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Everything posted by hoorta

  1. I have more religion in my little toe than Donald "I can't quote a bible verse" has in his entire body Steve... FWIW, our church uses Hammer Companies' sacramental wine. Ya know you f**king losers have jack shit anymore left except to insult posters (in your case backhandedly) because you (personally) have a little more intelligence than your MAGA cretin pals who post here... When your little delusional realty gets blown to shit. Go strum your banjo pal.
  2. I see the Cult (as usual) unquestionally believes the Lyin' King... Of course DTT will appeal, Habba-Babba already said so. Yeah, Stormy is lying too. The $83 million is penny-ante compared to when Judge Engoron hits him with a few $$$ hundred million for tax fraud. Tired of winning yet Donnie?
  3. Gee Steve, maybe you missed Cult 45 praying and thanking God for sending him to "save America" on numerous occasions.... You're just in denial about MAGA cultists. Too bad, so sad. Just do a quick Google "Trump Cult" and see how many hits you get. 🙄 Believe, like maybe a religious cult Steve? LOL!!! MHO is they've been brainwashed by DJT's incessant lying about how he got beat in a stolen election. & FWIW, MHO it's pure evil for the Mango Messiah to hope the economy tanks, just so he can beat Joe in November. PS- RE: riots... Maybe, but I'll damn bet they won't storm the Capitol. FWIW, the ship for trying that stunt again has sailed. Because take it to the bank, there's going to be every armed National Guard troop available surrounding the Capitol this time around.
  4. Aw, keep on believing your alternate realty. Real Estate Experts? Really... A f**cking mob overran Capitol Police (not too peacefully I may add) and invaded Capitol real estate smashing doors and windows in the process, causing millions of dollars in damages. REALLY. Ya know Cal, stop insulting me by calling me a drunk or wino, and I'll stop calling you a psycho. & BTW, that's not just my opinion either. Fair enough?
  5. Whataboutism at it's finest... Joe needs to head off to a retirement facility too... However, to his credit, he's never claimed to wanting to be a DICTATOR... Don't make me go the cj route and post it for your warped brain. More whataboutism. Go suck a Frostie. Care to bet me Habba-babba is going to get disbarred before Fani? Rudy Patootie certainly will. Maybe you need to get a refresher course in how criminal and civil proceedings work Cal... Those "fake" charges were presented to a Grand Jury, who decided that there was enough evidence to CHARGE your Mango Messiah with criminal activity. I only need LOL, just find me around 11,00 fake votes Brad. It's on tape. But that's not what I meant!! https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/fact-check-trumps-georgia-call-raffensperger So now the entire American judicial system is fake, and is only out to get Trump? 91 felony counts Cal- deal with it. FWIW, they have him dead to rights in the classified documents case- he'll only get off on that one if his lackey judge lets him. Of course, I realize you'd rather believe QAnon, Patriot Alerts, NewsMax, OAN or something similar. BTW, your repeated personal insults are just what I'd expect from someone who needs to head off to assisted living with much needed psychotropic medication just like your hero. If all you have is alternate reality and ad hominum attacks, it pretty much shows you're regressing back to your childhood.
  6. Aw, gee, I'm so hurt.. You guys need some new material..
  7. Just one of many cj.. The Kool-Aid swiggers aren't willing to admit it... Trump is losing it, and belongs in a memory care unit. His lying comeback "I'm only joking" doesn't play well anymore.. Those of us not swigging the Kool-Aid know he's a pathological liar trying to backtrack and cover his sorry ass. Confusing Haley and Pelosi is just the latest. Couldn't remember who Neil Armstrong was... Confused Sioux Falls South Dakota with Sioux City Iowa.. His pal Victor Orban is the leader of Turkey, try again Donnie, make that Hungary, and you're on the right track...Thought he beat Obama in 2016,. & finally LOL, how about those airports in the Revolutionary War? And so many more.. MAGAs still want to trust this guy with the nuke codes? OMG!!! Of course, Donnie isn't going to debate Haley, she'd have him for lunch- assuming the schoolyard bully would let her get a word in edgewise.
  8. Try living in reality for a change, it helps... Deny it all you want DJT is showing signs of dementia... Kindly refer to my reply to CW. Too bad you chose to ridicule anyone who isn't willing to kiss Trump's ass.
  9. And the Trumps changed their name from Drumpf.. So big whoop.
  10. Yep, going to be the first President to govern from a memory care unit. He's going downhill mentally at "Warp Speed". Sheeze Louise, you really want a guy for president who's confusing Haley with Nancy Pelosi? Nikki is living rent free in Donnie's head 24\7.
  11. I never predict Browns games.. But the bad news is whenever I get a strong feeling one way or another about our game it's usually wrong. And I feel pretty good about our chances in Houston. Regarding the other game, the Dolphins play like crap when the weather is below 40 degrees, much less the below zero temps predicted. Give me KC in a 10-3 affair. And as I posted in a separate thread, if you don't have Peacock, NFLN is rebroadcasting that game at midnight Eastern.
  12. For those who don't have Peacock, and are unwilling to go the pay-per-view route $5.99 to NBC (I'm not) to see the Chiefs- Dolphins game in real time... Assuming you have NFL Network, they're rebroadcasting the game at 12 Midnight EST. I'll watch some of the froze bowl Sunday afternoon. Now if you lived in the area and wanted to freeze your ass of in -20 wind chill, seats on NFL ticket exchange can be had for as little as $20.
  13. Oh... and you're just so polite? Right back at ya.. That's the point, you can call me any name you want to, but I should be above it all? Boo hoo... As I said, try an intelligent response next time. I'm pretty tired of the unmoderated crap Steve lets you and you pals get away with.
  14. Where in the Sam Heck did you get that from Orion? It's not anywhere close to accurate... From the Brown's website... https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/team/injury-report/
  15. and that they are even floating in Space. That... Regarding hydrocarbons is utter nonsense JB.... 99%+ of any stuff floating around in interstellar space or in our solar system is is either hydrogen or helium. Maybe you should look that up. ROTFLMAO... maybe all that dark matter we can't see is DNA purine bases. 40% of the Hydrocarbons tapped/drilled/etc are still there You're damn right there is JB... You know what that is???? COAL. There's probably at least 1,000 years worth, if we could figure out how to burn it cleanly. So ask yourself WHY are we drilling in two miles deep of water off the continental shelfs, or up on the North Slope in Alaska. Other than in the Middle East, ALL the easily extractable oil has been harvested. FYI, the deeper you drill, the HOTTER it gets. TBC... Abiotic process Do you even have conceptual knowledge of what an abiotic process is? First off, unless you have something totally outside of my frame of chemistry expertise- and I did almost minor in chemistry in college... To create hydrocarbons... Golly gee, you're going to have to need...Wait for it... CARBON. Do you know what happens when you get carbon deep under the earth's crust and subject it to incredible temperatures and pressure? FYI, you don't get oil- you get diamonds. Conspiracy on pal... Believe whatever you want....
  16. Yeah, there's a slight difference there- LOL, complex hydrocarbons are a huge leap to finding fossils. If you're interested in finding life, or something similar... NASA is sending a probe in the not too distant future to Jupiter's moon Europa, an ice world covered in a global ocean. to find out if there's anything under that ice... Fuck off. That's the best you got? No refutation, or any semblance of any counter argument. Just name calling- par for the course around here. Enjoy your alternate reality... Remember Trump loves the poorly educated.
  17. Blah, blah, blah... Neither does some whacko with a PhD after his name claiming that there's fossils on one of Saturn's moons have anything to do with global warming. That one is right up there with the flat Earth adherents. So try to follow along, I know it's hard for someone who's mind is full of paranoid conspiracy theories. I don't have the time to bother reading 40 minutes of unsubstantiated (and largely debunked) garbage by a guy who has an agenda you happen to agree with... BTW, that's FORMER President Trump Cal.. And you could do us all a big favor by keeping your sorry conspiracy ass off of the Browns forum wanting our potential Coach of the Year Kevin canned so Schwartz can take over, because you don't like the way he talks. 🙄
  18. Look in a mirror pal... FWIW, I've probably forgotten more astronomy related stuff than you know. FWIW, I did a little Google search on our QAnon adherent JABF regarding Dr. Willie Soon. LOL JABF likes to look at one guy who's global warming theories have been refuted by a dozen + other climate scientists. Because it fits his agenda. The Sooner flunks the peer review test.. and don't give me any crap about that either, I have my name on a obscure research paper that made it into the Lancet- the top Blood Banking periodical in the world. Sooner also takes money from the petroleum industry- a conflict of interest. "On February 21, publications including The Guardian and The New York Times reported that Soon had failed to disclose conflicts of interest in at least 11 papers since 2008, and alleged that Soon had violated ethical guidelines of at least eight of those journals publishing his work." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Soon So keep on keeping on Vambo... Global warming is a hoax, and don't forget...TRUMP WON!!!
  19. They need to keep Hospital Ward in bubble wrap. And as was pointed out- keep Njoku away from any open fires.. Thankfully for the flight down to Houston, the FAA has grounded Boeing 737 Max 9s. I did have to check, and the Browns fly on a 757 Charter. 😉
  20. I'm not going to waste 40+ minutes of my time on some crackpot theory. But knock yourself out believing crap like this. If there was ANY evidence of fossils on one of Saturn's moons, it would have been all over NASA's website, not some goombah with a camera and Internet access. Nice try, there's hydrocarbons (even complex hydrocarbons) on Titan, which we've known about for years... Yeah, there's LAKES of methane there, it's what happens to natural gas (methane) when you chill it down to -290 degrees. . Real fossils? I suppose remnants of a civilization from Iota Ceti that dropped them off on their trip through our solar system millions of years ago.
  21. Only if you have a "deep pockets" alumni. Don't know if it's accurate, but a Google search says OSU's football budget is $70 million. Wonder if that includes coach's salaries? Besides Day's $9.5 million, four assistant coaches pulled down over $1 million, and nine others weren't living off of food stamps. If the above is correct, that's 25%+ of the football budget.
  22. Hoodie now heading south? To Atlanta next year? If Vrabel doesn't get the Patriots job, he's going to be a head coach somewhere this coming season.
  23. Schools like Alabama and Ohio State recruit themselves. Regardless of who the coach is... Any four star recruit with NFL ambitions is (usually) going to want to play there. They have the luxury of turning away top tier talent. Look no farther than Joe Burrow, who was riding the bench at Ohio State, transferred and won a National Championship at LSU.
  24. Sorry.. Vrabel to Ohio State is Buckeye homer talk. I will say with 99.9% certainty Day isn't going anywhere. You heard the exact same sort of crap up North from Meechigan back when Harbaugh couldn't beat OSU, and now since he's won it all, he's a freaking hero up there. 🙄 Aw, if we don't make the College football playoffs every year, can the coach. FWIW, Day's contract with Ohio State runs through 2028, to the tune of $9.5 million a year. Not sure if it's all guaranteed, but that's a lot of cash to can him just to bring in Vrabel.
  25. LOL, Bill back to Cleveland, it comes full circle... Never happen though.
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