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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. I actually thought this was one of the grittiest performances we’ve seen from Baker. Period. There were more than a few plays he had to scramble like a maniac just to get the ball out.
  2. I read and watched the video and appreciate the reply, and feel your pain on the deleted work. I actually thought that throw to Higgins you pointed out was a good one, and kinda one of those things l liked about Baker last year. It seemed when he had the choice to throw long or short, he went long. I thought Higgins had good separation there and the result was more net yards than likely would’ve been gained had he gone underneath. I can’t pretend to hang with you on things like analyzing footwork and what he does or doesn’t see pre-snap, but l feel like l’m using more basic metrics to measure his improvement over the course of the last few games. Namely, he’s throwing fewer passes that are missing high and fewer “coulda been intercepted” passes. Like instead of 3 “coulda been intercepted” passes per game to like 2 per game. And his passes sailing high, we saw that far too often earlier this season, and l figure it had to be a mechanical thing. Not sure anyone is saying he’s “fixed” now, but he does seem to be improving.
  3. I didn’t get to record this one but bjh on it. I’ll get to record the Thur night game and look forward to prying into that one to see what l can see.
  4. I recall at least one play where it was Carlson (l think) lining up as a FB on a goal line formation, and it didn’t go well. He just became another body in the mass of humanity that nobody could have run through.
  5. I agree. Harris has stepped it up the last couple games. Made a few clutch catches.
  6. I feel like this has been reported before. This doesn’t mention DePodesta by name but l recall hearing that he was all in on Stefanski, and DePodesta basically is “the analytics department.”
  7. Credit where credit is due, l think Freddie showed us a couple things yesterday. As disheartening as the 7 play goal line stand was, l think it shed some light on our red zone issues this year. We handed it to Chubb a few times, passed it to OBJ a couple times, but to no avail. We basically did the things people have been screaming for us to do with poor results. Perhaps this is the same thing Freddie is seeing in practices? Getting stuffed, which is why we’ve come up with alternate ways to attempt scoring TDs, like throwing to Harris. I also liked how Freddie handled the last drive. With 4 + minutes left he decided that was our drive and kept the full playbook at his disposal and took his time marching down the field. We still scored a wee bit too quickly (darn you Higgins and your clutchy catch) but it could have been an entirely different outcome had we been burning time outs during that drive for fear that we’d have to punt and hope our defense could make a stop. Also, was anyone surprised Kitchens elected NOT to ice the kicker? He’s so against the grain that l wasn’t surprised one bit. And it worked out so there’s that.
  8. It looked like he had a helluva game. Seemed like every pass that came his way he was either making a play or was in position to make a play. That guy can really cover, and he was going against speedster John Brown for much of the game.
  9. Do tell. I know he got “lucky” on a couple passes, but luck is fickle like that and one could argue he was on the other side of lady luck earlier games in the season. Baker’s still gonna be gunslinger-like, so he’s gonna make some bad throws, but lessening those bad throws is what l feel like he’s done the last few games.
  10. Good post. I was kinda thinking the same that Baker seems to be easing back into the guy we thought he was the last few games. Keep it up Baker.
  11. I felt like our Oline and blockers in general were simply getting swarmed over and manhandled on the goal line situations. Buffalo seemed to be quite stout at the goal line.
  12. No way. He’s terribly effective doing what he does, but l notice he just doesn’t always follow his lead blocker.
  13. You know, that was something. Hunt got a heavy dose of playing time, and some of that was in a fullback role. I don’t recall Chubb ever following him, but Chubb has a tendency to not follow his lead blocker.
  14. I suppose you do realize you’ll be expected to start the official game day thread from this point forward and any failure to do so resulting in a loss will be on you. It’s a heavy burden. Godspeed.
  15. A couple weeks ago l thought it was the other way around where the team was sort of trying to manipulate the situation to lessen Higgins’ field time, which means he won’t have much compelling evidence on tape come free agent time and the Browns could resign him on the cheap. I’m not really sure that’s the case though.
  16. I subscribe to the Athletic and read the article. It was like an odd cat and mouse game where the interviewer suspected there was something unsaid about the reason he didn’t play but he didn’t fess up. I guess silver lining, at least it’s not def con 5 where players and coaches are bad mouthing each other to the media, but we might be a step away from that. Either way, not a good look for Kitchens deferring the question to the player because at the very least it makes it harder for Kitchens to control the narrative, and for better or worse he badly needs to be on top of the narrative.
  17. I always wondered what happened to Miktoxic.
  18. This is very cool. The Tretter extension, that is. Astronomy and Cornell University are cool too.
  19. I don’t know about that. He hit the streets pretty fast.
  20. After my own heart... wrong Ohio city for most of these guys though. More Skyline for me.
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