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Everything posted by bbedward

  1. Let the FO worry about the scouting, Flacco has a revenge tour Super Bowl to win.
  2. bbedward


    I don’t think they were even doing that. They had people like fat DLine guys getting touchdowns in the end. Offense letting up sure, but defensive guys always wanna get the scores since they don’t get the chance often. Can’t blame em Flacco is going to drop 73 on the ravens in the afc championship game. As the script writers intended People loved the hire in the beginning, but then again most also loved the hue hire in Cleveland. He’s young enough to build his career again, he just needs to stay likable unlike Hue post-browns
  3. Not sure in garrets shoulder, he’s banged up but I don’t think he’ll need any surgery or anything. Seems like he can move it fine maybe just has some pain or something. Ward practicing for the second week in a row I’d be very surprised if he’s out again I’m actually pretty confident Thornhill and Duran Harman and the other guys can give us adequate safety play, just need Thornhill to get damn healthy. I feel like Harman can give us similar to what McLeod gave us, but we’ll have to see… And at least some of those guys aren’t season ending like Pocic and Elliot, slight bright side. I hope Walker is good news though and we didn’t have another guy tear a knee ligament in practice.
  4. Moore is playing I think their coach said as much in his press conference. Walker hurt his knee in practice, last time we heard that it was big thanos with a torn MCL. Hopefully not that
  5. bbedward


    And…..Staley is finally fired Hopefully the Steelers fire Tomlin and pick him up
  6. They are healthier than us but they are missing their sack leader Yannick, so their pass rush is a little banged up at least. For safety, I’m fairly optimistic in Duran Harmon giving us some decent veteran depth now that he’s elevated…he’s lost a step but he was a recent starter. And Flacco…this game may be a good situation for him to throw over 300 again. Bears defense is much more run stifling than they are pass defending. Our receivers are healthy, at least. edit: maybe not their sack leader, I think he’s their #2 missing
  7. With sports betting being legalized in more and more places, more games is only getting more and more lucrative for the league.
  8. He’s wants to play through it, so I’d guess he’s going through rounds of doctors and tests and opinions to see if he can finish the season without surgery. I’d be pretty surprised if he doesn’t go on IR, but good for him for wanting to try to play through I guess.
  9. Yea all contracts are for a league year. I’m assuming it’s Flacco’s choice not the browns’ choice. The money is peanuts to him since he was once the highest paid QB in the NFL. He’s said he wants to keep playing as long as he can, and keeping his options open next year is probably the best choice for him. If he does lead the team on a playoff run and doesn’t regress I’d bet he doesn’t wanna wait around for Watson to get hurt next year - he’d be a hot commodity to actually play for any team that’s in contention and loses a QB (where there’s a bunch of this year - Steelers, Cincy, vikings, colts) The Cleveland media said something to the affect of Flacco said he doesn’t even know how much he’s been paid by the browns so far - his brokerage account probably fluctuate more in a day than the browns have paid him 😅
  10. I think he’s a good coach still, but he needs an Eric bienemy type of OC who balances him out with some discipline - and also an NFL level offensive scheme. But I hope he hires his sons high school coach or something. also 63-7 raiders with 15 minutes in the 4th 😂 isn’t this the team that was shut out by the Vikings a few days ago.
  11. The smaller pads is a combo of things including player preference, but also the designs are much better and everything is precisely custom fit these days. They also say the smaller pads lead to less shoulder to shoulder collisions, makes hands more important. So all in all the modern equipment is better for safety, it’s better materials, better torso fit, better design, and leads to less direct shoulder hits.
  12. Billionaire suing another billionaire for cheating him out of his 52nd yacht.
  13. I can’t believe he wasn’t fired weeks ago. Pretty safe to assume he’s going to be clearing his office tomorrow.
  14. Despite Flacco beating us for years, he really seems like an incredibly likable and humble guy. Unlike the other afc north QB who beat us for years. I hope he can experience his dream of winning while his kids are old enough to enjoy it…in a Browns uniform.
  15. If we wins the Super Bowl the incentive should be a stake in ownership and a statue 😁
  16. Those 9ers and colts games really bounced in our favor, but it’s about time we got some luck - we really needed it with PJ Walker taking snaps
  17. A single ncaa football player can’t be compared, though I don’t know the player or the case. Most ncaa players don’t have careers past their 4 college years, if that. Also depending on the time period they may not have had an arthroscopic procedure to repair it like they have nowadays. Arthroscopic procedures are not invasive and usually have little recovery time (6-12 weeks for Watson?) Maybe if Watson kept playing on the shoulder and took more damage it’d be worse, the guy did go 14/14 with the broken shoulder against a top defense. Im not a doctor but I suspect rotator cuff injuries are more devastating - guys like roethlisburger and brees recovered from those.
  18. 1) There's no such thing as a Flacco that isn't elite, if you asked me before he signed his Browns deal maybe I'd say something different though. 2) Yes, the pass rush needs to connect - Fields is no Lamar yet at least, he usually crumbles under pressure - though he's certainly capable of making those plays 3) Thankfully Ward should finally be playing, but no Delpit - not like he's that great as a coverage safety anyway. They have near a top-10 defense, and one of the best at stuffing the run. It'll be a challenge for Flacco and the boys. Their offense hasn't really put it together consistently, but in the games where they do have it together they have some explosive pieces. Our offense has had a turnover problem, and that Bears D has a knack for creating turnovers - so please just protect the ball this week.
  19. Browns own social media confirms, Kevin is indeed a pussy slayer.
  20. Seems like we always catch the teams on their hot streaks. Hopefully fields has a bad day
  21. Im more worried about the Bears D than their offense. I think we have decent depth to make up for Hurst and Ogbo. Not so much as safety, but we get Ward back probably which is a net positive in the secondary. Time to visit the local browns backers, I guess they think people wanna tune in to get the follow up on the mahomes crying about legit call story - even though it’s a garbage game. If you use YouTube TV I’ve successfully spoofed the location to get different games too.
  22. At home I like the odds. I haven’t watched the bears much tbh. We should finally have Ward back, after losing a couple key pieces elsewhere. Fields really struggles under pressure so i expect we’ll try to send it pretty hard. On O, I expect another 40 pass attempt game but hope I’m wrong. Because I’d like to see some sustained 7 minute drives where the run game works.
  23. I’m ok with the NFL having more games than college, but 16 seemed plenty. If they want more games they should add another playoff round or something - let some of the fringe teams battle for the last wild card or something. As-is it seems pretty evident they at least need to give teams 2 bye weeks. This team desperately needs a bye week now since theirs was so early on.
  24. Let’s just win out and get the 1 seed, we sure are desperate for a bye week
  25. I mean I just don’t see it, he may not be a mahomes or Allen but he’s still far from noodle arm. Pretty sure his arm mechanics and velocity is way better than his rookie times. Not worried about his physical abilities…other things yes. He’s good enough to make all the throws, real noodle arms like McCoy can’t But after seeing Joe 2.0, I don’t think anyone throws a prettier ball than old Flacco.
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