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Everything posted by JAFBF

  1. She wants to raise Retirement age to 77 and raise Taxes just for starters. But that doesn't even matter : Kamaltoe has similar issues.
  2. Not seeing a thread on Defense Sec Austin being MIA (got a credible rumor I'm not going to post). Who knew Prostrate surgery and Chemo could cause your receding Hairline to reverse and turn Grey ? Skin tone and a few Warts/Blemishes too . . .
  3. Tweet_Expansion Think Mossad, and then compare them to our own alphabet agencies - look at what they (FIB) are doing to our people. Same story, different part of the World. Guy's channel has a ton of hot info, would take me a full day to go through it all. Just the bits I've seen are pretty damn hot. More coming out on AZ too: Cartels. Tweet_Video This "Jeff" guy has some "splainin" to do care of Jonathan (above - he's on fire).
  4. Rug burns are still there, just dropping the saturation level doesn't change that - those are not pristine Knees.
  5. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1748711789057962075.html More stuff coming out from GA, but I've lost track of it.
  6. This is what I was thinking about, not sure if it's still valid or has been overturned.
  7. Not the look you want for the President . . . unless you think OBiden is the Bee's Knees.
  8. Same State. VP has to be from a different State than the POTUS candidate - believe it's a law, but not 100% on that. Strategically you'd want someone that would help pull votes in from that other State as well. I know some folk like Desantis, but I've seen some things on him that raised alarms. Trump in Rochester tonight ~ 7 ET. https://rsbntv.maz.tv/apps/3578/139782
  9. Kind of sad really, something really bad must have happened to her growing up. I'm wondering if she is involved in the NXIVM cult. Would probably take more time to research it than I have, and I'm not sure that info has been divulged yet. I get the impression the case against Trump isn't going that well anyway : https://thenationalpulse.com/2024/01/18/expert-who-claims-trump-cost-e-jean-carroll-12-1m-admits-no-experience-in-reputation-management-is-long-standing-democrat-donor/
  10. More info, just dropping here. https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/41889
  11. Don't know which network this was pulled from, could be interesting though.
  12. Not always easy to see the traps set, yet how many times in the past have we seen this same type of setup ? This is just one way he exposes people, been doing it for years.
  13. You have no idea . . . From the article: I believe I have that interview tagged in this thread somewhere.
  14. No HOA - check out her "Shed". Yep, I've got a picture of the side / back of her house with her posing in front of it (huge pic) - lighting is bad on it, but it's the same motif.
  15. No current thread following this so here it goes:
  16. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/report-michelle-obama-angling-replace-joe-biden-president/ From what I'm hearing, Newsome (CA Gov) will be the other part of the D duo. They're going to get rid of both OBiden and Kamala - will make it easier for O to run things without hiding so much.
  17. For more History than not, the provided 13 month Calendar was the norm . . . As I have seen in the last year or so, there are actually 13 Constellations (Zodiacs) that would coincide with 13 months . . . I'll leave it to others to recover this info, I just don't have the time these days to do this (hence, my sporadic appearance here the last few months). I've provided examples / evidence of why this could / would be a standard of Time keeping . . . this is how it was for the majority of History, and has only changed relatively recently in our History . . . however accurate our History is. Right or wrong, our History is a mess, and has been diddled with numerous times as I have provided examples of - how many times, I'm not sure of, nor is anyone else I believe. Too much "Fog of War" right now to nail down certain items, but it does appear that we are finally in the year(s) of revelation as too what has been done to us over the many past Centuries, if not more. Beyond what I expected, but even what I was expecting is/would be scoffed at. It's going to be a Helluva ride, and a lot of it's going to be fun. I've tagged what I can identify as best as I can, but I'm sure I'm missed things. Personal expectations, I think our fake money is going to take a few haircuts (devaluation) in the next year(s), which is why I've suggested commodities of one type or another. Hell, I've been out of work for over a year, but I'm still converting paper to metal as the opportunity presents itself. Just my $.02, trying to help as best I can . . .
  18. Short version - God wins . . . . . . or do you need a Prophecy ? I can provide that (not mine) . . . but the ridicule will be off the charts . . . Roller Coaster . . .
  19. Tweet_Video Remember why Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes said Trump didn't expose the fraud evidence ? Civil War. Going to be a Roller Coaster year . . .
  20. https://blog.calendartruth.info/2017/03/22/history-of-the-13-month-28-day-calendar/ It's madness until it's not . . .
  21. Not me. Actually had something come up today that is so far opposite of this people wouldn't believe it . . .
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