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Canton Mike

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Everything posted by Canton Mike

  1. I DO NOT like this hire! Keep in mind, I applauded the drafting of Manziel, the hiring of Hue, & the promotion of Freddie. After analyzing the situation, I don't know Jack Shit! GO BROWNS! Canton Mike
  2. I hate to even THINK it, but I have an awful feeling that Wilks may be retained. 🤢 Mike
  3. 1) I hope not! 2) Wilks was the Coach & I saw nothing but regression. Our tackling is some of the worst I have ever seen & I expect players to be coached UP! Ours were not. Obviously, I'm no fan of Wilks, but... Mike
  4. The more I see & read, the more solidly I'm on the Saleh train. Mike
  5. Agreed. That's why waiting longer is worrisome. Mike
  6. I can see the headline already... "STRONG INTERVIEW LEADS BROWNS TO SUPER BOWL WIN!" Mike
  7. McDaniels interviews tomorrow. He brings a winning tradition & a knowledge of how a successful franchise is run...IF he pushes the issue & IF the Haslams would listen, learn, & change accordingly, that could be a great thing. To this point, my favorite is Saleh.....we'll see what happens. No matter how things end up, I'm still (as always) a Browns' Fan. Mike
  8. WAIT! Is DeMario Davis currently a Brown? No? OK Mike
  9. Chris Palmer, Butch Davis, Romeo Crennel, Eric Mangini, Pat Shurmur, Rob Chudzinski, Mike Pettine, Hue Jackson, Freddie Kitchens. All fired in the last 20 years. ........Not ONE of those guys had successful HC experience BEFORE we hired them or AFTER we fired them, yet the Browns are still barkin' up the same tree! To quote an old folk song....."When will they ever learn?" Mike
  10. I'm also convinced MM will end up elsewhere & that's too bad. The Haslams would rather trust McDaniels (who I believe they want).......He who failed as HC in Denver & bailed on the Colts after accepting their offer. Hadn't they already started the hiring process of "Fail & Bail Boy"s staff? After as many failures as the Haslams have had, & with this young team, I would think that going with successful experience IN THE POSITION & credibility might be wise. We'll see what happens, but if this HC decision ends in more failure, I'll not be surprised. Mike
  11. Ok, we have gotten past the interview with an experienced & successful HC (McCarthy). Now it's on to the IMPORTANT interviews....the Coordinators who have NOT been successful HCs, are young & will learn on the job with this very young team...seems to be the formula for all the FAILED HCs the Haslams have hired to date, so why not follow that trend? Mike
  12. It never was...last avatar was "Whoopty Hell".... Dorsey WHO? 😲 Mike
  13. Hey, talk about "dumb luck", I got my avatar changed to one that is far more appropriate! Just kept trying different things until one finally worked. Wonder if that approach might work for the Browns? Mike
  14. That's my fear & we would also be late in getting good coordinators. I am NOT a McDaniels' fan... I just don't feel he is to be trusted. I'm also not enamored with our 2019 OC & DC. I'm hoping the MM interview results in a hiring. Mike PS: How do I change my avatar? I want to bring one of my old ones back.
  15. HAPPY NEW YEAR & HAPPY NEW DECADE!! I am anxious to see what our "New Browns" bring & what our new uniforms look like. Hoping the Haslams DO get it right this time & to quote myself........ WE'LL SEE! Mike
  16. I'm not complaining about them, but the kickers had nothing to do with all the penalties we previously had on our return teams. Priefer ran the most disciplined unit (by far) on the Browns. Mike
  17. Freddie's gone...Next man up?...We'll see. I would like to see the Browns retain ST Coordinator Mike Priefer, but they will most likely make a clean sweep. Mike
  18. I just saw that. It probably bothers us more than it does Chubb. Mike
  19. Actually, Higgiins got his "Hollywood" nickname as a kid. I remember an interview last year or before when he explained it. Mike
  20. Should we have a new Mike & Mike show? Let's name it "Sour Grapes & Crappy Takes" featuring Mike Silver & Mike Lombardi. (It hurts that those 2 have the same 1st name as I) 😝 Canton Mike
  21. Who knows what may happen, but I'm not hanging my hat on ANYTHING coming from Lombardi. Mike
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