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Everything posted by LogicIsForSquares

  1. They are desperately trying to appease pro Palestinian folks who won’t be voting for Biden anyway from the way they talk. I personally think we shouldn’t be involved but for a totally different reason. Israel is more than capable of taking care of the problem without my money. Israel isn’t Ukraine. They are a first world country fighting poorly equipped terrorists. We give aid to Israel every year for no reason than they lobbied their way into turning our politicians into an ATM machine. They have received 260 billion of our tax dollars since WW2. We are allies but we aren’t doing that with any of our other allies.
  2. I prefer my global cabal of monkey torturers to be apolitical.
  3. Already got that going. It is real nice and during a bad ice storm I’ll appreciate having it.
  4. Yeah trans rights doesn't play well with most Spanish speaking populations. That's not an accident that they left that out.
  5. It's amazing to me that the Democrats somehow think this stuff is a deterrent to the public voting for Trump. They are that disconnected. If the guy has already said "hey I think they are trying to fuck me over" then you make it abundantly clear that the 'they' are definitely doing that, it only pushes more people to vote for Trump. They truly think putting him in more mugshots is a great way to win the election for them.
  6. He seems to genuinely give a fuck. I don't agree with every opinion he has but on a whole he seems like a non-shit heel. That said, I have a feeling if he ever did get elected, he better have a bullet proof skull and let everyone know he isn't sad.
  7. I would know by now haha. The old lady is black and I told her if she heard a ghost say something racist it wasn't me muttering it under my breath.
  8. Yeah I would not have personally chosen a house this old in the city limits but the missus had her heart set on it and I don't give enough of a shit haha.
  9. New to us, very old house haha. Built in 1917. Had to replace all the plumbing and electrical. I pulled a tub and realized the pipes probably were installed by guys who rode bikes with a huge front tire.
  10. I met her at the Waffle House. Her box smelled like Newports. C- I just saw two Barbie reviews back to back. Thought I would chime in.
  11. Working a bunch and bought a new house. My mom got real sick and passed so I took a bit of time away from most things to take care of her. How have you been?
  12. If Russia was really trying to deport Muslims they would have to deport an entire oblast of their country.
  13. I got my pecker moved to my forehead so I can be a trans unicorn that’s a grower, not a show’er.
  14. I think you would be shocked. There are a lot of union member Catholics who vote blue who may opt just to stay home on Election Day over it. I also didn’t know about it already being a thing. But I would think it wise to press Easter forward over trans visibility day. It’s just a numbers game. Anecdotally, the folks I know who would spaz over him not acknowledging trans day are also the same people saying they won’t vote for him over Palestine. I don’t love Trump but comparatively we have a corpse at the helm and a pill junkie as VP. It’s really more of a reflection on how people have let us get walked into this shit.
  15. I am not religious and this seems in super poor taste. Read the room. The dems seem pretty locked in to wanting to lose the presidential election. Also, it’s been a minute. Hope you guys are doing alright.
  16. Yes, the ‘racial jungle’ guy definitely seems the type to get arrested going to bat for a black family haha.
  17. It will be hard to frame up that the other team are the boogeyman when people are struggling to afford what groceries are available.
  18. You don't feel that it is silly that a facility that would not be treating an adult was opting to make it mandatory for vaccines but not regular testing? That dad could be vaccinated and go in there and infect his child and staff members. It is nonsense. The vaccine mitigates symptoms for the person who gets it and does in no way prevent the spread. Is Ronald McDonald house only concerned with how sick a visitor gets as opposed to it being spread to other visitors?
  19. A negative test is far more useful. I have been in the middle of a saga with family because a bunch of vaccinated people spread it around to each other and got very ill. My wife is vaccinated and has vaccinated coworkers. They are not tested at the VAMC but employees who opted out are tested twice weekly. And of course, they had a bunch of asymptomatic employees who are vaccinated show up and wipe out half the staff. My wife has since started testing as well just to be sure. It is stupid to preclude someone from help because they didn't get the vaccine that doesn't stop the spread at all.
  20. I am shocked this doesn’t have more replies. Everyone with sense had presumed by now it was a leak. My wife saw wild symptoms in patients with Covid (blood clotting, dark urine from kidneys failing, strokes) and was pretty convinced early into it that this was man made.
  21. Oh I fully expect no one to be arrested even though they acknowledge Maxwell was recruiting for more than just Epstein. What would you call someone who fucks middle school aged girls?
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