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Posts posted by VaporTrail

  1. 5 hours ago, nickers said:

    My Dr is also Indian.. Hes jovial and funny.. And has given me countless resources to improve the quality of living and sends me to the best specialists in the business... Hes funny AF... His wife also works in the same capacity in the Internal Medicine department here in Mentor for UH. They are both top notch Dr's.. My dr was also an ENT surgeon which is a double blessing for me as I'm profoundly hearing impaired.. So I never have to wait 3 months to see an ENT specialist because he was an ENT specialist/surgeon in the UK.. And still has his license and credentials to do so.... I also have a staff of ENT specialists at my disposal.. Dr.Vito, Dr Mowry and ENT surgeon Dr. Semaan... I don't know where you live but if you're in the area... Id urge you to see him... Dr.Shreeniwas Lele is his name... Very nice man.. He knows his shit...

    What's sad about this for the Indian doctors is that a lot of them are from lower castes and they face discrimination for it getting into medical school and from their peers if they manage to get through. See: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348356339_Casteism_Among_Indian_Doctors_A_Critical_Review

    These people immigrate here legally, then have to go through the rigor of medical school/American residency, just to be looked at as an equal to their peers. Now, because of DEI, they get discriminated against again, because... their ethnicity is too intelligent? It's asinine, ass backwards, and racist. And these DEI zealots are trying to gaslight you into thinking it's the morally correct action. 

    • Upvote 4
  2. Just now, Jax said:

    Maybe our resident race baiters can explain.

    DEI and everything associated with it is garbage and I doubt even they can defend it.

    That is systemic racism, and it has real consequences.

    The actual article has some examples of attending physicians coming forward with situations they've experienced. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't going to result in deaths of future patients. 

  3. Source: https://freebeacon.com/campus/a-failed-medical-school-how-racial-preferences-supposedly-outlawed-in-california-have-persisted-at-ucla/

    Some whistleblowers from UCLA's medical school have leaked some test scores and how they've changed for the worse since hiring a dean of diversity who changed admissions criteria to allow for more black and brown people. Logic for this change being, as far as I can understand, that black doctors, even if less qualified than white or asian doctors, will provide better care to black patients, who have disproportionately worse health outcomes. Sounds like a poor thesis to me, but what do I know?

    At the end of each rotation, you have to take a subject test on it.
    Here, x-axis is divided by subject with subdivision by academic year, and further subdivided by what year in medical school it was taken, the first graph includes both preclinical and clinical years. 

    You can see that in the year of the George Floyd riots, before most DEI changes were implemented, that graduating class had a <5% failure rate for all subjects (which was the historical norm). Post George Floyd riots, UCLA hired a DEI dean who discriminated against white and asian applicants, in part prompting the lawsuits which led to SCOTUS banning affirmative action for being racist. Anyway, after the dean's changes were implemented, you see a clear trend in the worsening of failure rates. Note that the y-axis is a percentage and it ranges from 0-100%.


    Now let's take a closer look at what happened in the two most recent classes of students


    This is over a 50% failure rate in some subjects. And finally, here is how the demographics of the student makeup have changed.


    How does this help make black patients safer? 

  4. 40 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    say, now you agree with us over Oct. 7th then?

    Israel did nothing to deserve that.

    Don't defend Oct. 7th., please.

    I don't care what Israel/Palestine does or does not deserve. Not my country, shouldn't be my problem, but now it is. I would like to know why American neighborhoods now have to take in Gazan refugees. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 8 hours ago, cccjwh said:

    Shouldn't be much different than his last few years on Fox. Both get their talking points from the Russian government. Congrats to Russia for their successful takeover the Republican party. All it took was a bunch gullible and/or stupid people, internet heroes like Vamous and babycow and money for some talking heads.

    Tucker Carlson Launches Show On Russian State TV (newsweek.com)

    Conservative TV host Tucker Carlson has launched his own show on a Russian state television channel.

    The former Fox News anchor is presenting the program Tucker on the rolling news channel Russia 24, with the first episode now available online, Russian state newspaper Rossiskya Gazyeta reported. The paper said that the show is part of a joint project with Carlson TV, in which he will interview figures and politicians who have "alternative views to the mainstream."



    lol, and as it turns out, ccc falls for clickbait fake news (again). Seriously, your gaslighting is as bad as the worst posters here. 

    • Haha 4
  6. Archive link to avoid giving MSM a click. 

    Here's the juiciest line.


    But, let’s be clear. Biden is not running against God. He is running against Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in American history whose second term, if he is re-elected, will be worse than his first. And, on his worst day, Biden is a thousand times better than Trump.

    Does anyone actually believe the world was less safe with Trump at the helm? Sanders once again bends over and takes a fat one from the DNC establishment. Expect the rest of the DNC progressives to follow suit. The Democrat party badly needs a Trump of their own to clean house of all the career politicians. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    Damn Vapor, you revived a 6 year old thread in stunningly poignant fashion. Hats off man. How did you even find this thing?

    I usually just revive the occasional old thread just to mess with people. A good gag every once in a while. 

    Searched for "tariffs."

    The amount of policies that President Trump was criticized for, extended by President Biden is remarkable. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. Fascinating to go back and read this before the global economy was crashed by a Chinese biolab leak and the country was shut down by a bunch of fearmongerers in the ivory tower. 

    I'm just here to post this image. Good on Biden for doing the right thing for American workers. Protectionism can work. 


    • Haha 1
  9. 7 hours ago, hoorta said:

    "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!  
    We've seemed to have forgotten\ignored that- at least in some quarters.  😡

    This should not be done in a manner that hurts the country. I'm xenophobic. I don't really give much of a shit about the plights of foreigners until it personally affects me. That doesn't mean I can't be pro legal immigration. 

    7 hours ago, hoorta said:

    PS- callous treatment- "send them back where they came from"- directly reflects on the Mango Messiah's POV. No regard whatsoever for human dignity. These people in many instances- risked their lives to head north with little more than the clothes on their backs- so " we don't want your kind in AMeriKKa"..   

    If you try to illegally enter the majority of the countries in the world, there is a solid chance that their military/border patrol will shoot you dead. Sending illegals back to where they came is much more humane than what most of the world would do to them. It seems like your stance is that everyone with a sad story should be offered citizenship or amnesty on arrival - please feel free to correct this assumption of mine. That is a bad idea for social, economic, and security reasons.

    Border hoppers can get in line with everyone else who is legally applying for citizenship. Until then, they're welcome to claim sanctuary/refugee status in any of the 10 Central American countries they travelled through to get here. If you travel through more than one country to leave your unsafe country, then you are no longer a refugee seeking asylum, you're an economic migrant. Get in line with the rest. 

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