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Everything posted by bjh2130

  1. So people are suggesting that they do what they were doing early on in the year when Freddie got roasted for it? That's why I'm not banging the Freddie sucks at playcalling drum that most are. Has he had a few like 4th and 9 draw play atrocious? Sure. However it's not the playcall its the execution. It's Baker not seeing an open receiver or getting rid of the ball on a 3 step drop. It is a receiver curling his route off too loose. It's an offensive lineman losing his one on one battle. Most of those are coachable things and need to be fixed. Some fixed quickly by attention to detail others take longer and some take new players.
  2. Every single one of those barely go forward and I've rarely ever seen one not blown dead (maybe twice including yesterday). Hunt was running in front him. He was popping it up to him. Even if it goes straight up and down its an incomplete pass. His arms are going up and forward pretty hard to throw it backwards in that case.
  3. Why? I believe it. He was healthy enough to play in the San Francisco game according to Higgins and he didn't play one snap. Meanwhile Callaway fresh off of a suspension play a high percentage of snaps. I can see Higgins being frustrated with that and when told to go in the next game just having a nah I'm good attitude. Especially if it was later in the game and Callaway had played a lot of snaps before him again.
  4. A decent ref doesn't originally call that a touchdown. That play has been a staple in college for 10 years and become prevalent in the NFL in the last 3. The replay was the thing that saved us. As soon as it happened I was telling anyone who would listen that is a pass. They intentionally do that in case of a mishandle so if it hits the turf it's a incomplete pass instead of a fumble. I'm not trying to be combative it's just an indictment of the NFL and their refs that they don't know the rules.
  5. I looked at pff Denzel has been thrown at 31 times this year. He has allowed 13 completions for a 41% completion percentage. For comparison in the game yesterday there was a graphic that said tre'davious white had the lowest completion percentage allowed in the NFL at 46.2% going into yesterdays game. Denzel likely doesnt qualify because of the injury but he's right there with the league leaders.
  6. Just because the guy lined up in front of him at the start of the snap and ran an inside route doesn't mean that ward got beat to the inside. He wasn't in man coverage and those situations. He had the right deep third a lot in our cover 3. He had the defensive pass interference called on him which was questionable and allowed one catch on the last drive for about 12 yards and i think one other right at the line of scrimmage that was a 2 yard gain (and was beat once but wr dropped it) and had 4 pass breakups. In today's nfl that is a great game. Where is BaconHound when I need him? He is sure to point out every time ward gives up a catch or miss a tackle to me in the tavern (bacon I actually enjoy it) and I don't recall him saying it a lot yesterday.
  7. He played phenomenal after having a really good borderline great game last week. I made note in the tavern that those are the exact receivers he locks down and why we drafted him. When we drafted him the top receivers were john brown antonio brown and AJ green but the Bengals had just drafted john ross. All those guys are under 6 foot burners. If ward struggles against people in man its the big tall strong receivers ala mike thomas mike Evans but even then he usually has coverage they just get it over top of him. He also needs a little work on zone coverage. It seems ward has worked on his tackling. I didn't think he had after the first two games of the season, but it is apparent now that he was hampered by that hammy the first two weeks based on how he's played since returning from injury. Greedy is showing promise but he is definitely not looking like Denzel did in his rookie season.
  8. If that ever happens again on gameday hop in the tavern. I will give you a link to a popup free stream. You'll be 3 plays behind live but still get to watch it on your phone laptop or even screen share it to your TV
  9. I mean this thread literally states a reason for why he may have been being held out of games. If he refused to go in the Seattle game that's not exactly a personal prejudice.
  10. Yeah that was a really poorly officiated game. The fumble was really tight but the no call on the pass interference was really bad. Could have called it on either Haden or Edmunds
  11. I very easily could be wrong (wont be the first or last time), but I don't believe the browns were ever going to go for that unless there was a receiver uncovered when they lined up. I think they were going to try to draw offsides and get a free play and maybe go if they jumped and moved the ball from the 4 to the 2. The playclock was at one when Hubbard jumped and didn't look like they had any intention of snapping the ball.
  12. I love chubb but I made a note of this in the tavern. Hunt should be our goalline back. Hunt just goes to where the hole is (or where its supposed to be) when running short yardage. Chubb 2 steps in the backfield because that's his run style. He's a patience and vision runner (and a tough tackle) but we need a guy running full steam at the line of scrimmage in short yardage situations.
  13. Chubb followed him on a couple of stretch runs. I was very impressed with his conditioning. He played a ton of snaps and we utilized him well in the pass game although some times we got to cute. What sucks is he is a great receiver in screens but our offensive line can not block up a screen to save their life. They just run around looking lost and blocking the wrong guys.
  14. Freddie better get Higgins out of his dog house. We had Khadarel Hodge on the field on the goalline and he didn't do his job on the rub route screen to Landry (when Landry yelled at him after play) . Higgins meanwhile obviously had the clutch td, but he also had a monster block on a little swing pass to either Hunt or Landry that allowed the receiver to pick up 20 plus yards. He does everything right including the little things like rub routes and blocking. He has chemistry with Baker. He needs to be on the field in our 3 receiver sets. I get if he refused to go in a game he should be punished. He has served his time though and it's time to give him more snaps.
  15. Because they've beaten the jets the giants the Redskins the dolphins the bengals and the titans (decent win). We would be 6-3 if we played that schedule this far. Our losses would be Pats eagles tits (cause we did lose to them). Our wins would be jets giants Redskins dolphins Bengals and bills.
  16. No 90% of plays in the NFL aren't about creativity. Matchups sure. But the NFL is all about results and winning your one on one battle.
  17. That's how all those little passes are but it's still considered a pass. I believe it was implemented by urban meyer at florida because typically the guys coming in motion dont receive too many handoffs and there is ball handling issue. If you pop it up forward to them if it's dropped it isn't a fumble.
  18. Ha it wasn't the fact that it was a creative play that they scored. It was higgins winning his one on one and Baker seeing him. If the o line wins their one on ones in the goalline situations those plays work also. If chubb continues to sprint to pylon on pitch play it's s touchdown.
  19. It's the reason that teams don't hand the ball off on those types of plays a. They used to do that but there would be a lot of fumbles because a timing issue so now they pop it up and toss it little forward and it's a forward pass. The fact that the referees even let that go is astonishing
  20. Damn dude, that's straight fire. It's really looking that way. Refresh my memory...who was that QB coach? I never thought about this....but it could indeed be a big factor. Ken zampese
  21. It's straight stupid. You literally could see Freddie calling in plays last year on the headset. Or was that all a ruse too? Damn Freddie is a genius to go so far as to talk into a dead headset to make it look like he was calling plays. Also there must have been a "ken zampese" type guy calling plays for the bears nagy and trubisky last year. Only explanation as to why mitch and the bears offense is so bad this year after being very dangerous last year. No way did other teams get lots of film to look over and figure out ways to cause a young qb struggle and make him regress. It's up to Freddie and Baker to make the adjustment now to how the defense adjusted. Im not happy it's taken this long but don't believe the fat walrus bob Wylie who had an axe to grind with freddie for not retaining him
  22. I heard this on the radio and don't know how true it is but they had somewhat of an explanation for Baker's regression. Obviously last year they dumbed down the playbook for him (as they do with pretty much every rookie), but it was count the numbers if such and such happens throw the ball to this specific spot then its the receivers job to be at that spot. This year he is supposed to read what the wide receiver is doing and throw to the man which is causing him to think more and second guess himself (he is pumping and patting the ball a ton more this year). It is said they made this change because their receivers are extremely more talented this year. Again I don't know if it's true but if it is over the bye week why didn't we go back to throwing the ball to spots and not being so reliant on wide receivers.
  23. According to nextgen stats Baker has far and away the worst qb rating in the league when throwing from a clean pocket.
  24. Hold up early in the year we were bitching about the play calls where everyone was just running 9 routes (go routes, streaks, fly, whatever you want to call them) now Freddie is handcuffing Baker? Was it Freddie who threw a 8 yard sideline pass to harris on a scramble when 30 yards directly behind him in line of sight was Calloway standing wide open in the endzone. Was it Freddie who didn't recognize presnap or postsnap OBJ had no safety help over the top and a double move that beat Harris on 4th and 4? That play where he missed Callaway was the exact play we loved from Baker last year that you see in nextgen commercials where it only had a 13.6% (or whatever) of being completed. Freddie most definitely is failing at things (some would say many things) but don't act like Freddie is the sole reason Baker is not playing well. Baker is in head and just not seeing the field. Speaking of Baker why in the world is he thinking "this will be funny" and coming out with 3 different facial hairstyles on gameday? Focus on the damn game. Instead he comes out to pregame and with full beard goatee and mustache to play the game and just a mustache for post game press conferences. Quit trying to be funny and play some fucking good football. Also to the person who said zampese was calling plays last year. He wasn't. That's just flat out a lie. Did he maybe implement game plans or design all the plays? Could be I don't know. Freddie was definitely the one calling in the plays on gameday. By the way no one designing plays is reinventing the wheel. Many of the route concepts we see today are the same route concepts we saw last year and the year before that.
  25. I really don't mind running Hilliard on 3rd and short. He's an NFL running back. Would I prefer chubb run it? Absolutely, but it was only a bad playcall because it didn't work. I can only speak for myself and (if I recall correctly) one guy in the tavern, when I saw Hilliard in the backfield on 3rd and 3 I immediately thought pass because of it. My point is It wasn't 4th and 9 draw play bad call so maybe he's learning. Hell even the 4th and 1 sneak i didn't mind. At least we weren't in shotgun snapping the ball back 4 yards and running sideways. Again the issue isn't really the playcall or personnel of the playcall its the execution of the playcall.
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