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Julio Jones


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well exactly what i was hoping wouldnt happen.......but it was pretty much inevidable. Julio Jones had 11 catches for 127 yds yesterday.

Couldnt believe we passed on this guy. And if anyones doubts this guy get the NFL Ticket and watch him, hes that good.

How many more great players are we going to pass on?

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i mean you're totally right dude, it probably makes no difference he went to a NFC championship caliber team with a top ten WR opposite to him, a HOF tight end, a pro bowl QB and RB and dominant offensive line. Since the browns have all those things i'm sure he would just be dominating for us.


......point is, it's all about context man. You can't just objectively say because a guy is good for one team he's gonna be good for someone else. And last i checked, phil taylor is lookin pretty damn good.

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i mean you're totally right dude, it probably makes no difference he went to a NFC championship caliber team with a top ten WR opposite to him, a HOF tight end, a pro bowl QB and RB and dominant offensive line. Since the browns have all those things i'm sure he would just be dominating for us.


......point is, it's all about context man. You can't just objectively say because a guy is good for one team he's gonna be good for someone else. And last i checked, phil taylor is lookin pretty damn good.

The point is we are not drafting game changers and playmakers..........we have nooooo talent, its annoying already

We pass on playmakers, im tired of the excuses

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well exactly what i was hoping wouldnt happen.......but it was pretty much inevidable. Julio Jones had 11 catches for 127 yds yesterday.

Couldnt believe we passed on this guy. And if anyones doubts this guy get the NFL Ticket and watch him, hes that good.

How many more great players are we going to pass on?


Your probably right but I am guessing Greg Little if put into those same plays that are being called for Jones would look like pro bowl material as well, the Browns are just not call plays that will make any WR look like pro bowl calibre no matter who was lining up at wide out. But then if you heard Shurmur in the press conference yesterday reference strectching the field, he says we've got the guys we've got, which to me kinda implies he doesnt think too much of what we have at WR.

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i mean you're totally right dude, it probably makes no difference he went to a NFC championship caliber team with a top ten WR opposite to him, a HOF tight end, a pro bowl QB and RB and dominant offensive line. Since the browns have all those things i'm sure he would just be dominating for us.


......point is, it's all about context man. You can't just objectively say because a guy is good for one team he's gonna be good for someone else. And last i checked, phil taylor is lookin pretty damn good.


And so is Sheard, and honestly if Jones was on the Browns I don't see him doing much better than Greg Little is right now.

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And so is Sheard, and honestly if Jones was on the Browns I don't see him doing much better than Greg Little is right now.

Greg Little hasnt done a thing..........granted yes our offense looks bad, but Jones gets seperation against defenses, blazing fast and has hands. Please don't mention a prior running back from UNC and forsure star in Julio Jones in the same sentence. You guys are banking wayyyyyy to much on this Little guy, he has to prove something to me. More browns fans making excuses for not drafting real talent. Makes me sick.

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hillis is boss is rediculas jones is a beast and colt will get him the ball. i no he is on a good team hes ballen, but the brown need sombody to throw to sooo bad they dnt have anybody on that team even close to the level of jones

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what do u mean what good would he do he opens up our offense soo much he is a beast i thought that before we passed on em. we dnt have anybody i feel bad for mccoy name somone mccoy has to throw to that is a legitiment threat

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u cnt name one person we have nobody to throw to what the hell was holmgren thinking i thought he was better than that or if the head coach made that move to take taylor he is and idiot to i mean i hope taylor pans out but he is not the answer in this wide out quaterback league

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what do u mean what good would he do he opens up our offense soo much he is a beast i thought that before we passed on em. we dnt have anybody i feel bad for mccoy name somone mccoy has to throw to that is a legitiment threat


Name one person who xxxxing taught you English in school... can't think of anyone either. If you think Jones would be doing half as good as he is right now for the Falcon's then your either high, drunk, plain xxxxing stupid, or a combination of the three.


Oh and quit double and triple posting, if you want to comment to several different people then do it in one post not 3 back to back.

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You need to stick that thing back in there. Just trying to read his posts makes me want to slam my head on the table.



so what is your take on the browns beating.

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I tell you what I agree PK........all in all theres too many excuses, and please stop saying Julio wouldnt do anything in our offense. Stop hating and being blind to the fact we have no playmakers on offense. I mean do you guys expect never to have playmakers on offense?? Whats your ideal picture perfect offense? Look at ever top notch team...they have weapons on offense.

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How do I not make sense? McCoy dumps the ball short, so how will Julio Jones help the Browns offense?



he dumps the ball ddown because we run a west coast offense and he doesnt have any trust in his receivers..........mccoy i think is good but he needs help and he would go dwn field if he had the talent

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he dumps the ball ddown because we run a west coast offense and he doesnt have any trust in his receivers..........mccoy i think is good but he needs help and he would go dwn field if he had the talent

Exactly..........you cant go downfield when our recievers have about an inch worth of seperation

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Exactly..........you cant go downfield when our recievers have about an inch worth of seperation



haha ur right about that jake ........see mikey here is a guy that knows what hes talking about unlike you.

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you make no sense. atlanta is on a different playing level...about four tiers above anything we can do. are offensive playmakers gonna tackle a wr 30 yds. out? are they gonna keep hasselbeck from eating up our secondary?

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this guy mikey is killen me ill be back ima go puke.


Why don't you come back when you learn how to spell, and stop insulting other posters? You're entitled to your opinion about our lack of stud wrs- but then again we knew we were weak in that area.

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Why don't you come back when you learn how to spell, and stop insulting other posters. You're entitled to your opinion about our lack of stud wrs- but then again we knew we were weak in that area.


Jesus, real geniuses around here anymore Hoorta. WTF?


Is Ballpeen even around anymore?

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so what is your take on the browns beating.


It's not your message, it's the way you communicate. You type like an idiot.


Please learn elementary grammar and punctuation so you can at least form a coherent sentence instead of spewing words.

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this guy here.......all year long hes been making excuses instead of admitting we messed up n didnt sign any FA standouts or didnt draft any players


This guy here has been on the forum for almost a month now! How are those FA standouts doing for the Eagles. Last time I checked we still had a better record than them. At least we lost to the Titans who came in with the #1 defense in the NFL, not the xxxxing 49'ers.

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This guy here has been on the forum for almost a month now! How are those FA standouts doing for the Eagles. Last time I checked we still had a better record than them. At least we lost to the Titans who came in with the #1 defense in the NFL, not the xxxxing 49'ers.

Your just unreal man........Eagles would beat us by 30

Top tier teams have playmakers n lots of them..........its plain n simple

im not trying to hear it from you complacent browns fans who want to keep drafting DT n OL'men..........thats our problem......lets be a threat out there on offense for a change

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