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Everything posted by Icecube

  1. Same as before: They have "no plans" because no team will give them anywhere near what Mr. Jimmy wants (a 1st round). THAT is why the Browns aren't "planning" on a trade. If a team offered a 1st, he'd be outta town by tomorrow.
  2. The black balls are overcooked meatballs. Check on chicken wings and wonton noodles.
  3. Better than what is at LB now, that's for sure.
  4. The best Browns' D since 1980? Marty era. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/cle/1988_roster.htm
  5. Did you order a pu pu platter for dinner?
  6. I don't think the O will put up much more than 24 per game, while probably giving up 30+ most games.
  7. Yea, gonna be hard to beat good competition with that back 7.
  8. And the mainstream media barely mentions it. I wonder why?
  9. Can we make it so they get to play the Bengals every week? I'm not sure it will be this easy when facing Pit, Balt. and TN. 😁
  10. I thought he was solid. I liked how they rolled Baker out, that's what makes sense. He's not a pocket passer. So don't try to make him one.
  11. IDK dude, some of the calls on Cinci were BS too. But you're right, it should have been a blowout.
  12. Chubb and Hunt both went off. I'm impressed Stef hung in there with the rush.
  13. It was a foul, but ref's view was obscured.
  14. This is a much better jam. Hotel is so overrated.
  15. That's definitely acceptable. But please no all brown or all orange. Hideous.
  16. Yea, it's interesting that OBJ blamed last years weak production on a season-long injury that was operated on in the offseason. Sooooooo, here we begin 2020, and he looks just like he did last year. Weird. I thought his injury was fixed? What, what. Time to jiggle that wally whop. This story ain't passing the pu pu platter.
  17. Stop the madness. Almost every uni on these nights looks like PJs - just hideous.
  18. This is he general consensus I hear on the street. Not many Brown fans are defending OBJ at this point. It's time for Mr. Jimmy to admit the trade was a mistake and move on. Too bad if no one else will give a 1st rounder for him. Ship him off to 9ers for a 3rd if you can get it.
  19. Wow, would be nice if we knew this was true or not. It would explain why the team shows the body language of one who doesn't want to even be playing.
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