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Everything posted by FY56

  1. Modell was a Jew and Jewish law traditionally forbids cremation. Good thing for him because pissing in his urn would have resulted in much more unfavorable results.
  2. He did retire a hero, in Baltimore, and with a Lombardi. He didn't need to stay in Cleveland for that.
  3. "Triggered"? LOL... so now we're gonna extend the meaning of "triggered" because you were insulted by a joke? What we've come to know as being triggered as it relates to politics has been an angry, hostile reaction toward something you didn't like to hear, or was offended by. I was not offended by what you said. Being triggered requires no wit. Discovering that you left yourself wide open for a joke does. No doubt there are events omitted in history books that places this country and some of its people in a negative light, and there is nothing wrong learning about these events, as long as you are not swayed by the fact that this nation is and always has been the greatest on the planet ...reasons too numerous to list here. Sadly, what's being taught today is just the opposite. Not exactly sure what your book describes but it may be the blueprint for the American classroom today. America is rotten, illegitimately founded. It's the reason why third world nations exist. Those great Americans? OMG they were slave owners!!!...blah, blah. Very little that is positive. Maybe those indoctrinated into believing this is a horrible country will someday pick up a book and like you will be depressed reading about this countries goodness that they were never taught in school.
  4. Sorry to tell you, but it appears that book actually made you dumber.
  5. I'll just tell you what I told Tex. You must be dyin' over there after all these years! lol
  6. Haha "Free Watson"...never too young to be woke I guess. Good job dad!
  7. I ain't letting you guys have all the fun...I think I'll take cccp off ignore. The cult thing...because we respond with an equal and opposite reaction to their relentless attacks and lies makes us cultists? You're right, they don't know what a cult is. Cult leaders do no wrong. No one ever said Trump was that guy. The Obama years exemplified a true cult and its leader. Protected by the media, Obama could do no wrong. Oprah pronouncing Obama as "The One", Jamie Foxx proclaiming Obama as "Our Lord and Savior". How anyone not a lib could refrain from puking when watching that YOUTUBE video of children in our public schools singing odes of praise to Obama, as did the Hitler Youth. Lest we forget the Nobel Peace prize awarded to The Great Leader.. What the fuck for one may ask? Perhaps for being the first and only US president to establish a dual role as a cult leader?
  8. Lol..you wish. All you did here was to state an unproven allegation and pretend it to be truth...history proves it's what you people do!
  9. Just waiting now for one of our resident liberals to tell us how backward our thinking is and enlighten us.
  10. What a fucking dickhead. Thats really gonna sit well with those that worked their ass off paying off their loans.
  11. Except it should be WAS it worth it? The Watson deal is said and done. IS it worth it implies a deal still in progress.
  12. As far as 2022 it aint over until it's over, but there are good signs. What's needed now is to list every attempt under each year. Some may have forgotten about Trumps "violation" of the Emoluments Clause, Stormy Daniels, the obsession over obtaining Trumps tax returns... The demonizing of nearly every Trump associate or appointee including family members. The question is who didn't they demonize? Media stories that turned out to be lies.
  13. Thats a broad generalization. I hope you're just being facetious. I'm white, male, Christian and Conservative and I don't feel I'm persecuted in the least. Nearly 50% of those who embrace Conservative values are female. Do you count them too? Feeling strongly about an issue doesn't always translate to feeling persecuted. But you're definitely spot on about the fact that there are other "victimized" groups. Did you see that Bill Mahr video taking issue with the LGBTQ crowd stating that "not everything is about you". Even Bill has come around.
  14. I tend to agree. Aside from that the Browns have the better team overall, so yes advantage Browns.
  15. And Baker knows the Browns, so who really has the advantage?
  16. Whats not mentioned here is the fact that these shots do prevent old people from dying or even getting ill. I know vaxed people in their 70's who got COVID. They either didn't know they had it or had mild symptoms. Biden an example. Thank you Baby Jesus for Biden being fully vaxed, otherwise he might be dead and Kameltoe would be president.
  17. Funny thing, you mentioned Cal is always being fed from Conservatives something to be mad about, and in turn you are always being fed something by Cal to be mad at him for. From what I gather is that you're displeased with Cal claiming corruption. This has serious implications in that it distorts Republican representation, so shouldn't your outrage aimed more at the Census Bureau by demanding answers and less about Cal? I sense that the Census Bureau admitting to the "mistake", is good enough for you. So let bygones be bygones, it's water under the bridge, accountability not necessary. Hope I'm wrong about that. During the Obama years did you also feel that the IRS discriminating against Conservative groups while favoring liberals was not corruption as well...simply a mistake? No corruption or scheming during the Russian collusion hoax? There is never corruption, the left is as pure as the driven snow.lol
  18. He's better than Rudolph. The Steelers should have dumped Rudolph instead.
  19. Not only that, but I imagine there will be a lot of teary eyes. Especially from a lot of the old timers who waited so long. I hope soon we will be able to say that Gipper left us too early.
  20. Well I can say this..your O line still sucks. Pickett isn't gonna be your savior. I'm sure you can't deny that your Steelers are gonna be the basement dwellers this season.
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