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Everything posted by Tour2ma

  1. Not many 2019 "contenders" with McCoy cap space... maybe Eagles or Seahawks. Then it's a handful of "teams on the rise".
  2. 1. Don't confuse arm-length (the measurement you quoted for Cam) with wingspan. Wingspan, finger tip to finger tip, eliminates measurement variables and includes the width of the OL's frame. 2. Again... within limits I'll trade off arm-length, but there is one thing you fail to mention.... Technique. I used to think any player could learn technique. Drafting athletic OL and teaching tech was the way you built OL depth... both in the NFL and in various sims (Head Coach, Madden, etc.), but now so many OL leave college with such a weak foundation that this path is far less traveled. In fact only the Pats (or more precisely, Scarnecchia) have a recent track record of "raising" OL. 3. TBH... I'm not sure what qualifies as mean for an OL in today's game. Maybe consistently finishing blocks to the ground? There certainly are no Conrad Doblers in today's NFL.
  3. Few inches begins to push the limits, but yes, I'd trade some span for better feet. We've seen a number of 6'6+ OTs in preseason getting beat play after play by speed rushers. OT is slow off the ball... can't get into position so reach, which includes bending at waist, which ends balance... If his arms are too short, however, the OT, who has to keep his shoulders perpendicular to a line drawn from him to his QB, will struggle to keep even shorter armed DEs from one-armed "stabbing" them in the chest and sending them off balance. Longer armed DEs can bull both arms into the OT's chest and then control the OT by grabbing their breast plate and pulling or pushing the OT whenever they like.
  4. My comment was in response to Pluto seemingly being swayed by the volume of impact plays inTakitaki's BYU tape.
  5. Takitaki.... a freelancing Edge defender... Vs. Wilson... a role-playing ILB in a very tightly scripted D. Which one do you think will produce the most "highlights"?
  6. Guess you missed the dozen or so articles leading up to the Draft on how heavily Dorsey relies on analytics.
  7. Rumor of McCoy being a 2019 Cap casualty started back in January. https://www.profootballfocus.com/news/pro-gerald-mccoy-could-be-released-by-the-tampa-bay-buccaneers As for his salary, it's also oversized for the player he is today. While still solidly above average, he is no longer the monster than finished out his rookie deal. And there are two more years on the deal... also non-guaranteed. Looks to be a prime restructure candidate... something our 2019 space would allow us to do.
  8. 2" of "wingspan" is a big difference, cal... and wingspan is the better measure, IMO. This kid flew under my radar, but the 10 split and 3-cone times are impressive for a 300+ OL...
  9. AP used a switch in the incident that got him suspended... He has since used a belt... Progress?
  10. lol... actually I was wondering if there were any Aggies left...
  11. Let's just hope Dorsey doesn't quit after one pick...
  12. Agree... enough water has flowed under the bridge... carrying GMs, HCs, QBs and others with it... to render any connection with 2007 illogical. ANd while other stops along the way have felt different-ish, this time is clearly different. It was before my time here or any sports forum for that matter, but after 2007, I told anyone who would listen that we needed to trade both Derek "one read" Anderson and Braylon Edwards while they were "hot"... that 2007 was a dual, high-water fluke that they'd never approach again. I think I pretty much nailed that one... I got no such feeling from this roster... and that was prior to all JD's off-season moves. So I understand the optimism of you and others. BION I'm optimistic, too... just being realistic at the same time. While there are others who have zipped right past "optimism" and are steaming towards "delirium". Just the take from the guy who was mocked for calling the 2018 Ravens the class of the AFCN... a mantle we have a legit shot at taking in 2019... it's just not going to be easy.
  13. True... winnable... but despite the fact that I see week's 1 and 2 supplying the "Ws" in my 2-4 tally, they are not won. Ag's on his Henry horse early, but of more concern to me is facing a healthy Mariotta. Of the first two weeks TN is the better test, but I don't see their D being strong enough to prevent a "W"... even if it takes a shootout to post it. Week 2 has the look of an opposite... a defensive struggle. NYJ adding Moseley in the middle and Jonson at one corner helps them immensely. And while I don't fear Darnold, Bell lining up behind him adds a run dimension that has to be honored and a pass option that has to cool our pass rush. Even should we emerge an unscathed 2-0, the competition level rises hosting the Rams on a short week, visiting BLT, traveling to SF and then facing SEA. That's a schedule that could blunt a helluva lot of momentum. True, but Pete has 10 days to reset his team's bio-clocks.
  14. There are 40 picks in round 7... I'll expand the groups from 8 to 10 picks... That'll lop off a day...
  15. Nah... but we need to actually win games. Being 2-4 after six games is a real possibility. That will test the cohesion of a young team trying to gel... not to mention a fan base with oversized expectations. Week 6 will be huge. We will face a good Seattle team, who has 10 days to prepare for us (their Week 5 game is hosting LAR on TNF), on the Sunday after our MNF game at SF. We will take the result of that game into the BYE with NE waiting on the other side.
  16. Misc thoughts on the real sched... Week 7 BYE is better timed than the fake sched... ... and we get the week to prep for NE. the Week 5/6 turnaround is brutal... return from MNF on west coast to host the Seahawks? Scheduler could have kept us out west by making the 'Hawks an away game. gets a lot more normal after the BYE...
  17. We'd better get the jump early... gets brutal quick. I think you may be onto something there...
  18. "Hit the ground" and "flying" are not a good mix... just ask Boeing... 😮
  19. Here's how I am willing to proceed as Commissioner for the final two rounds. Call it "Festival Seating" or "Southwest Airline Boarding" method... Break each round into fourths with 8 picks in each group, i.e., 1-8, 9-16, etc. Start Round 6, Group 1 today (Sunday, 4/14), Group2 on Monday, etc., at 06:00 EDT. On Wednesday morning a final group for Round 6 including any Compensatory Picks will be opened. Thursday, 4/19, Round 7 will open with Group 1, etc. This will wrap our mock on Wednesday, 4/23, the day before the real draft opens. Groups will be sent a single PM the day before that group picks. Picks in a given group are all first come-first serve. Proxies will no longer be accepted. Edit: Excepting Nero due to the time difference in Spain. Picks not made will be left open until week's end. They can be filled at any time by their GM prior to week's end, however, any open picks will be filled at that time. This approach gives everyone 24 to get their picks in. It eliminates waiting for those who are ready. It eliminates PMs and posts urging the absent to pick. And finally, the odds of stepping on each others picks are minimal at this point anyway.
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