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Everything posted by BaconHound

  1. “Floated the idea” yep never suggested it.
  2. So you’re vote is turn them away. If kids die you know that won’t be popular.
  3. And I think you are entitled to your opinion. The mask issue to me is quite simple. When a public health crisis occurs you turn to doctors and scientists for guidance. The majority of those individuals have stated their opinion in favor of the public wearing masks to assist in curbing the spread of the virus.
  4. And the guy who told people to inject bleach wax all there 😂
  5. I’d be very interested in seeing the data on this as long as Dr. Stock’s name is not associated with it.
  6. Probably not but one can hope. They used federal money to force states like Louisiana to raise the legal drinking age.
  7. Biden’s lack of a cohesive strategy and failure to convey the reality pre-removal is a clear failure of the Administration. With that being said I’m still glad we are leaving. As I didn’t agree with Trump negotiating a deal with the Taliban, I agreed that it is time to go. I feel badly for those left in Afghanistan that will inevitably suffer from whomever seizes power.
  8. If your state chooses to ignore CDC guidelines and goes further to pass executive orders contrary to those guidelines, FEMA relief, COVID bailout money, etc. should not be provided.
  9. I’m confused, do we let them in or not? If yes, perfect open the border up and send them in. If no, so do you want them in overcrowded holding facilities again? Or kept outside the border? I understand that you want to bash Biden but again offer the alternatives.
  10. I do believe they are a disease deterrent but that isn’t why I feel the federal government should not provide assistance.
  11. Please list the dozen experts from Stanford that support your opinion
  12. Lack of vaccination is the primary cause. Lack of following CDC guidelines, secondary cause.
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.usnews.com/news/best-states/texas/articles/2021-08-09/abbott-appeals-for-out-of-state-help-against-covid-19%3fcontext=amp ahhhh nope reap what you sow
  14. Just recently look at Comey, Fauci & Pence. They were all great when they peddled the right narrative. As soon as they diverged, they were all scumbags
  15. That’s her thought. Gotta say it tainted her in my opinion, not that she cares 😁.
  16. No issue with her dropping out if the individual events but should’ve stuck out the team event.
  17. 1. So cops have to be dead before you support them? 2. A police officer shot and killed one person, one died of a drug overdose, one was pepper sprayed by rioters and two others died of natural causes. 3. Not the Speakers job to assign Capitol Police. 4. There are two Republicans on the committee Kinzinger & Cheney
  18. Agreed but vaccinating those that can be provides another layer of protection. Similar to surgery, doctor wears gloves, mask, the instruments are sanitized, the room is sanitized, etc.. the vaccine is readily available and safe. Why do Americans have to be so contrarian.
  19. Blue Lives Matter, correct? Or is that only for those that share commonalities.
  20. Lol love it. Let’s examine the 2nd Amendment in the same light.
  21. Not sure why this seems to be such a difficult concept to grasp. There are individuals due to age or pre-existing conditions who can’t be vaccinated. Those people should not be put at risk because of another’s failure to be vaccinated.
  22. Leave them up or take them down, I couldn’t care less. Claiming secession, achieved through war, isn’t treason, that’s another topic for another day. https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/interpretation/article-iii/clauses/39
  23. This is fantastic news. Glad that earmarked funds are being vetted before being spent. If they aren’t proper then return them back to the coffers.
  24. https://www.npr.org/2021/07/27/1019736664/jan-6-insurrection-hearing-police-nancy-pelosi-committee
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