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Everything posted by LogicIsForSquares

  1. Maybe we can catch them on the escalator haha
  2. We could make all the changes we want but ultimately asking the developing world to forego using all of their natural resources to appease western liberals seems like a hard sell. All of them are playing catch up and should do everything possible to raise the standard of living in their countries including utilizing all of their natural resources.
  3. While actively being flooded with immigrants who are causing a fucking ruckus, may not be the time to guilt Japan about not allowing in a bunch of immigrants haha. They have a very polite society built on a social contract that outsiders may not understand or respect. A lot is hinging on maintaining that social order. I get it.
  4. It needs a Benny Hill soundtrack haha. The cops were probably outside of the whole thing laughing their dicks off.
  5. Realistically, the people at Imodium could buy enough of our politicians that they would try to mandate diarrhea.
  6. https://ground.news/article/in-a-first-astrazeneca-admits-its-covid-vaccine-can-cause-rare-blood-clots_4a76b2?utm_source=social&utm_medium=instafeed&utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-groundnews&utm_content=later-42748226 I personally ended up taking both shots of Pfizer vaccine but I imagine we are going to see more of this sort of thing. My wife is a VA nurse and they had a crazy high number of vets who visited the Covid clinic come back with blood clots and myocarditis. None of the guys had previously had clotting or cardiac conditions. It made her scared enough to go out and get an exemption for work.
  7. That’s a brutal fall from grace haha. Dressing like a lady for Cameo dollars.
  8. The brain trust dragging Biden’s husk around have not figured out how to mitigate some of the inflation. Economic growth is getting crushed by it.
  9. I don’t give a hot shit about whether or not someone is lying or not lying about the Israeli government. Lobbying to circumvent the 1st Amendment and make any criticism of the government of Israel into a hate crime or antisemitic harassment can piss up a rope. We aren’t out lobbying to make burning of the American flag in another country illegal. If we were, I would hope another country also told us to kick rocks.
  10. Israel =\= all Jewish people. If I have a gripe, real or imagined, with Australia’s government, it doesn’t mean I have some hatred towards Australians. I think our president is a retard who makes bad decisions. That doesn’t automatically mean I hate the guy working at the gas station in my neighborhood.
  11. The lobbying arm of Israel will make sure any criticism, founded or unfounded, of Israel is defined as antisemitism. Remember our politicians are for sale.
  12. Yeah I don’t know enough about the lady at all. She also could be completely full of shit. She is a politician.
  13. And this is where cultural divides exist. I personally wouldn’t shoot my dog if they mauled someone else’s animals but the vet would be taking care of it. The dog has to go.
  14. That’s rural life. Animals serve a purpose and if that animal killed a bunch of chickens and is not usable as a hunting dog, they get put down. That dog is going to be too wound tight as a hunting breed to be an indoor dog and it has a high prey drive. It’s unfortunate but that’s living rural. We moved from NJ to WV. I had to adjust to that sort of thing.
  15. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ZfsSpvQoS/?igsh=MWlyNHZtNWtobWc5ZQ== Rich, bored kids doing performative protesting want to receive food and water from Columbia. It’s honestly cute at this point. The naiveté would be precious if it was a bunch of 7 year olds.
  16. Eisenhower apparently saw this coming in 1961. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory.
  17. Drag queens would get tossed from roof tops in Gaza. It’s like being black and leading a fundraiser for down on their luck klansmen.
  18. The fighters got hip to dressing like civilians so they can blend in and the Palestinian health organizations can doctor the civilian death numbers.
  19. I’ll say this, who benefits by Hamas buying more rockets and gear? To my amateur view, Hamas gets the money and embezzles most of it (their leadership doesn’t even live in Palestine). The money they do spend goes to firing a few rockets into Israel. The lobbyists in Israel go to work. Our defense contractors and politicians who get their money from the lobbies rejoice. If Hamas is toothless and out of funds, all of the middle men don’t benefit and get enriched.
  20. Bear in mind, I’m pretty disconnected from the ins and outs of this, but from what I took from it that insider trading is illegal for me or you. Martha Stewart is wealthy and even she went to the pokey for insider trading. Politicians are clearly doing something that is illegal for me or you. I lean more guillotine than “here’s millions of dollars” when it comes to our current class of politician.
  21. It is. Our politicians enrich themselves and make sure you can’t do what they do.
  22. I think tents in a US university will be what brings an end to the conflict. Add in a few blocked roads and we have world peace. Rich kids being bored and doing performative activism. Some things never change.
  23. It’s Seattle. I would want them as my public defender. The “yaaas queen” team would lean towards letting you walk.
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