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Everything posted by LogicIsForSquares

  1. I truly think the framing of it and the politicizing of the whole thing helped nothing. The gov and the left went immediately with the pull on emotions that unvaxxed people are bad and want people to die, as if the vaccine stops the spread at all. This one hits pretty hard for me right now. I don’t share much detail about my life here. My mom is in the last stage of renal failure (been on dialysis for years) and just had to have heart surgery. I realistically don’t think a patient with kidney failure and uncontrolled (her doing) type 2 is going to make it through the time now post surgery. She has had two different spells of her blood pressure tanking out. I can’t go see her. I was around my dad Friday (they are split up) who didn’t know he had Covid (two positive tests). A coworker of his popped for Covid so he thought just in case he would test. Asymptomatic and positive. My aunt and step mom now have it. I have to wait 7 days so that my viral load can even be detected if it is there. I may not be able to see my mom before she passes. Every person in this has been vaccinated. It didn’t stop the spread at all. I know that is a big share but it is weighing heavy. They should have presented the vaccine as mitigating symptoms for individuals and not some super shot that will just end Covid. It made people skeptical who knew vaccinated people who still got sick and made some people think they are impervious to it for having received it. My dad, aunt, and step mom were floored that they could still get it. If my dad hadn’t tested, I would have likely visited my mom and could spread Covid to her.
  2. Yup. That would be truth that China will not let anyone know about even if all signs point to a lab leak. If they admit fault, it creates a tidal wave of other consequences.
  3. J&J just seems to have it out for ladies haha. Their vaccine caused blood clots more often in women and their baby powder gave them pussy cancer.
  4. I will take American individualism over living in a nanny state. Make a compelling argument as a governing body that makes people feel comfortable enough to do the things you want them to do.
  5. If I were a guessing man, ding dong didn’t pull the trigger but dropped the hammer on a single action revolver (pretty sure it was a Western they were filming). If he fumbled with putting the hammer back down it would strike the primer on the round he never knew about. The whole situation is a cluster fuck.
  6. Same. I can’t be bothered if someone feels the need to do anything that doesn’t effect me directly. Wear a hazmat suit. No one should give a shit unless they are squalling at other people to also wear one.
  7. I knew some Pentecostal girls in highschool who got pregged up. So I guess the temptation is too strong and 16 year old boys can look past denim dresses.
  8. As a general rule, I have realized the people who the two main parties push on us tend to be the last people you want even running a hotdog cart.
  9. https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/safrican-doctor-says-patients-with-omicron-variant-have-very-mild-symptoms-2021-11-28/ So keep this in mind when our media makes it out like a wave of death is on the way. It will get cartoonish I am sure.
  10. As a white guy married to a black lady, I can say credit score.
  11. Preventing the pregnancies won’t help me make these Nikes.
  12. A buddy’s mom was so thoroughly convinced of the “lost tribal family member” that she decorated their house in goofy flea market Indian stuff. Plot twist: she is 6ft tall and blonde. Did a 23 and me. Scandinavian and like 1% Native haha. It was a rough time for her haha.
  13. I am for forcing as many women as possible to have unwanted kids. I am trying to start a chain of sweat shops and need the help.
  14. I really wish we would stop venerating either dumb people (Rittenhouse) or bad people (Floyd) who just happen to rile up your political opponents.
  15. Given that this has gone endemic and is going to keep mutating because even the vaccinated can carry it around, why not start going with hurricane style names? The Carl Variant doesn’t sound as scary.
  16. I think they were referring more to if they get myocarditis or something similar from the shot. The AHA has put out some abstracts about it and that is what put the assistant director into a panic when it was dropped in the work chat haha. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 It isn’t packing the streets with people dying posed like Red Fox but the article acknowledges a possibility of cardiac issues from the vaccine. It isn’t from tinfoilhat.freedomeagle.911insidejob.blog so I give it some credence.
  17. Replacing it with a statue of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Another man who was a fan of banging the help.
  18. Yeah I am waiting for a real turd of a trial to come up. They can't keep it together that long.
  19. Anecdote time: We had a huge regional office meeting and someone just asked the simple question: "If I am forced to take the vaccine to maintain my employment, will you guys be offering leave and/or medical support on the off chance something bad does occur?". It wasn't framed in a way that was meant to be some trap and it was in an otherwise pretty straight forward boring meeting. Our assistant director got so spun up about it that when people were trying to ask follow up questions, again no one was being silly, she started yelling "stop typing! someone shut down the chat". It was wild. But it was all a fair point. This was at a VA office. I think they know people are getting more hip to how to dodge things or make it that their employer will feel a crunch if they really press a requirement of vaccination. My wife said a good deal of the medical folks at the VAMC put in for religious exemptions and were approved.
  20. The ACLU has always strongly opposed anyone using a firearm in self defense. They will file suits for any other issue involving civil liberties but have stated they don’t file regarding the 2nd Am.
  21. I live in WV. I fully believe this one. The junkies are buying Mexican heroin that is cut with Chinese fenanyl. A long read but informative. https://www.uscc.gov/sites/default/files/2021-08/Illicit_Fentanyl_from_China-An_Evolving_Global_Operation.pdf
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