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Everything posted by bjh2130

  1. In my mind put it more at 45% Freddie, 40% Baker, 10% defense, and the last 5% o line missing blocks wrs dropping balls etc.
  2. Mayfield has the talent. There scheme really hasn't changed all that much. He is very skittish this year and you are right about throwing downfield. I will add he is very hesitant to throw over the middle also unless it's a slant. Those 15 yard digs and crossers that he was great at hitting last year, well they are still in the scheme/gameplan, and they are still open but he's not throwing then this year. He needs to get out of his own head.
  3. Haha just giving you shit woody.
  4. No he didn't I was just facetiously pointing out the fact woody claimed people only gave peppers a hard time because of Michigan background. I edited original post because it wasn't clear. I think Whitehead went to Auburn.
  5. These guys are only picking on Whitehead cause he went to Michigan right??? (No he didn't) I mean that's why fans were saying shit to jabrill. It wasn't because he played bad.
  6. Hit the open receivers baker is missing over the middle. Edit not just missing as in missing passes missing as in not seeing them whatsoever.
  7. What would tom Brady do with the skill positions players we have?
  8. That's why I considered a goat coach also.
  9. Hypothetical question for everyone. If we had bellicheck instead of freddie would be better than if we had brady/rodgers instead of baker? I think if we had one of those two quarterbacks we would be at least a game better than if we had a different coach. I understand if you don't want to participate and think this is just silly but I found myself asking this question last night when I was trying to decide if I was more pissed off at Baker or Freddie.
  10. D bone I agree I would have given it to chubb but let's not forget the most important 3rd and inches on last drive we gave it to chubb and he didnt pick it up so its not a guarantee he picks it up either time that time either.
  11. You will be able to get in next week but if you start spouting bs you'll likely be shown the door
  12. As you stated earlier Baker isn't throwing the check down. Its not that Hilliard and chubb aren't capable of catching checkdown passes. They both are. Remember all the way back to the first preseason game very first drive where the browns offense gave us a glimpse of what they could do and every one got excited. 4 out the 6 passes were of the checkdown variety. For whatever reason baker is not throwing them. It would not matter if duke were on the team he also wouldn't be getting thrown checkdown passes. It's not personnel related other than one person won't throw it.
  13. Right I understand that or could be that his 1st read isn't open and is holding on to the ball too long regardless other quarterbacks are getting it out on time and they're doing it in less timw than what Baker is given which means the line is doing well enough for him to get the ball out. Odell is running slants and digs as well as Landry and others. If you can stomach rewatching some of the losses watch the all 22 of them and you'll marvel at the amount of times Baker is missing short to intermediate routes that are open over the middle of the field. They aren't his primary read so he's not seeing them. The great quarterbacks can anticipate while in their drop back if the first and sometimes second read will be open before they get to the top of their drop. So when they get there they are on to their 2nd or 3rd read. Baker this year is not at that point. He is still on his first read when he reaches the top of his drop. (Obviously on play fakes you aren't going to be on your 2nd read when your back is to the defense)
  14. And last year everyone was saying Baker was special..... The NFL media is all about over reacting. Once again the browns do not have a BAD offensive line. Chubb is number 1 in rush yards per game and Baker has second highest time to throw in the league. (Prior to last week I just looked again and he is 6th still top 20% of league) So in pass pro only 5 other teams has given their qb more time to throw and in run blocking they have the guy that averages the most yards per game. If the browns offensive line is BAD then so is every other offensive line in football.
  15. It was incredibly an dumb question. Were you happy with the results? When the drive ended with a 4th and 16 play that the qb was sacked on. Who in the hell would be happy with those results? It was a question that the obvious answer was no they weren't happy with the results. That would be like asking Matt Ryan if he was happy the way the 2nd half ended up vs the patriots in the super bowl.
  16. Tom Brady has stormed off from a podium before (he has done it multiple times and as recently as this year) . So has Aaron Rodgers. So has a myriad of other quarterbacks. So have a ton of coaches including bellicheck (pretty winning coach). Baker didn't cuss him out or threaten to fight him. It's not Ryan leaf. Quit overreacting
  17. Grossi literally asked him if he was happy with the result of the 4th and 16 play where he got sacked. Yeah im sure he's fucking thrilled. That's just a dumbass question. Guess what Brady Rodgers and even peyton manning have "stormed off" from media before. Like others have said Grossi is a tool who is looking to provoke to get his name out there. I figured most local browns fans would know this be ok with this interaction. While national media and fans not knowing who grossi is would blow this out of proportion.
  18. Yeah I don't get the constant oline bashing. Baker has the 2nd highest time to throw in the league and chubb is top 5 in ypg. I'd say they are doing their job just fine. I really hope ward and greedy stay healthy because if that's the defense the browns get the rest of the year that will be plenty good enough to win games if the offense doesn't gift the opposing team 14 points and take at least 3 (if not 7) off the board by fumbling in red zone. Though I don't completely blame chubb. It was just a freak fumble the first time and a great play the second one.
  19. A lot of teams run rpo but their quarterbacks are actually making the reads. Baker isnt necessarily always reading the linebacker on it. Every time we get called for it is because Baker just pulled the ball out of Chubb's stomach without actually reading the linebacker. Then he has to hold the ball for a tick or two longer to let the slant clear the linebacker that he was supposed to be reading. That extra tick or two has our lineman blocking down field. It's all timing that is screwed up because Baker isn't correctly reading the backside linebacker.
  20. Imagine blaming the dude who played his ass off in his first game back. Yeah he dropped the int on a diving attempt in the rain. They say CBS playing defensive back for a reason. He was in place to keep it from being a touchdown. Also he got those three points back by blocking a field goal later in the half. The dude didn't allow a completed pass to a receiver he was guarding or in his zone. Came up and tackled well which has been my biggest gripe with him. Another note greedy played really well also. Gave up a few catches and had an awful holding call go against him. He also tackled really well in run support and in the open field. I hope those two can stay healthy (big question marks) because if they can they are gonna be lockdown for years to come.
  21. I could have sworn you replied earlier in the thread to tinythinker about how you would panic too if you rooted for the browns or even be from Cleveland..... ill never understand the need to lie on forums like this. Edit here it is. Looks like you tried to delete it to cover your tracks at least once you lied. 16 hours ago, CoachTodd10 said: I agree Thinker. I would panic also if I were a Browns fan, or from Clevelabd for that matter!
  22. You watched the game. You made several comments during the game proving you watched it for example "great now it looks like Landry broke his collarbone" or something to the effect. Why do you play this thing up every week where you say you aren't watching the game because you can't take any more but you are very clearly watching the game.
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