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Everything posted by ballpeen

  1. Folks, teams have been able to block assistant coaches from interviewing for coordinator jobs for maybe 6-7 years now. This is nothing new.
  2. We have lots to fix. Had the Doofus "FooBal" guy hired damn near anybody other than Freddie, things would have been much better.
  3. I'm not. I am glad we embrace it. It's just a process of gathering information. You still have boots on the ground(scouts) trying to measure the things you mentioned. I am glad we got rid of the "foobal" guy who hand selected Freddie to be our coach. I don't blame Freddie for not being ready. I blame the Doofus for thinking he was.
  4. Not here. I try to stay balanced. If everybody had like minds, we would never learn.
  5. Dorsey should have stepped in at some point and told Freddie to relinquish the play calling. It may have saved both of their jobs. Dorsey had to know about confusion and us looking like idiots. I guess he thought it best to let Freddie dig his own hole and he would get a chance to correct it after the season. The Doofus thought wrong.
  6. They were scripted, and Monken was very involved with that.. After that, it was a mess. You knew we were going to call a shovel pass at least once or twice.
  7. I like LaRosa's. Many times I push up to Dry Ridge, KY. to spend the night on my way up to games. There is one there across from the hotel. As for Cleveland, west side for me.
  8. too bad we can't fire fans who don't know what the heck they are talking about.
  9. Don't be so chapped the doofus quit. It's a good thing.
  10. Maybe so. Something else happens every time..some stomp,whine and moan when the team doesn't do things the way that person wanted.
  11. Both impressive pressers. I think Stefanski is going to be just what the Dr. ordered. I am also glad it appears most are starting to see the light on DePo and that he isn't a sinister figure sitting deep in the bowels of headquarters, pulling the strings.
  12. True. Thought I think we were so under coached, we have to be better. Plus, Freddie didn't really select his coordinators, did he? I think John had a big role in that. John brought in some excellent skill players. Foundation players not so much. Math proves everything, and I am as anti-math as it gets. I don't think that way, except when playing cards and investing. Go with percentages, it gives you the best odds. Like I said, it can still come out wrong, buy you are never wrong going with the choice that gives you the best odds for a positive outcome.
  13. And to be honest, neither would I. Who's paying who? Who paid a $billion to get the gig.
  14. No, it helps for placement. You might still be able to be a overnight stocker. Maybe not a cashier or some type of management candidate.
  15. He understands how to play that game. Similar to my bring up Blackjack. Depo isn't a coach, but he does understand sports. He can identify the qualities top performers have/had and compare those to prospective hires. Again, it's just playing the percentages. To me, playing the percentages makes more sense than going on a gut feeling, but that's just me. Doofus went with his get feeling and it turned out to be the worst decision of his life. I feel bad for the guy.
  16. No doubt. You are being tested when you go in to Wal-Mart to fill out a application at their employment center computer kiosk. It records how fast you typed and when you backed spaced to correct spelling, etc. It's used everywhere. Just another tool for companies to better gauge your intelligence
  17. Maybe. Mine is probably a little closer to the truth. One thing I do know is Bill has told him it has to be the right owner. Can't say that fits here....that and he wanted total control from what I have heard. That can work with some coaches, but I am not so sure with a rookie coach. I think that is something a coach has to earn. Go win around 65% of your first 80 games. Then you can. Just keep me informed, especially on draft plans, big cuts, and trades. Don't blindside me, that pisses me off.
  18. Some of it has to be gut, but in many ways that is the least important as compared to the person stands the best chance of putting us in to a good play based on situation. It's like playing blackjack. The player who makes the solid decisions stands a good chance of winning. It doesn't always work out that way. You can make the call that statically says you have a 70% chance at a positive result, but you still have a 30% chance it won't. The measure in this case isn't the result. The measure is did he put us in to a play that had a good or best chance of working? That is all you can hope for. Like you, I am tired as well. See you next year...lol
  19. I have wondered the same thing. I think a part of it is every play a team runs is input in the computer. How did said play result against different fronts, etc. Then the coach calls are input and a grade is given. The coach makes a correct call as based on the statistical odds for a positive outcome v a negative outcome. Coach A makes the statistically correct call 74% v another coach who made the correct call 54% of the time. Same could be done with halftime adjustments. What coach showed he threw out the things that didn't work and went with the things that did. Does the coach go with the odds on going for it...I am sure much more that this mind doesn't understand.
  20. I think in the end Jimmy felt he finally needed to heed Depos advice. Depo has made several recommendations that would have been solid choices only to have Jimmy opt for Hue and Doofus Dorsey decide on Freddie. I do think we are going have solid alignment between Stefanski and Berry, both whom will be open to using the analytics that Depo and staff will provide on a weekly basis. Even in game basis. I hope a member of the Depo team is on the sidelines with the ability to feed the coach info in real time, point out things that could help with halftime adjustments Doofus wasn't open to that. He would rather sit there and watch Freddie fall in love with plays that didn't work. It started to look like "Tin Cup" with Costner determined to carry the water. It never hurts to get solid information that can help towards making better decisions. We all want that, right?
  21. What do you know? I agree, they might. I hope not. I root SEC all day, every day. Like OSU after every other SEC team. Go SEC
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