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Big Ben Accused of Rape... again


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TMZ.com reports that Ben Roethlisberger has been accused of sexually assaulting "a young woman in Georgia."


The credibility Andrea McNulty hoped for finally arrives. Big Ben was also accused of raping McNulty in a July 2009 civil suit. The new allegations stem from an incident at the Capital City Club in Milledgeville, GA. The woman has been treated and released from the hospital, but police have already interviewed Roethlisberger. The Georgia Bureau of Investigations is also on the case, though no charges have been filed. Yet.

Source: http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/05/ben-roethlis...sexual-assault/



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Just out of curiosity, is the other rape accusation resolved?

I understand that no criminal charges were filed there in Vegas, right?

But there was a civil action. Is that still pending?


Maybe he should do like Tiger Woods and take this next season off to get his personal life in order, what with all this mess?

(but even so, I doubt that would be a tremendous blow to the Steelers. They can do without him better than they could do without say, Troy Polamalu)

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Just out of curiosity, is the other rape accusation resolved?

I understand that no criminal charges were filed there in Vegas, right?

But there was a civil action. Is that still pending?


Maybe he should do like Tiger Woods and take this next season off to get his personal life in order, what with all this mess?

(but even so, I doubt that would be a tremendous blow to the Steelers. They can do without him better than they could do without say, Troy Polamalu)



I think Ben leaving for a year would be a massive blow to the Steelers. He's the key to their passing game. Dennis Dixon is just a runningback who can throw, and Charlie Batch is just Charlie Batch. A middle of the road QB that gets no love whatsoever. Ben's ability to extend busted plays is the key to the Steelers success, especially with their shitty offensive line. With all that said, I think he should take the year off. Then retire.

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Sorry she called the cops and went to the hospital. Unlike the other chick, this shows some credibility. Them Georgia boys gonna have a field day with Big Gay. That rhymes. :lol:


WOW. That's never been done before when trying to chizzle some dough from a guy....

That's done all the time.....just some crazy :wacko: scorned broad..




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this shitbird needs to be off the streets.. Hopefully he ends up doing some time is some Ga prison where sexual offenders get a good dose of payback


As ugly as he is, it's probably the only way he can get some. What a pathetic piece of garbage steeler. Fits right in with them.

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you'll never hear a story about Brady Quinn and a woman.. LOL


He likes dude's crotches...










































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Early reports say the woman said the assailint was 6'5" and 241 pounds. (The exact height and weight of Ben according to the Steelers website roster) I'm sure this women just has good estimating skills......


The woman claims the attack happened in the bathroom of what is being described as a "high class bar". This "high class bar" likely has video cameras that could easily prove if Ben ever entered the woman's bathroom. Some of the tons of fans and other who were their claim Ben only had one beer and never noticed him vanishing for a long period of time or entering the women's bathroom.


These early reports might not all be entirely true and at this point its still too early for even the court of public opinion to even start to thing of a verdict.

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Typical scumbag Squeeler behavior. Leading the league in Steroid Usage, Official Payoffs and Incarceration for 38 years straight.


Way to go Pittshole!



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Some of the tons of fans and other who were their claim Ben only had one beer

You know how many times the millions of men in this country and I have told the cops or their ole ladies that they only had one beer... WTF thats almost believable.



and never noticed him vanishing for a long period of time or entering the women's bathroom.

Maybe ben don't have any stamina and raped her in the men's room.?


The first claim I would have gave to you but twice in a year, Cmon are you serious, thats what you call a trend!

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You know how many times the millions of men in this country and I have told the cops or their ole ladies that they only had one beer... WTF thats almost believable.




Maybe ben don't have any stamina and raped her in the men's room.?


The first claim I would have gave to you but twice in a year, Cmon are you serious, thats what you call a trend!

I can accuse you of rape 10,000. That doesn't make any more guilty than if I didn't accuse you.


It was rumoured that possible witnesses said he only had one beer. The rumor never claimed Ben said it and the rumor has yet to be addressed by police.


At this point their are no confirmed witnesses and no named suspects.

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I can accuse you of rape 10,000. That doesn't make any more guilty than if I didn't accuse you.


It was rumoured that possible witnesses said he only had one beer. The rumor never claimed Ben said it and the rumor has yet to be addressed by police.


At this point their are no confirmed witnesses and no named suspects.

But the accusations were not 10,000 X's by the same person.



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who knows what to believe in cases like this. it's our own fault that we let the ambulance chasing lawyers turn this country into a shitbox of litigation. all any scumbag needs to do to collect some money nowadays is slip and fall in the aisle of a&p and cry. listen, i hate the steelers like nobody's business and i hate big ben cuz he plays for them BUT i do have mad respect for him as a player. he's one tough son of a bitch. i wish one of our quarterbacks could show an ounce of his toughness. but who knows what he does off the field. the one beer thing doesn't float with me. who goes out and has only one beer? i know i don't........maybe one 12 pack, but anyways, if he's a scumbag rapist then he needs to be thrown in jail. if the hookers are out to get him then they need to be found out. freedom is no joking matter. ok it might be but.......

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Neither of the accusations have yet led to Ben being criminally charged with any crime or even named as much as a suspect. He has a long way to go before he could even be guilty.

Like I said twice in one year?


How many QB's get accused of rape twice in one year?



You pittspuke fans are a real piece of work.

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