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Everything posted by Tour2ma

  1. Lists are up to date... Here is finish to Round... Jags .................. Gipper .. darren ..... Rams ................. Unsym ................... Panthers ............ gumby ................... (I have gum's proxy) Pats ................... Unsym ................... Ravens .............. Nero .......................
  2. Blah blah balh... NYG takes... Kingsley Keke (DE - TAMU) Situaitional edge DE who handles the run well and can grow into the 3-4 DE role. Nite all!
  3. Want a run stuffer? Look to the Pacific NW and U-Dub... With the 27th pick in the 3rd Round... etc... etc... The LA Chargers select: Greg Gaines (DT - UWsh)
  4. Did the updates last nite then ran into a wall trying to make picks. Let's see what good, if any, sleep did... Well, here goes nothing... Dallas has band-aided two positions, TE with the return of Witten from the booth delaying his HoF date and SS with former Bagel-Vike, George Iloka, by signing both to one-year deals. The temptation is (or at least was last nite) to bolster one of these positions with a pick here, but last nite I could not find the value at either position. Same story this AM... But there is a value at a position I cannot ignore So with the 26th pick of Round 3 in the BBMD, the Dallas Cowboys select: Joe Jackson (DE - The U)
  5. Good call there... PFF... and in the absence of personal observation, I do put stock in PFF's views. Even when I have my own takes I find I agree with PFF much of the time. This is simply an instance where I do not. In part I think Kindred's less playing time was a big factor in PFF's lower rating for him. In the classic SS role I see Kindred as the better prospect... as more in the TJ Ward mold of a hitter who can cover. Murray? Better coverage guy to be sure, but will rock no one. Right now I do not see a "tone-setter" in our back 7... and that concerns me. I thought and still think that Kindred had a shot at being that guy.
  6. Zombo's OUT so I'll carry him a round... Bears haven't done a lot this off season, but did help themselves in the 2ndary and Offensive skill positions. And this is their first pick in the draft so they are very much in BPA mode. At least one of these candidates seems to align with need, but he's a small school kid with big potential... With the 23rd pick in Round 3 of the BBMD the Chicago Bears select: John Cominsky (DE - College of Charleston)
  7. Houston has one RB who is shifty, but very powerful and one who is powerful(ish), but not very shifty. Now they will have one which has ample measures of both. With the 22nd pick in Round 3 of the BBMD, the Houston Texans selcet: Mike Weber (RB - THE Ohio State U.)
  8. Well... he added Murray... who I don't think is as good as Kindred.
  9. Perfect... Guys, if you make a pick and have another just a couple spots later,go ahead and send a couple option to a Commish or a buddy in case you get busy with something else. Not yet... tomorrow (Tuesday).
  10. Under the premise that if too many things are important, then nothing is... I still have to go with LB as our major need, but will concede that Dorsey is doing all he can to raise SS to the same level.
  11. I am so deeply touched that I think I can sue... Da 'Boys select with the bah, blah, blah... Gerald Willis (DT - The U)
  12. And the Texans have the next pick as well... let's see if the sun is still shining on a talent that makes us feel good about taking a position of lesser need. And we have a winner... WR seems a bit of a luxury pick for a team with the tandem of Hopkins and Fuller, but the third element, the speedy undersized WR has been missing ever since Braxton Miller succumbed to his mounting injury inventory. So with the 23rd pick of Round 2 in the 2019 BBMD, the Houston Texans select: Deebo Samuel (WR - SC Gamecocks)
  13. Sorry guys... been battling my annual spring respiratory infection and yesterday I entered the (hopefully) final phase of sleeping and hacking up garbage for about 18 hours,... Anywho... I owe two... Classically need and talent are not aligning for these picks... in no small part due to tia taking McGary for the Vikes who was the best of the R2 OT prospects. But sometimes the sun shines anyway and today it did to reveal the Texans' #4 CB to be still on the board... So with the 22nd pick of Round 2 the Houston Texans select: Trayvon Mullen (CB - Clemson)
  14. Folks... Please PM the guy after you when you've picked. This "nudge" in addition to any group PMs advising folks that their picks are coming soon. Lists are up to date...
  15. Round 2 and Players taken lists updated. FYI... woody's delay is on me. Omitted him from alert PM I sent early yesterday...
  16. Made change of pick 1.30 to Simmons per still's tardy, but still in order, pick...
  17. GMs... be on your toes. There are fewer consecutive picks for you, but often you will have picks only a couple slots apart. Thread is now open for picks. Again, please keep chit chat to a minimum...
  18. Observations: Eleven (11) DL taken in Round 1... 6 DTs and 5 DEs. Twenty (20) in total taken in the D-side. Three (3) QBs from this "weak class" were taken in the top ten... Only four times was the same position tapped on consecutive picks and in only one of those instances did "the run" reach three in a row.
  19. Mods... please keep this pinned a while longer. All... feel free to discuss the round here now. Thanks to all for a decent start... well... all except OnePost...
  20. And with that ladies and gentlemen Round One is in the books... virtually speaking. Next pick is Flyin J's and it will be made here:
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