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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winning_streak_(sports) Looks like the Pats, of course, at 21 games.
  2. Ah, could be right. Still seems like a frustrating atmosphere in which to be on an interview stand, but l guess these guys are used to it?
  3. It’ll be wonderful. I look forward to the day when we get bored with Canton updating the “longest winning streak...ever” plaque on a weekly basis until 2042, which is of course when the robots and aliens will join forces to destroy us all. But man it’ll be a good ride until then.
  4. Good find Gumby. Is it me or does it sound like a party is going on at the other end of the interview room? I recall Baker having to ask a reporter to repeat or clarify a question a couple times. Seemed like an odd atmosphere for an interview.
  5. Losing your virginity is cool. When the time is right and with the right person of course. And even if it’s not it makes for a better story down the road.
  6. That is a good point and l thought an unwritten rule in football. Maybe it only applies when the fumbler’s team recovers the ball?
  7. Valid points for sure. I actually didn’t realize McCray graded out so badly. He looked alright for a quarter to me. The main issue l saw from him was bumping into and scraping past his own teammates, which l figure will get ironed out with reps and cohesion. I suppose my line of thinking with Robinson is l don’t see him as the LT of the future with us, and time’s a wasting to find that guy. So if not him then who? Maybe not McCray either. It’s pretty evident there are element of a work in progress for this team, and using the remainder of 2019 to sort out those kinks isn’t a bad idea if it helps create a better future foundation. Plenty of value to not doing that too though, foremost is the higher potential to get Baker hurt.
  8. Yeah, pretty much how l saw it and Bito did what he had to do based on the play design and circumstances that unfolded during it. The 2 guys basically took each others’ legs out and the ball getting kicked was just a freak thing.
  9. I’m going to go one quarter at a time with this to make it a less cumbersome read (yeah, l know...) and because l may or may not make it through all 4 quarters. If any of you blocking aficionados (Tour, Tiamat, Flugs, Gumby, etc) want to take a quarter, feel free, but let us know so as not to duplicate work. I was kinda stoked to break down this game with McCray replacing Robinson. I’m pretty down on Robinson so was excited to see someone new at LT. All plays graded from right to left. The key is the key: H = Hubbard, K = Kush, T = Tretter, B = Bitonio, M = McCray. Other players show up with numbers. 86 = Brown, 88 = Harris, 25 = Hilliard, 24 = Chubb, 77 = Teller, 80 - Landry, OBJ = himself. There may be others. Grading system - means l felt the player did ok that play. They did what they were asked to do on the play and were effective + means l felt the player did above and beyond just good on the play. Maybe blocked a couple dudes, maybe laid an exceptional block. Maybe made an athletic move to pick up a delayed blitzer. Things like that. £ means the player did a poor job at doing what was expected during the play and they were a weight on the team. Get it? Plays will be noted much like Tour used to. S = series, P = plays. So S1P3 is series one play 3. Notes and side bars are included. S1P1: Incomplete to Callaway: 86 - fine job, H £ not a good start, got muscled past and his man applied pressure to the QB, K - pulled left, T -, B -, M - Tretter, Bito and McCray ended up walling off Baker’s front side fending off 2 rushers. S1P2: Incomplete to Landry: H -, K - barely, he started doubling with Tretter but it looked like Tretter tried to “hand off” the guy to Kush so that Tretter could make a next level block and Kush lost leverage in the transfer and pressured the QB, T -, B - barely, held off a rusher mano e mano for a few seconds but then lost balance and his man applied pressure to the QB, M -. S1P3: OBJ reception: H -, K -, T -, B -, M - everybody looks good when the pass is out fast. Punt... S2 P1: H -, K -, T -, B -, M -, 86 - set up wide and provided a key block so OBJ could get the 3 yards he got, 80 - fine block, both Landry and Brown used to provide upfield blocks for the play. Note: only the 5 Olinemen stayed in to block 7 rushers and the play called for them to wall off the right side so the screen pass could go to the right side. They did well doing that. S2P2: Chubb run and fumble TD for the Pats: 86 - ran upfield for an effective second level block, H -, K -, T -, B - pulled right, and his man simply got lower than him and caused them both to fall down, and in the process Bito’s foot slapped Chubb in the facemask and then the ball, and wala, shit happened, M - pulled right behind Bito, and props for aggressive blocking, ironically the ball scooper used him as a spring board to change his momentum to run towards our EZ. S3P1: Chubb fumble part 2, electric boogaloo: 81 + basically provided a key block coming from a wierd place along the formation (he was outside of Landry and OBJ in the formation), 80 - helped clear the right side, OBJ + also helped clear the right side with Landry, but once he saw Chubb squirrel free he became the primary escort for Chubb down the field providing a key block too, H - pulls right to help clear the right side but didn’t really have anyone to block, 77 - Teller sighting filling in for Kush, and he is amusing as hell in this play. It’s really worth rewatching if you recorded it. He was trying to squeeze through the line to find a second level block, but on his way he either a) trips over his own feet, or b) he’s a ninja, because he pulls off a full somersault that lands him right in front of the guy he was aiming for in the first place, and then effectively pushes that guy to the ground. Really funny shit. Would like to see a cartwheel block next, T -, B £ Bito was also trying to shoot through for a second level block but totally whiffed and ended up borderline blocking the guy in the back, M -. Note: how about Baker keeping pace with Callaway running down the field behind Chubb and then diving into the pile after the fumble? S4P1: Baker Int: H - got bent back and McCray didn’t help him by knocking into him sweeping behind the line, 77 -, T -, B £ simply didn’t get to his man in time. Wierd play design though with McCray pulling and having Bito block his vacated area, but with the shuffle pass designed to go in that direction too, M - pulled right. Note: even if Landry would have caught it, there were 2 defenders right there to tackle him. Strange play design. S5P1: Chubb 1st down run: H -, K - l guess with 2 consecutive Teller plays resulting in a turnover Teller was deemed as bad luck, T - chip and effective next level block, B -, M -, 86 -. S5P2: Chubb 1st down run: 86 - held up long enough, H -, K -, T + provided a key block to effectively seal off a hole for Chubb to run behind with Kush’s help, B - pulled right, M - provided another key block to spring Chubb outta the backfield, 88 + nice awareness, started the play blocking right but then noted Chubb coming his way and spun around to provide another key block. S5P3: Pharoah Brown offsides. Sigh... S5P4: Chubb run: H -, K -, T -, B - looked like he was blocking mad, M £ he got mitigated pretty quickly by the defender, lost his balance and Chubb had to redirect because it and the result was not good. Notes:.I’m seeing an uptick in snaps for P. Brown, which l think is a good thing. The guy can block well. No major complaints with McCray after one quarter. He’s definitely an active blocker. I’m not sure if the team sees him as more athletic or what, but l noted him pulling twice this quarter and don’t recall Robinson doing much of that. I think with time and practice with the gang things will get smoother. Bito had the roughest quarter l recall him having in a while.
  10. The story l heard was if you woulda put out more Kevin wouldn’t have left you in the first place. Kevin has needs.
  11. Hate to admit it but l saw flashes of Weeden with that shuffle pass interception.
  12. You’re one insightful dude. I think you’re right though. Cosmic forces and/or intestinal fortitude may be needed for this one. Lucky for us, cosmic forces and intestinal fortitude are out there for the taking! Maybe not literally taking intestines. That would be gross. And messy. But effective.
  13. The watch thing was kind of a genius move. I think he parlayed that situation into a sponsorship with the European watch maker who fashioned it.
  14. https://www.dawgsbynature.com/2019/10/25/20932559/cleveland-browns-bench-greg-robinson Haven’t seen anything official naming McCray as the guy, but l’m a fan of trying someone new at LT. I simply think Robinson is lacking something upstairs that will eternally make him unable to reach his full potential. Mental fortitude, toughness, tenacity, drive to succeed, something is missing along those lines in his game.
  15. I haven’t had much of an issue with his “daily tantrums”. Are they really daily? The watch thing comes to mind. Sure, he makes a lotta money.
  16. I’m teasing a little bit. There are small differences in UK English and American English. Flat = apartment in the USA. Color = colour, and on holiday = on vacation. It would be fun to get you out here for a game though. Perhaps a BB fundraiser?
  17. That sounds fantastic! What is your rough ratio of ground meat to shredded zucchini?
  18. The leaner the meat the harder it is to not overcook it. Frankly the fat in a burger is what gives it that good greasy burger deliciousness, but at the same time has the “eww fat” thing. I’m a Jack Sprat type myself so l like a really lean meat, so l gotta do something with the meat to add moisture back. Minced onion helps. Egg too. Any other suggestions?
  19. I feel a sense of resurgence for the concept of “the running quarterback.” For me it started with Michael Vick, and how he was going to dominate the NFL with his arm and his legs. But mediocrity and law enforcement pretty much quashed that, and RG3 followed, and Tebow, and others, and none have really flashed that style of dominating play with any degree of consistency. Health always seems to be the limiting factor. But Jackson flashing some success. Guy in Buffalo too.
  20. https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/classic-burger I tried this burger recipe last night with good results. Added some onion powder, garlic powder and Montreal steak seasoning in the mix and made for some great gameday burgers.
  21. I was in Jersey a few years back and was surprised to see Jersey Mike’s was actually called “Jersey Mike’s”. Why not just Mike’s? That would be like calling Kentucky Fried Chicken “Kentucky Fried Chicken” in Kentucky. Also some great pizza in Hoboken. Big slices. Can’t remember the name of the place but all kindsa famous people pics on the wall. James Gandolfini in there l recall.
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