play, but that doesn't have to mean getting the last possession before half and kicking a FG as time expires. Games are much more won or lost after halftime than on the first possession (our MNF debacle aside).
  3. Just curious (and not in a calling you out way)-do you have an article on that? I'd be really curious to read into it a bit.
  4. The problem is Baker's been figured out in red zone struggles-zone coverage. Dude hasn't been able to figure it out and they can blanket WR's with such a short field. He just ain't seeing the field.
  5. There's a reason the best coaches in the league defer. There's much more to be had from building momentum right before half and into the 3rd quarter, as opposed to the early momentum of a game This is validated by stats which indicate teams that defer win approximately 62% of the time, on average. https://www.si.com/2016/01/14/nfl-coin-toss-deferral-patriots-bill-belichick Equally as important, our team is not an elite offensive unit, right now anyway. To put the pressure on the struggling side of the ball to go out there is just a stupid, stupid decision by Freddie that isn't supported by data or by the elite HC's of the NFL. As I've noted now in both game threads, it's an objectively wrong decision.
  6. Because people like to hate things they don't and can't understand. Bosa had a hernia and could have come back MAYBE for a bowl game without national championship implications, but risk re injury and draft status. It's easy for arm chair fans to say they'd come back, hurr durr, when they aren't in the position to potentially lose 10's of millions of dollars if they got hurt again. Meanwhile, Bosa along with McCaffrey who also sat out are essentially two of the top 5 young talents in the NFL. Anywho, after digesting this information the point in general still stands. It's obvious Baker does and says things to get people riled up to take him down. If you play like a franchise QB, IDGAF what you say in front of a microphone. But when you throw up stats as posted, you gotta humble yourself. I really hope someone gets to Baker on that, I think it will go a loooong way.
  7. This is far, far from official, but I think it's important for the "offensive line sucks; crowd. I'm watching the replays now, here's what I see: 1) Baker INT at 13:12, Q1-Roughly 4 seconds to pressure (with a TE blocking, no less). 4 man pressure. 2) Baker SACK at 11:12, Q1- About 3 seconds to pressure on a blitz look. RB was blown up and collapsed pocket. 3) Baker LOST FUMBLE at 3:34, Q1- Easily 5+ seconds of protection, 4 man pressure. Slight collapse of outside pocket from Bosa, but not 'unclean pocket'. Easily could have stepped up instead of out, causing the fumble. 4) Baker INT at 4:55, Q2- Mostly on Callaway, 90% on the WR there. Obviously you want a cleaner ball, but that should be a TD-no excuses. 5) Backer SACK at 1:40, Q2-Less than 3 second to pressure, small blitz look but Bosa blew play up, no doubt. 6) Baker SACK at 0:05 seconds-Maybe 3.5 seconds to pressure, but an easy "navigate" to safety by #6. Baker again moving backward instead of moving up in the pocket. Bosa is double teamed, but comes back for sack. 7) Baker SACK/Fumble at 12:05, Q4-Between 3.5 and 4 seconds to pressure, but Bosa definitely beat Robinson. The two I highlighted is where I'm firmly in the offensive line group, italics is more on the QB. My verdict? The line played fine given their Dline is literally at 1st round talent players. They can improve drastically, but of the negative plays Baker, scheme or Callaway was directly responsible compared to the line. It really affirms to me that scheme/Mayfield are more the culprit than our line group.
  8. Yes, I do indeed follow the NFL so I don't need to do that. You're being short-sighted though to not read what he said and digest he's really spot on where #6 is right now though.
  9. I'm sure you're probably looking for some angry person to yell at you, call you a troll, etc. Heck, I'm confident someone will. But here's the truth and reality of your world. It's nothing short of pathetic to have to find validation in trolling a team's fan board. People who need to do it, yourself included, are nothing but worthless to society losers who need validation in the form of internet anonymity. The simple truth is that you have little real world value to bring and sadly have to find your worth in such actions as coming here. So much of who you are as a person is around a team you have zero control over. But hey, keep living the dream my man. Cool post.
  10. I don't disagree, but I don't think it's irrelevant to mention that poor tackling is often the result of tired players. 22:17 to 37:43 in favor of the 49ers last night. That's simply absurd and is going to result in some of the things you're describing even with elite defenses.
  11. Go into more detail about one thing he said that isn't pretty on the nose. I'll wait. I don't disagree (generally) but this time dude is 100% spot on. Nothing short of embarrassing for him and the team really. I really, really hope that humbles him a bit, but I'm not optimistic.
  12. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/10/08/richard-sherman-annoyed-at-baker-mayfields-handshake-snub/ To date, every team we've faced has had players come out and say they've been motivated by: 1) the hype of this squad (not really anyone's fault, but still) and much more importantly 2) Baker talking shit or doing shit like this I'm not comparing them on the field, but this sort of thing is quickly turning Johnny-esque. I get that this stuff "motivates" Mayfield, but if you act like you gotta back it up. Bosa embarrassed Baker (and by extension, the Browns) in his post game comments as well (also completely accurate). The problem is, who is the dude to get into his face about it? We all know buddy Kitchens ain't the dude. I just hope someone does-to give any team an "edge" to play with in football is just plain dumb, especially when you're playing poorly.
  13. My thoughts, in no particular order: -Freddie continues to show his stubborn ways and frankly, bad head coaching skills thus far. From the little things (not deferring the ball after winning the toss) to the bigger stuff (still extremely undisciplined penalties, offensive scheme in general), it's just no bueno. I'm not going to say the rails are off, but we're tilting badly. -To expand, our offense should look like EXACTLY what made SF so effective last night. Quick throws to our athletic players set up by the run. Someone smarter (and with more time) than me I hope will deep dive into this. As you'll see in the thread, I took a second to review one pass play and the time before pressure was 3.2 seconds. That wasn't an anomaly, it's a theme. Kitchens refuses to give up his precious vertical passing game without having the personnel to do it. The woes of our offense strictly start with that, before the line play or Baker. -Baker's weaknesses are getting exposed, big time. -It's time to get our starters back in the secondary (although I'm still very happy about our depth). -Again, line play is mediocre at best and bad at times. But to me, the significantly bigger issue is the scheme and Baker holding the ball. Oof fellas, oof.
  14. Not really man. Last post tonight but I paused my tv to rewatch that last bosa strip sack. My count using my phone (official I know) had bakers time in the pocket at 3.2 seconds before pressure. They aren’t all pros, and we obviously should have addressed it more. But the reason the offense has looked lousy yet again is baker locking into guys and the lack of quick hit plays. unless Freddie gets his head out of his ass and goes back to quicker throws, this offense and his job are in huge trouble. The 49ers offense is exactly what ours should be, but Freddie refuses to give up his wet dream of down field offense.
  15. While secondary to the main problems tonight, our defensive scheme is just so lousy. Kudos big time to the 49ers, but that Kittle first down was so unbelievably obvious. We have two guys 15 yards down field and one guy to stop the best TE in football, two times in a row. It’s making my blood boil just as much as the offense.
  16. Wills refusing to play guys up, it’s comically easy throws and catches.Also lesson numero uno on why you never start on offense when you win the toss. The sad truth is teams are fucking hyped to shit talk this team, and we’re getting punched in the mouth as a result. In a weird way I’m fine seeing this team get humbled.
  17. As my grandpa said, it’s only stupid if it doesn’t work. :)
  18. Baker to be honest has looked nothing but below average this entire season. It’s not an overreaction to be concerned about his progress. Its very hard to believe having 4+ seconds on a play like that doesn’t have a throw. Bosa is a monster but I could sack QB who simply isn’t throwing the ball.
  19. Well fellas got too busy a day tomorrow to waste another beer on this shit show. I strictly blame this on Nero for not starting the game day thread. Shame man, shame.
  20. Defense has been out there all evening, so I’m willing to give some. But shanhan is rating wilks’ Lunch in terms of scheme. It’s not even remotely close.
  21. 75/25 in terms of fault with callaway being. The 75%. out interior is getting embarrassed.
  22. Bad throw but an NFL WR needs to catch that for a TD. That’s pathetic. that was the get back into the game play.
  23. Yeah sorry I meant tight end. But yes, completely agree.
  24. I’ll give you your point a minute ago. That play was destroyed expecting a tight end yet again to block bosa. Why?
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