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Posts posted by VaporTrail

  1. 3 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    I didn't know they put that part in. Really? THIS president gets to decide? that is stupid. I do want china OUT of it completely, or ban it. But it should be Congress that decides. Apparently there is serious intel that we don't hear about - that really makes the case. But it is dangerous for an enemy to have a far reaching social media software they control to be in our country. And in a communist society - every company is controlled by the communist government.

    This is how it works every time! They pick the scary thing of the moment and get the public to fear it enough to give up their rights

    2001 - Islamic terrorism. Patriot Act. Public went along with it. 4th amendment means jack shit now and the NSA can and will monitor everything you do. There have been recent efforts to establish social credit scores of some kind or another, even in the US. 
    2011 through 2019 - Mass shooters. Thankfully Obama was not able to pass anything on gun control. But Trump did. No more bump stocks for us, thanks. Liberals continue to push for tougher restrictions to gun ownership. 
    2018 through 2022 - White supremacy is the biggest threat to the US. We need to monitor these domestic extremists! If you say anything positive about the founding fathers or the constitution, it might be enough to put you on an FBI watchlist. (wish i was exaggerating with this one, but I'm not)
    2020 through 2021 - COVID. Better be a guinea pig to an experimental vaccine or you will lose your job. Thankfully SCOTUS ruled this was illegal, I'm not happy that they now require it for anyone in the field of healthcare. You can't go to work, we must lock down to stop it! We need to pressure tech giants into banning/deamplifying those on social media who has a different opinion than the prevailing and government approved theories!
    2022 - We need to put all our money into Ukraine. Anyone who is against it is just regurgitating Russian information! We need to demonetize these people from social media and shadowban them. 
    2023 - We need to send all of our money to Israel. The $15B they've received from us the past 20 years wasn't enough! Anyone who disapproves of Israel's methods is an anti-Semite! We must ban them from campus and pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Israel! 

    It's politicians from the entire political spectrum that have been arguing (often successfully) to take away our rights. It's all so tiresome. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    Those boomers have their data plenty of other places already. Truth Social wouldn't have a monopoly on that user info. But that definitely seems like the main draw. I think any guarantee of value here though is a little premature. This feels very meme-stock-y. 

    Yes the boomers have their info all over the internet, but the point I'm making is that they're concentrated on Truth. Outside of the fox news comment section, I can't really think of another website that could brag about having that population cornered. 

  3. No. 

    Especially this part that gives the president more unchecked power. For everyone saying this law should pass, you need to know that you're giving Biden the power to decide what social networks are and aren't a threat to US national security. Censorship is not a real solution.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    Without arguing the censorship part....


    It will be interesting to see how the valuation ends up shaking out. Lots of funny money, guy feelings, projections, etc that happen normally to fuel stock prices. This feels like that put on steroids. 

    I could by that stock, not thinking at all that the company is actually valuable or will eventually make money, but because I expect MAGA loyalists to buy the stock. 

    I could also avoid it completely expecting Trump to eventually sell a good bit of his shares and tank the value. 

    Definitely interesting 



    But if Trump scams his supporters by  being on the right end of a meme stock then I can't say I'm surprised. 

    He has advertising data of 2 million conservative, retired boomers with too much time and money. I have to imagine that the ROI for advertising on that network is going to be orders of magnitude higher than x/fb/ig/tiktok. Hindsight being 20/20, how did no one come up with this sooner?

  5. 1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

    He knows exactly what he's doing. 

    The "ah, everything is woke!" angle is getting old and played out. Doesn't really stoke enough fear. And less effective for the more mentally stable middle of the road voters.

    "Ah, migrants!" though? That has steam. They're going all in and running with this until November. It hits on the slightly more rational fears of that middle voter group and he can speak some of the greatest hits of... uh... a different group. 

    "Slightly more rational" fear?

    Everything costs more and everyone's wallets are being stretched pretty thin. There are very few things that directly correlate to reduced value of labor than being flooded by people from a bunch of nations who have a 10:90% wealth ratio. And you know a lot of that money is not going to stay in the economy, because it will be sent out as remittances to their families. Can't say I really blame the border hoppers for doing what they're doing. 

    And what happens when you get a bunch of poor people that no one wants around? Well, they're pretty much stuck with the poorest people in the country. You throw a bunch of impoverished latinos next to a bunch of impoverished blacks and crime rate goes through the roof. It's hilarious and sad that the white city liberals are cheering on this sanctuary city system, while the impoverished black people are the ones going to their city councils and demanding something be done to stop it. Turns out that you just have to make enough money to live in Lincoln Park and it won't be a problem for you. South Chicago? Don't care. And to be fair, this has been happening since long before Biden or Trump.

    A high school kid can't even buy a dime bag from a drug dealer without having to worry about if it's laced with some kind of Chinese fentanyl. 

    These seem like pretty rational concerns.

  6. 39 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    At the rate technology, batteries, etc are advancing I'll bet on us finding a work around. 

    Especially if we use policy to help force the issue. 

    But our govt is broken and corrupt, so I would expect all the money behind big oil to fight any progress in this direction and delay the benefit. Hell, we still have a penny... 

    So long as batteries are still dependent on lithium, I see them as a short term band aid and not a long term solution. Unless we figure out concentration of lithium from ocean water, it's going to require an insane amount of strip mining to provide the whole world with an EV. I am more hopeful for the long term future of hydrogen. Toyota's been racing a hydrogen ICE Corolla in Super Taikyu for a couple of years. They're planning on bringing a prototype to Le Mans in the next year. Maybe we see a mass production model in 10-20 years. Ease of access to hydrogen over lithium is what will ultimately push us toward hydrogen ICE. Most importantly, the engines will continue to vroom. 

  7. 15 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    We will all be driving EVs at some point. You'll probably be dead by then. But it's happening. No matter how much you feel like kicking and screaming. Though I realize you only exist to fight any change or improvement in this country. 

    I also don't need a new car right now, but I'll probably get at least a hybrid for my next car. We'll see. Need an SUV. 

    We'll probably be dead by then, too. Readily available lithium is the rate limiting step.

  8. 4 hours ago, Vambo said:

    How will you do background checks on them?

    You won't. FFLs still won't sell to them. They can't buy them legally. They'll just bring them in from Mexico or buy them from the black market here. This law literally changes nothing for illegals except that they won't be detained for simply having a firearm (which the Biden admin wasn't really doing anyways). 

    There are laws against illegals being in the country, but the Biden admin doesn't enforce them. The Biden admin EO'd away all of the EOs that Trump used to effectively deport them. So if 2024 rolls around and Trump wins, guess which EOs are coming right back into play. It doesn't matter if they're allowed to own guns, they'll be deported for crossing the border illegally. 

    With a hypothetical Trump presidency, these people are being deported AND you now have the legal precedent that you can't restrict guns in the three ways I've mentioned. 

    • Upvote 2
  9. 11 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    Your sarcasm is duly noted. I'm not surprised at all she was an obaMao appointee. Her rationalizations are nonsense, ignoring the point I made earlier -

     My opinion - "We the People" are CITIZENS of the United States.

    Not invaders. They broke the law to even get here. They are NOT welcomed individuals, with green cards, visas, etc.

    Now, I'm no legal beagle, and illegals have certain protections to be treated fairly. It's FAIR to prosecute them for entering our country ILLEGALLY, especially after committing felonies, (which a repeated illegal entry should be a felony), ...

        Somebody high up should appoint me to a federal judgeship. I don't know much about the law, but that doesn't stop Justice Jackson, da willis, and the nasty ho in NY etc. so there's that......

    Back to my point:

    "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    --Preamble to the United States Constitution"

    Illegals are not "of the United States", therefore our Constitution does not apply to them. So our Bill of Rights only applies to people OF THE UNITED STATES.

    Not illegals. Why is that so tough for lawyers and judges to understand ?


    There is literally zero sarcasm in my answer. This is a huge 2A win. If this opinion would have been written by Clarence Thomas, gun grabbers would be freaking out.

  10. Man, people are hung up on the headline, but no one's bothering to look at the legal reasoning to arrive at this federal judge's conclusion, which is absolutely the correct decision for 2A supporters. The illegal who was charged for the crime got the pistol for personal protection during the 2020 BLM riots. Should the guy even be in the country in the first place? No, but that's not what this case is about. It's about if your status as an illegal precludes you from rights guaranteed in the constitution, particularly gun ownership. 

    Anyways, her legal reasoning

    • Permit requirements are illegal
    • Public carry restrictions are illegal
    • Banning non-violent criminals from gun ownership is illegal

    This reasoning could be used in the future for increasing gun rights on a national level. Hello? National open carry, maybe? Fuck yeah. 

    Here is her concluding paragraph in the case


    The government argues that Carbajal-Flores is a noncitizen who is unlawfully present in this country. The Court notes, however, that Carbajal-Flores has never been convicted of a felony, a violent crime, or a crime involving the use of a weapon. Even in the present case, Carbajal-Flores contends that he received and used the handgun solely for self-protection and protection of property during a time of documented civil unrest in the Spring of 2020. Additionally, Pretrial Service has confirmed that Carbajal-Flores has consistently adhered to and fulfilled all the stipulated conditions of his release, is gainfully employed, and has no new arrests or outstanding warrants. The Court finds that Carbajal-Flores' criminal record, containing no improper use of a weapon, as well as the non-violent circumstances of his arrest do not support a finding that he poses a risk to public safety such that he cannot be trusted to use a weapon responsibly and should be deprived of his Second Amendment right to bear arms in self-defense. Thus, this Court finds that, as applied to Carbajal-Flores, Section 922(g)(5) is unconstitutional.

    The whole case is here and worth a read. Honestly, I am pleasantly surprised this is coming from an Obama appointee. 

    Huge win for pro 2A. I really can't state that enough. 

  11. 12 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    you mean like wiping out the nazis in WWII ? Like the nazis ceased to exist? That happened with bombs, Vapor. A lot of citizens got killed on both sides in WWII. It's called war.

    AGAIN - HOW DO YOU SUGGEST ISRAEL WIN THE WAR FOR THEIR SURVIVAL in a war if you don't like palestinians getting killed because hamas won't let them leave on warning in advance, or they refuse to leave, or hamas uses them as shields?

    How would you do it any other way than fighting a war to wipe them out?

    How can they fight this war without casualties????????

    I just posted about the rabid animal terrorist supporting palestinians.

    I posted about the Jewish settlement where the Jews refused to convert, so they are all murdered by Mohammad's army.

    hamas fires missiles next to schools, hospitals etc and Israel gives warning that the palestinians who don't want to get bombed evacuate. Gives them days warning. What would you do differently? (note - the terrorists move, too)

    Come on - what would you do differently? How can Israel stop hamas without fighting a war there?

    Yes, how could they do anything other than leveling Gaza and turning the homes of 2 million people into rubble? What else could they have done?

  12. 12 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

    So Israel should base it's survival on what a bunch of young still shitting yellow Americans think?

    No, that's a separate issue. I'm saying that your blind support of Israel is eventually going to give way to blind support of Hamas. Both of which are retarded and not what's best for the USA.

  13. 13 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    that is stupid, Israel was going to do it regardless. Hamas started the war, they will lose and be wiped out.

    Yeah, they'll be wiped out just like the Taliban, and al Qaeda, and ISIS. Certainly, Islamic extremism will cease to exist after Bibi is finishes his job.

    11 hours ago, Jax said:

    If that style invasion happened in the US or China or wherever, Do you think we'd/they'd be worried about civilians?

    China, no. USA, yes. Especially after Iraq. If cellphones had been as widespread when we invaded Iraq and killed half a million to a million of their civilians, then there would have been less public support for the war. 


    Do you think it'd be announced we're going to bomb please evacuate? 

    Yes. Even Israel did this. 


    Why does anyone expect Israel to take it? If Israel did that to another country they'd deserve to get the shit kicked out of them as well.

    Israel has a right to defend itself and capture/kill Hamas leadership. In spite of what you guys have convinced yourself that I believe, Israel actually has my full support for retaliation of that scope. What they are doing is going far beyond that and, in the long run, it's just going to create more Islamic extremists and puts a big target on their backs (as well as ours). 


    Why do people want to give these terrorists who not only indiscriminately murdered and raped with all the atrocities thrown in, but still have hostages a victim card?

    You don't rescue hostages with JDAMs. You are, once again, equating Gazan civilians to Hamas. The Gazan civilians are the victims, not Hamas. 

    1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

    1) "normies", lol. Internet turned political term I guess

    lol, it's a totally apt descriptor!


    But yeah, seems like a lose lose for Biden politically, but I can hope the administration can pull back out unwavering support from Israel to some level

    Not if AIPAC and the ADL have anything to say about it. 

  14. This war has put Biden in a not so good position. 

    Up until this week, Bibi has made the Biden administration look completely defanged and powerless. There have been multiple gently-worded statements from the Biden administration saying that Israel shouldn't do x or shouldn't do y, while also saying that there was no way we would ever stop supplying Israel with arms. As you would expect, Bibi took this as carte blanche to bomb Gaza to ashes as a means of destroying Hamas. Further humiliating the US, the Israelis denied both the UN and US opportunities to create aid corridors in Gaza. Instead, Bibi very graciously allowed the USAF to airdrop supplies on the beach. 

    Last week, the rhetoric started to escalate. Biden had a hot mic after an address to Congress where he told another Democrat Congressman that he's going to have a "come to Jesus moment" with Bibi. Bibi responded by saying something along the lines of, "we've already had 13 or 14 of those." And Bibi continued to bomb the shit out of Gaza. As a response, top Democrat Chuck Schumer has called for the ousting of Netanyahu. Today, some Israeli politicians have said to the Jerusalem Post accusations that the US is trying to overthrow their government. This is turning into a diplomatic feud.

    Any move Biden makes here looks pretty bleak from a re-election standpoint. Trump is absolutely winning over the neocon vote, and probably some of the warhawk neolib vote too by saying that no one is a bigger supporter of Israel than him (and given what he did with Israel during his presidency, I would argue he has a good point). Moderates (normies) don't do well with seeing dead children on their Twitter/FB/tiktok feeds every day and so Biden is losing support from his soccer mom constituency. Lastly, the far left wing of the Democrats is outright angry with him over his decisions here (though I expect in 3 months we will see them saying "yes, Biden didn't handle this situation well, but we cannot go back to Trump"). Muslims are probably going to sit this next election out, which is going to cost Biden 1-3% of the vote in Michigan. You know they're going to turn out. 

    As for Bibi. He was looking at a prison sentence before the outbreak of this war. Even throughout the war, there have been many large protests within Israel from supporters of the opposition party. Bibi's going for the extermination of Hamas or bust. The longer this thing drags out, the more likely he is to get ousted by his own people.

    Pretty fascinating to watch these two balance on a knife's edge. 

  15. 1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

    That's why we support Israel.  No matter what.

    So, what's the threshold to have our unquestioned support? Rwandans, East Timorese, Bosnians, Armenians, Serbs, Poles, Rohingyas, and American Indians have all been on the receiving end of a genocide. Why don't we support them no matter what?

  16. 51 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    I'm fine with that idea. Too bad it doesn't work both ways but what the fuck?


    "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it."

    Also, not sure why diehard keeps posting holocaust pictures. Maybe he thinks that holocaust deniers should be thrown in jail?

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