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Westside Steve

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Posts posted by Westside Steve

  1. The Rolling Stones and Brian Jones


    92 min.              NR

    There are watershed periods of time throughout history the change the course of world progress. Not the least of which would be the 1960s and one of the reasons for that is the coming of age of what we now call the Baby Boomers. Young people are more likely to want to do something different than the previous generation and nowhere in World culture is that more evident then the British Invasion in rock and roll. For those who care to remember there were the Beatles and The Rolling Stones and dozens of other who were virtually indistinguishable to the untrained eye; meaning well, our parents. Another subgroup of opinions deal with which of the two vanguards of the generation was the most important. I will leave that up to you, but THE ROLLING STONES AND BRIAN JONES from Magnolia films takes that one step further as to which era of the Stones fame may or may not have been the most important. To the casual fan of the Stones, Brian Jones probably wouldn't be the first name that comes to mind. That honor goes to Mick Jagger and Keith Richard who, as the front man and song writing duo, the face of the band as time went on. Those with a deep understanding of the history of the band know that in the beginning there was Brian Jones an earnest middle class boy who wanted nothing more than to start his own band and play the music he loved. He did the promotion he enlisted the musicians he booked the dates he did the leg work and the promotion. But he didn't write the songs and he didn't front the band. Still some people might forget how important his contribution to the music was. While not a virtuoso he was intuitive and creative and many of his embellishments made Stones songs great. Think of Ruby Tuesday without the flute, Lady Jane without the counter melody or Paint It Black without that sitar riff. While all young people struggle mightily with perceived rejection it can have a devastating effect on someone with instantaneous fame and money losing his grip on the empire that he created. As the Rolling Stones image became one of faux rebels Brian became more estranged from the other members and found solace in the crazy sexual drug alcohol and fashion culture of swinging London. In the film these situations treat Jones with more sympathy than the Richard autobiography and that's fine with me. Unfortunately few people remember him or understand how he became a metaphor for the 1960s which began with such great promise and tragically came to an end as the world and it's culture moved on.

    Thanks to the good people at Magnolia for the Press screening. Kindest wishes for a best documentary statue.





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  2. 7 minutes ago, Orion said:

    No argument.  But I don't know if Watson's played enough games in a row to know how good he is / isn't.  He strung a few together and then played well against Tenn....until needlessly going head first instead of sliding (which he did again against the Cards.  And so now this week he's playing the Ravens defense with both starting Tackles out...and one of them was the backup to the actual starter who went on IR some time ago.  He'll probably get hurt again.

    Of course it's possible. And when the Cleveland Browns win a Super Bowl and Watson goes into the Hall of Fame I will eat my words about Jimmy Haslam because he was the only guy in the league willing to give up that much. You think Watson would be in Cleveland if Atlanta New Orleans or Miami would have matched that offer? And just for the record having a good enough game once in awhile is it pretty poor return on that deal.


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  3. In the 18th century it was common for someone who printed pamphlets advocating democracy over monarchy or one church over the other to be flogged or hung for sedition. That's why they wrote the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment as simple as that. Sometimes conservatives are accused of wanting to turn the clock back to the 1950s but these guys want to turn it back to the 1750s.


  4. I know none of you lefties will admit it but Ted Cruz won that debate. I think Bill is a smart guy and sometimes we agree but he was wrong here. And still there's nothing wrong with demanding a recertification of an election, even if it would turn out to be a waste of time and a pain in the ass. And yes you guys are the ones who won't let it go because you think it's a campaign issue and like a pitbull with a child's leg in its teeth, you are going to hold on forever.


    Ps as to the before the cock crowed line Hillary kept that up for well over a year after the election.

    Pps how many recounts did Al Gore get?

    • Upvote 3
  5. 2 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    No, it hasn't. We are NOT Europe (at least not yet). Here's a picture of an English soccer fan getting arrested this year for wearing a jersey making light of the 97 Liverpool fans who died in the Hillsborough crush incident. These tea sipping assholes just can't handle the banter. We can still wear shirts to Browns games with all sorts of imaginative depictions of killing A*t, and no one would bat an eye. I'm going to continue to advocate for the Bill of Rights no matter how scared people get of the bogeyman of the month. 


    Keywords being not yet. Europe is worse, no doubt, but history did not begin 25 years ago. Go back a few decades and ask people what they would think of getting fired for using the incorrect pronoun.


  6. 12 hours ago, Neo said:

    Blow me, no really, BLOW ME ASSHOLE. I know people who had trouble getting pregnant but a miracle happened and they had a baby. And on the other end of the spectrum I know someone who gave birth to a stillborn. I don't enjoy it when someone tells me they have to have an abortion but my YES vote on issue one says if you need to have one, you can. It says I'm not going to make a life changing decision for somebody else.

    Do you actually think women go out and decide on an abortion like they are putting in an order at fucking McDonalds? I feel bad for anyone who has to make that decision.

    An abortion can happen one of two ways, she can sit down with a doctor and discuss options, or she can squat behind a dumpster in an alley and use a coat hanger. And you really want the latter? I can't even believe this is an issue in the country.

    The people have spoke. Looks more and more like Republicans trying to shove their beliefs down people's throats.

    The belief that at some point during the gestation period a fetus becomes a human life that is worthy of protection is not a ridiculous belief. Whether that's your position or not.


  7. 44 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

    It will become an economic and political necessity soon enough. 

    I just don't see a path to that change. What a man and woman needed as many kids as they could have to scratch enough food out of the ground to survive, maybe. But the safety net gets bigger and softer every year.

    A couple hundred years ago 98% of the population survived via agriculture,. Today 2% are involved in agriculture and one of our biggest problems people eating too much food.


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  8. 5 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

    The hypocrisy is epic.

    The Libtards are all about banning guns whenever there’s a school shooting, BUT let a doctor do the killing and that’s OK 👌 

    And to be fair theɓre actually are people that don't believe the fetus is a human life until it is viable. There are people that don't believe the fetus is a human life until it leaves the body and takes a breath. Just like there are some people that believe that as a human life as soon as it's conceived regardless of how the conception happened. The hypocrisy is the guys that say that it's murder but it's okay if it keeps the Democrats in power.


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  9. 1 hour ago, hammertime said:

    Being outspent by at least 12 million just shows that the republicans really didn’t give a shit about what is right.  

    Politicians are the scum of the earth.  This country is in bad shape.  It’s moral compass has been intentionally destroyed.

    Could be more the dishonesty than the amount of money spent. Vote Yes for life was one of the big tag lines. And people are stupid. And irresponsible.. and lazy. The hat trick for the democrats..



    Also the fake news story about the doctor that had to let a 13-year-old pregnant girl die because of the state law? I have to think that was fake

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  10. 11 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    That's why I said forming families instead of bearing children. There is a distinction. 

    Unfortunately I don't envision the concept of family making a comeback anytime soon.

    Anyway I voted no on issue one just because it's the dirtiest campaign I've ever seen and I abstained from voting on issue to cuz no fucks do I give and it was destined to pass with or without my support.

    On the other hand I did vote to re-elect my friend Mike Zita as mayor of Norton.


  11. 2 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    I ended up voting yes on both 1 and 2. The way to prevent abortions isn't to make them illegal, but to seriously financially incentivize people at every economic level to form families. This would also lessen the need for immigration. 

    I wouldn't think many women who deliver illegitimate children are doing so because they can't get an abortion.


  12. 8 hours ago, Kvoethe said:

    Watsons 1st half outside of a fluke pass sucked ass.    Slight improvement in the 2nd half...one nice pass to cooper.

    Basically not good value.  His contract will cause us to lose cooper.

    Edited because Dutch Oven is a weird fuckin spell checking stalker loser.

    I forget who said it's better to be lucky than good. Haslam is an idiot and overpaid for a mediocre player. That was bad luck. On the other side of the coin the pieces fell together like magic and we're boasting probably the best defense in the league. It's happened before and I've got no problem when I get Super Bowl in spite of the quarterback.


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  13. 21 hours ago, Bob806 said:

    Are there concerns with the cap, yes.

    Don't let that toxic "heavy.com" stuff influence you too much. I quit reading it, it's all innuendo & negativity.imho.

    No kidding; heavy really is a piece of crap site.

    And yes Cooper has been a pleasant surprise the rap on him in Dallas is he didn't want to be there and didn't want to put in a lot of effort. Seems like he's perked up. Don't know how much he's making. I guess it doesn't matter if he's into it.


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