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Views On Randy Lerner From A Villa Fan


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So they do have "care in the community" over there, but why would they choose a Retard to admin a forum? Yes Zombo you prick, I'm talking about you, you are everything that is wrong with your country, I bet you're a morbidly obese couch potato with a tiny pecker as well.


See, we can be abusive cocks too, you arsehole.


It's a sad day when a fan of any sport can not have a serious conversation with other fans about a shared owner, without an administrator of that site resorting to homophobic name calling and completely inappropriate behaviour, thankfully someone like you would never hold such a post over here, we have a code of conduct and standards of behaviour, something your parents obviously failed to instill in you, you must make them so proud as they sit on the porch of their trailer chewing tobacco.


Well, let's see, where should I start?


How about someone saying "that's what wrong with your country?" I live in the greatest, strongest, country in the world. We have brought liberty and freedom to countries all over the world, including yours.


I'm 5'11, 195 lb, I exercise everyday. Never had any complaints about penis size from my girlfriends, quite the opposite, however leave it to a soccer fan to obsess over such a thing.


I know there is no "r" in asshole.


My parents lived a great life, never once spitting tobacco from a trailer porch.


I think it is totally appropriate that I am an administrator of the site, and as so, make fun of soccer homos. It is an individually owned site. It's called free market, Baby. The owner of the site and myself mutually agree that soccer is gay, so we make fun of soccer homos. It is official policy.


There are many other individually-owned Browns sites you can visit. One of them might be interested in Randy Lerner's soccer team. We officially think it is gay.



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Aren't you the one that got beat up in your own kitchen and is afraid of ghosts?


Hold old does that make you?




Damn you do make this board your life. Your mom must be proud. And no I knocked the mother fucker out in my house and I believe in ghosts, fear never crosses my mind.

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Well since the Lerner Family has owned the Browns (1999) we have had 2 winning seasons and the last 3 years our records where 5-11 5-11 and 4-12. Attendance at the stadium seems to be about 3/4 full for most games(at best) in a region/city that loves its football. Sadly in our last game of the season with our rivals there seemed to be a lot more of their fans waving towels in the stands than there should be.


Zombo really? Someone comes on here talking about a shared owner and that is how they are treated? Yes Football is a better sport than Futbol imo, but to flat out attack the person because he likes soccer is not cool imo. Now if he was also a steelers fan that would be different.

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Love football,baseball and basketball. Hockey is manly. Volleyball serves its purpose (women bouncing with very little clothes on). Curling is up there with bowling ... you don't know why you are watching, but it is still cool. Soccer, my friend, is a great sport for girls and Euopeans who never evolved from kicking a ball with their hands behind their back. They've invented new manly games, lads, leave the soccer to the women.




I will say that Womens soccer is the only womens sport I will watch. As far as your opinion on soccer, that's fine, your entitled, even though your in the minority. Now how about them Browns

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How about someone saying "that's what wrong with your country?" I live in the greatest, strongest, country in the world. We have brought liberty and freedom to countries all over the world, including yours.


No you don't, you live in a Country that starts wars to gain oil, you only get involved when it's worthwhile to your country, as for WW2 you turned up at the end when WE had already all but won it, and your Country creates arseholes like you, case closed.


I'm 5'11, 195 lb, I exercise everyday. Never had any complaints about penis size from my girlfriends, quite the opposite, however leave it to a soccer fan to obsess over such a thing.


We only have your word for that, I'm told you are indeed 5'11" but the 195lb is the weight of your excess fat, and you claim to have a girlfriend! Does she have teeth? Is she over 13? I doubt a rape victim would complain about a tint penis, she was probably thankful



I know there is no "r" in asshole.


I speak the Queens English, it is Arse, not Ass


My parents lived a great life, never once spitting tobacco from a trailer porch.


They had a spittoon! How posh!


I think it is totally appropriate that I am an administrator of the site, and as so, make fun of soccer homos. It is an individually owned site. It's called free market, Baby. The owner of the site and myself mutually agree that soccer is gay, so we make fun of soccer homos. It is official policy.


So the site owner is a Retard as well?


There are many other individually-owned Browns sites you can visit. One of them might be interested in Randy Lerner's soccer team. We officially think it is gay.


Now why would I go anywhere else when the conversation here is so riveting and high brow?



How you can call REAL football gay I have no idea, we don't wear 20lbs of body armour and play for ten minutes before we have to rest, you're talking out of your flabby arse.

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How about someone saying "that's what wrong with your country?" I live in the greatest, strongest, country in the world. We have brought liberty and freedom to countries all over the world, including yours.


No you don't, you live in a Country that starts wars to gain oil, you only get involved when it's worthwhile to your country, as for WW2 you turned up at the end when WE had already all but won it, and your Country creates arseholes like you, case closed.


I'm 5'11, 195 lb, I exercise everyday. Never had any complaints about penis size from my girlfriends, quite the opposite, however leave it to a soccer fan to obsess over such a thing.


We only have your word for that, I'm told you are indeed 5'11" but the 195lb is the weight of your excess fat, and you claim to have a girlfriend! Does she have teeth? Is she over 13? I doubt a rape victim would complain about a tint penis, she was probably thankful



I know there is no "r" in asshole.


I speak the Queens English, it is Arse, not Ass


My parents lived a great life, never once spitting tobacco from a trailer porch.


They had a spittoon! How posh!


I think it is totally appropriate that I am an administrator of the site, and as so, make fun of soccer homos. It is an individually owned site. It's called free market, Baby. The owner of the site and myself mutually agree that soccer is gay, so we make fun of soccer homos. It is official policy.


So the site owner is a Retard as well?


There are many other individually-owned Browns sites you can visit. One of them might be interested in Randy Lerner's soccer team. We officially think it is gay.


Now why would I go anywhere else when the conversation here is so riveting and high brow?



How you can call REAL football gay I have no idea, we don't wear 20lbs of body armour and play for ten minutes before we have to rest, you're talking out of your flabby arse.


Glad to hear you guys had Hitler under control before we got involved.


A Brit making a joke about teeth? Seriously?


Pedophilia ... boy, you got me there. I hide my kiddie porno in Mom's spittoon.


We'll send a memo to the NFL that we want them to take their pads off and run around more without resting. Ratings will go through the roof, I'm sure.




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How about someone saying "that's what wrong with your country?" I live in the greatest, strongest, country in the world. We have brought liberty and freedom to countries all over the world, including yours.


No you don't, you live in a Country that starts wars to gain oil, you only get involved when it's worthwhile to your country, as for WW2 you turned up at the end when WE had already all but won it, and your Country creates arseholes like you, case closed.



History lesson time, Allied forces where nearly pushed out of Egypt and Germany had control of almost all of Europe, your first victory against Rommel came after we started aiding you. And we had been aiding you behind closed doors since near the begging of the fight. I am not really sure a country that colonized large parts of the world(Africa, India, Hong Kon, North America, Australia) (only to lose them later) would point fingers and say you only start wars for x reasons.

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Hi All


I am an Aston Villa fan and recently we have noticed that Randy Lerner has seemed to have lost interest in our club and seems unwilling to invest further.


Obviously Browns fans have a greater knowledge and understading of Randy but I wonder if you have any comments about his general leadership etc??





Let me try to wade through all the funny stuff and try to speculate on a few things that might give you a legitimate answer.


A. Rander Lerner is the owner of the Browns, the Villa team, and he is also now involved in some real estate development on Long Island. He also still keeps his hand in on The Bank of America to whom he sold his MBNA business. He also is involved in several charitable organizations in the UK, in the New York area, and here in Cleveland. So, from a business perspective, I would say that he is spread somewhat thin, like too little butter on a piece of toast.


B. His personal life is also spread about as thin. He owns a home in Armagansett NY in the Hamptons of Long Island. I think he owns some kind of castle in the UK. And he has a place here in Cleveland. He has 4 kids. Three of them live in NY with his ex-wife. One of them lives here in Cleveland where he attends St. Ignatius and plays football (not futbol, football), and Lerner bought a place in Ohio City in Cleveland near where his son goes to school. As I understand it, he spends at least 2 days a week here in Cleveland (where his mother and sister also live...in Shaker Heights), he spends time in NY with his other kids, and of course he travels frequently to the UK.

In fact, of all the wealthy people that live in the Hamptons, and there are very many wealthy people in that part of the country, Randy Lerner is THE most frequent flyer out of the Hamptons airport on his private plane than anyone else.


So, I guess the bottom line answer is that Lerner is probably preoccupied a bit, particularly with his children. And since he is spending more time here, the Browns may be getting a little bit more of his attention, not that him giving them more attention has been productive for them.

(and FYI, it was Lew Merlitti, who is now the head of Browns security and who also used to be the head of the US Secret Service that encourage Randy to send his son to school here at St. Ignatius rather than some prep school on Long Island or elsewhere. And by the way, St. Iggy's won the State Championship in football....and has long been a national powerhouse in that sport)

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How about someone saying "that's what wrong with your country?" I live in the greatest, strongest, country in the world. We have brought liberty and freedom to countries all over the world, including yours.


No you don't, you live in a Country that starts wars to gain oil, you only get involved when it's worthwhile to your country, as for WW2 you turned up at the end when WE had already all but won it, and your Country creates arseholes like you, case closed


Despite my empathy for you in your argument with Zombo, lets just say that your knowledge of history is pretty light in the loafers:

A. On the "wars started for Oil", there is only one war where that claim could remotely be made...W. Bush's 2003 war vs. Iraq. And even that wasn't the real reason. The real reason was W's hatred of Saddam for trying to assassinate his pap...and his belief that the US should never have backed off in the first Gulf War. Yes, it was a war of aggression, but the reasonings for it were more complicated than you portray. (and don't forget that the UK was a willing participant in that venture, so don't act like all y'all were innocent there)

B. On WWII,...um let's just say: you are deluding yourself if you think you "nearly had it won" when the US came into it at the end of 1941. First, remember that after Pearl Harbor it became a 2 front war....Germany and Japan. The UK's role in the war against Japan, while present in say, Burma, was still nominal. And in Europe, in 1942 you were still under the threat from an Operation Sea Lion which would have been the German invasion of Great Britain. Hitler only gave up on the plan because he decided to go against the USSR and because the USA came in on the Allied side. It would be more factual to say that you had already all but lost it when the US came into it, not won it. Because, even at that time Rommel was chasing the British forces across and almost out of N. Africa.

And why on earth could you ever fathom that D-Day invasion could have ever occurred without US involvement? And lest you forget, it was Russia who bore the brunt of the fighting in the defeat of Germany, not the US or the UK.

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Maybe he realized soccer is gay.


We can only hope.



HEY gumbo you are a disgrace to the browns let alone your country you Retard, why don't you go carryon sucking yo momma's nips as you obviousley do not have the interlectual knowledge of praymondo, we villa fans stick together m8, would love to see you come over to the mighty Villa and say this shit you come out with but its easy to say it behind a keyboard isnt it? i bet you are a typical fat burger mucnhing fries addict wearing his wifes knockers for frills? just a guess GUMBO,

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HEY gumbo you are a disgrace to the browns let alone your country you Retard, why don't you go carryon sucking yo momma's nips as you obviousley do not have the interlectual knowledge of praymondo, we villa fans stick together m8, would love to see you come over to the mighty Villa and say this shit you come out with but its easy to say it behind a keyboard isnt it? i bet you are a typical fat burger mucnhing fries addict wearing his wifes knockers for frills? just a guess GUMBO,


Chances of me going to a soccer game, not good, Clive. When I go to England there are 100 things on my list of things to do, and none of them are "find 'Villa' on a map and go watch guys in shorts chase a ball around for three hours."


"typical fat burger mucnhing fries addict wearing his wifes knockers for frills?"


You guys must think calling all Americans fat is some big insult or something. Just because our food doesn't taste like warmed over sheep turds doesn't mean we're all fat. But ... whatever, we can always trim the fat, but you can't do anything about those big, ugly, brown choppers sticking out of your head.


And wearing my wife's knockers? If I could wear knockers I'd never leave the house.



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Zombo or GUMBO as villa fans now call him is actually a ladybot did you know fellow browns fans? an inside source has revealed he is an immigrant from bangkok who had an operation to change his bits from male to female? how sad he then went on to work as a hooker on the streets of new york where he be-freinded a buisness guy who took pity on him and gave him his very own little admin job on here, so technically GUMBO you are a homo FACT you cock loving bitch!

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There are many other individually-owned Browns sites you can visit. One of them might be interested in Randy Lerner's soccer team. We officially think it is gay.


Now why would I go anywhere else when the conversation here is so riveting and high brow?



How you can call REAL football gay I have no idea, we don't wear 20lbs of body armour and play for ten minutes before we have to rest, you're talking out of your flabby arse.



Well, here you demonstrate a lack of understanding about the differences in the nature of the two games. The object of soccer is to kick the ball into the goal. Technically, there isn't supposed to be any but the mildest contact between the participants. While some contact is tolerated, it is not supposed to be part of the game. In terms of contact, soccer is more on the order of basketball, not football.

Football, on the other hand, is a purposeful collision sport. Not a contact sport. "Contact" contemplates that someone may brush your hand or your leg.

A collision sport, like football, contemplates that you will by force and intent knock your opponent on his ass. The defense must TACKLE the opponent with the ball. Tackling means knocking him down to the ground. The offense, to prevent their player with the ball from being knocked down to the ground is permitted to BLOCK the defense. Blocking means knocking the other players on their ass so that they cannot be in a position to knock your player on his ass.

To demonstrate here are some football tackles:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObNHRTVspYM&feature=related


Compare that to these "hard" soccer hits:

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^ you say Z is a disgrace with all those insults?


first....u brits invented english...and still cant apparently spell it. gov't subsidized edcuation for ya....


second....youre a hypocrite....talk big behind a keyboard. oh boy....


third....and this one's important....no one gives a damn about soccer here. know why? we invented our own sports. and they make more money in a year than your entire counties GDP.


and lastly....let the jealousy of america go. you kicked us out....we built a country waaaaay better than yours. then we saved your ass....several times. so your welcome.



good times.

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Zombo or GUMBO as villa fans now call him is actually a ladybot did you know fellow browns fans? an inside source has revealed he is an immigrant from bangkok who had an operation to change his bits from male to female? how sad he then went on to work as a hooker on the streets of new york where he be-freinded a buisness guy who took pity on him and gave him his very own little admin job on here, so technically GUMBO you are a homo FACT you cock loving bitch!



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Chances of me going to a soccer game, not good, Clive. When I go to England there are 100 things on my list of things to do, and none of them are "find 'Villa' on a map and go watch guys in shorts chase a ball around for three hours."


"typical fat burger mucnhing fries addict wearing his wifes knockers for frills?"


You guys must think calling all Americans fat is some big insult or something. Just because our food doesn't taste like warmed over sheep turds doesn't mean we're all fat. But ... whatever, we can always trim the fat, but you can't do anything about those big, ugly, brown choppers sticking out of your head.


And wearing my wife's knockers? If I could wear knockers I'd never leave the house.




I think he meant Knickers....which is Brit for underwear I believe. At least on that point Z I think he has you. And here is the evidence:



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Let me try to wade through all the funny stuff and try to speculate on a few things that might give you a legitimate answer.


A. Rander Lerner is the owner of the Browns, the Villa team, and he is also now involved in some real estate development on Long Island. He also still keeps his hand in on The Bank of America to whom he sold his MBNA business. He also is involved in several charitable organizations in the UK, in the New York area, and here in Cleveland. So, from a business perspective, I would say that he is spread somewhat thin, like too little butter on a piece of toast.


B. His personal life is also spread about as thin. He owns a home in Armagansett NY in the Hamptons of Long Island. I think he owns some kind of castle in the UK. And he has a place here in Cleveland. He has 4 kids. Three of them live in NY with his ex-wife. One of them lives here in Cleveland where he attends St. Ignatius and plays football (not futbol, football), and Lerner bought a place in Ohio City in Cleveland near where his son goes to school. As I understand it, he spends at least 2 days a week here in Cleveland (where his mother and sister also live...in Shaker Heights), he spends time in NY with his other kids, and of course he travels frequently to the UK.

In fact, of all the wealthy people that live in the Hamptons, and there are very many wealthy people in that part of the country, Randy Lerner is THE most frequent flyer out of the Hamptons airport on his private plane than anyone else.


So, I guess the bottom line answer is that Lerner is probably preoccupied a bit, particularly with his children. And since he is spending more time here, the Browns may be getting a little bit more of his attention, not that him giving them more attention has been productive for them.

(and FYI, it was Lew Merlitti, who is now the head of Browns security and who also used to be the head of the US Secret Service that encourage Randy to send his son to school here at St. Ignatius rather than some prep school on Long Island or elsewhere. And by the way, St. Iggy's won the State Championship in football....and has long been a national powerhouse in that sport)



A helpful answer at last!! Thats all I wanted - thanks

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Hi Guys


Another Villa fan here. First of all thanks for letting me on your board. From the outset I wish to say that I have no wish at all to get into a contest between who are best, the Americans or the British, I'm neither nationality. They are two fine countries with much to be proud about.


Browns fans, if you'll stick with me for a moment, I just want to give you a little background as to why I'm here. I've been a Villa fan for nearly thirty years now, and, indeed, since Randy Lerner came on the scene, I've taken to keeping an eye on the Browns, too, and when it comes to the NFL they would be the team I follow. Both The Browns and Aston Villa Football Club are two very special sporting institutions that have history, tradition and success coming out of every pore. Both institutions deserve the very best. The people they represent deserve the very best.


Without boring you folk with statistics and facts and this, that and the other, I'm wondering if there might be some common ground between both sets of supporters? It is clear Randy Lerner is a fine man and gentleman, but it is also equally clear that he he just does not have the means, the skills, the ideas or ambitions to take either institution to where it should be. At Villa there seems to be no sense of leadership or ambition at the moment. Randy's style of leadership - which is silence -is leaving a huge vacuum at the club. Villa re starting to slide, crowds are starting to fall, great players are being sold and inferior players being bought. It is a recipe for disaster and we have no means whatsoever in being able to ask Randy, "Just what is going on?"


From reading Browns forums I know many of you guys have similar views about Randy. Would it make sense for us to get together and form a transatlantic pressure group to make OUR owner come out and tell us what is going on? We both want to be winning trophies, we both want glory and success. Would it make sense for us to club together and demand of Randy just what his strategies and long term ambitions are for these very special teams that mean so much to us.


Aston Villa do not exist to just make up the numbers and I'm sure you guys will say the same about The Browns.


Thanks for the opportunity to voice my concerns.

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