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Moss Waived by Vikings


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I swear to god, if he goes back to the Pats. They would have gotten Him, Branch, and a 3rd round pick for a 4th round pick. Well, for once there are fans out there that are worse off then the Browns and Lions fans. Were are playing hard with practcialy nothing and competeing every week. They have world class talents and are worse off than us. Shows you how tough it is to build something without a good FO.

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Moss now has to pass through waivers, meaning we will have one of the first chances to pick him up. I would lean toward not picking him up because of his attitude and we arent going to make the playoffs anyway, but it would bring some excitement... IMO and a lot of you others on the board agree that WR is the position of our greatest need. It might be fun to see what Colt/Wallace are capable of doing with a legit receiver, we may be able to get some good preliminary reports on Colt's prospects of being a solid NFL qb instead of us always saying he doesnt have any receivers to throw to so we cant tell... Just a thought

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wow. just wow. i mean, i had lost almost all respect for the vikings when they sent down three players to beg favre to come back. this is just the most ludicrous series of moves i have ever seen in my life. let's rewind.

1. you're coach is one player away from getting fired a couple of years ago and your prized qb chokes away the season.

2. you give your terrible coach a 7 year extension after 1 good season and several mediocre ones before that.

3. instead of drafting a qb to develop, you surpass the opportunity in order to keep the man you want leading your team happy. in doing so, you give him all the power.

4. your terrible coach goes down to mississippi several times in the off season in order to kiss the ass of the qb who runs your team

5. you send three players to do the same as number 4.

6. you let your qb publicly state that he will play if he is able to. this pretty much takes all power away from your already god awful coach.

7. you bring in your loud mouth former wide receiver to fix patch holes in a sinking ship. you know about his history and how much of a pain in the ass he is but you bring him in anyway.

8. after your receiver acts like himself, you cut him and make yourselves look like the worst franchise in football.


that pretty much sums it up. i know that teams like the browns and bills have made terrible decisions in the past, but this front office has to be the worst in football. they make matt millin look sensible. if i were a vikings ticket holder, i would demand my money back. this is horrible and the front office is getting what they deserve.

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Waiver Order:


1. Buffalo Bills

2. Carolina Panthers

3. Dallas Cowboys

4. San Fransisco 49ers

5. Dallas Cowboys

6. Detroit Lions

7. Cincinnati Bengals

8. Cleveland Browns

9. San Diego Chargers

10. Arizona Cardinals

11. St. Louis Rams

12. Washington Redskins

13. Oakland Raiders

14. Jacksonville Jaguars

15. Miami Dolphins

16. Philadelphia Eagles

17. Chicago Bears

18. Seattle Seahawks

19. Indianapolis Colts

20. Houston Texans

21. New Orleans Saints

22. Green Bay Packers

23. Tennessee Titans

24. Pittsburgh Steelers

25. Baltimore Ravens

26. Kansas City Chiefs

27. New York Giants

28. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

29. Atlanta Falcons

30. New York Jets

31. New England Patriots




Theres your order. Cross your fingers :)


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Waiver Order:


1. Buffalo Bills

2. Carolina Panthers

3. Dallas Cowboys

4. San Fransisco 49ers

5. Dallas Cowboys

6. Detroit Lions

7. Cincinnati Bengals

8. Cleveland Browns

9. San Diego Chargers

10. Arizona Cardinals

11. St. Louis Rams

12. Washington Redskins

13. Oakland Raiders

14. Jacksonville Jaguars

15. Miami Dolphins

16. Philadelphia Eagles

17. Chicago Bears

18. Seattle Seahawks

19. Indianapolis Colts

20. Houston Texans

21. New Orleans Saints

22. Green Bay Packers

23. Tennessee Titans

24. Pittsburgh Steelers

25. Baltimore Ravens

26. Kansas City Chiefs

27. New York Giants

28. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

29. Atlanta Falcons

30. New York Jets

31. New England Patriots




Theres your order. Cross your fingers :)



how are the Cowboys twice, oh wait, they are that bad!

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Theres your order. Cross your fingers :)


i'm crossing my fingers that we don't even look in his direction. why not draft a player that you know will fit into your system and philosophy on team/work? he's one rung down from T.O. on the self-love ladder.

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Waiver Order:


1. Buffalo Bills

2. Carolina Panthers

3. Dallas Cowboys

4. San Fransisco 49ers

5. Dallas Cowboys

6. Detroit Lions

7. Cincinnati Bengals

8. Cleveland Browns

9. San Diego Chargers

10. Arizona Cardinals

11. St. Louis Rams

12. Washington Redskins

13. Oakland Raiders

14. Jacksonville Jaguars

15. Miami Dolphins

16. Philadelphia Eagles

17. Chicago Bears

18. Seattle Seahawks

19. Indianapolis Colts

20. Houston Texans

21. New Orleans Saints

22. Green Bay Packers

23. Tennessee Titans

24. Pittsburgh Steelers

25. Baltimore Ravens

26. Kansas City Chiefs

27. New York Giants

28. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

29. Atlanta Falcons

30. New York Jets

31. New England Patriots




Theres your order. Cross your fingers :)


Denver Broncos

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Sounds like the offseason in here.... "NOPE, we don't want him... he's a jerk, he's a baby, he wouldn't fit in Magina's scheme" Then when the season comes, we have nobody to catch the football.


When will you people wake up?


yeah how did it work out for a team and player he couldn't wait to play for? every time some big free agent hits the wire you want to jump on him for whatever cost. how about the soul of the team being sucked out by this parasite and it destroys what you've been trying to build the last couple of years in three games????? is that cost high enough? duh.




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why are Browns fans so afraid of getting a WR who can play, they are all prima donnas.. Our organization wants to get a bunch of altar boys, thats our problem.


and since when is it a crime to be a jerk?



zombo half the NFL is Retarded, there wonderlic scores prove it.. those arent tough questions.

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people hated on T.O alot when he was bouncing around between the 49ers,eagles, cowboys, and he pretty much shut the xxxx up. when he went to buffalo he played as well as he could, and in the offsesason he got signed by a *potential* playoff team. and when they are struggling, he still has just shut his mouth and constantly produced good numbers.


I think players can change their attitude, they aren't permanently stuck being the terrible personalities people peg them to be.


Not saying moss is going to do the same thing, but i also give people the benefit more than most.

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why are Browns fans so afraid of getting a WR who can play, they are all prima donnas.. Our organization wants to get a bunch of altar boys, thats our problem.


and since when is it a crime to be a jerk?



zombo half the NFL is Retarded, there wonderlic scores prove it.. those arent tough questions.


Alter boys? I just think the Front Office wants players that play together as a team, and work together as a team - before putting themselves first. Didn't we go through that stage? Kellen Winslow, Braylon Edwards, etc.


Funny how we have the deepest team we've had in years, and the organization isn't "doing it right".

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Can't imagine why Moss would go to anybody he can't put over the top and into serious contention. I don't see us fielding a QB who's gonna downfield enough to keep him happy anyway.


On the other hand, it does seem like other teams can take on different kinds of personalities while we're trying to win Miss Congeniality or something.

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The Vikings are quickly overtaking the Cowboys as the stupidest franchise in the league. It will be hilarious if Dallas picks up Moss. If they do it will because Jerry Jones wants the press to talk about Moss instead of him and Wade (aka DUH) Phillips. Moss coulld really help the Bills if he'd screw his head on right and play.


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Waiver Order:


1. Buffalo Bills

2. Carolina Panthers

3. Dallas Cowboys

4. San Fransisco 49ers

5. Dallas Cowboys

6. Detroit Lions

7. Cincinnati Bengals

8. Cleveland Browns

9. San Diego Chargers

10. Arizona Cardinals

11. St. Louis Rams

12. Washington Redskins

13. Oakland Raiders

14. Jacksonville Jaguars

15. Miami Dolphins

16. Philadelphia Eagles

17. Chicago Bears

18. Seattle Seahawks

19. Indianapolis Colts

20. Houston Texans

21. New Orleans Saints

22. Green Bay Packers

23. Tennessee Titans

24. Pittsburgh Steelers

25. Baltimore Ravens

26. Kansas City Chiefs

27. New York Giants

28. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

29. Atlanta Falcons

30. New York Jets

31. New England Patriots




Theres your order. Cross your fingers :)



Question: Assume the Bills or the Panthers claim him. Is he then obligated to go play for that team? (assuming he doesn't decide to sit out the rest of the season?)

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Question: Assume the Bills or the Panthers claim him. Is he then obligated to go play for that team? (assuming he doesn't decide to sit out the rest of the season?)


Yeah he has to finish out his contract with that team. He could sit if he really wanted to but that would make him less marketable next year. If he goes unclaimed he can sign with whoever and the vikings still have to pay the remainder of his contract as well as what ever team he signs with.

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