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Nyc Soda Pop Ban

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It could do a lot of people a lot of good to do something as simple as cut pop out of their diet

You are correct.

So how far do we go?

Perhaps make white sugar a controlled substance.?

Ground beef?

How about white flour?

By the way is there anything worse than ice cream?

How would you feel about mandating 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day?


My point is this: at what point does anyone become fed up with being pushed around by pseudo well meaning bureaucrats?


We hate mcdonalds but not morton's of chicago?


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I'd like to think we could have all of that, and pop, and weed, and other drugs. Sure, they're all different levels and types of harm but you'd think people are a art enough to take care of themselves. I don't think that's the truth though as people can be pretty stupid. So why would I want to ultimately pay for some fatass that couldn't eat one God damn vegetable? Especially generation. Aren't we supposed to be fat as fuck and be the first to not out live the previous generation?

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I'd like to think we could have all of that, and pop, and weed, and other drugs. Sure, they're all different levels and types of harm but you'd think people are a art enough to take care of themselves. I don't think that's the truth though as people can be pretty stupid. So why would I want to ultimately pay for some fatass that couldn't eat one God damn vegetable? Especially generation. Aren't we supposed to be fat as fuck and be the first to not out live the previous generation?

I'm not sure but it seems your voice to text is glitching a bit. Mine does.

Anyway, I completely understand. Nobody wants to dump tax money into taking care of lazy soda drinking fast food swallowing fat people.

Come to think of it I'm not choked up by paying millions to keep crack babies alive.

Or welfare checks for those who sit on the couch and smoke reefer.

Or aids if you are on a personal responsibility track.


It is ironic though. In george washington's date 98 percent of the population were in agriculture and could barely scratch enough food out of the ground to stay alive.

Thanks to science today 2 percent are in in agriculture.

And 1 of our biggest problems is too much food.

You can't legislate nature.




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It's not text to speech, I just do typos on my phone a lot.


And cracked babies are a lot different be ayse its not their fault. Same with AIDS, though to a lesser extent. Either way you still gotta work to find a cure for that.


Not the same as being lazy and fat, lol

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It's not text to speech, I just do typos on my phone a lot.


And cracked babies are a lot different be ayse its not their fault. Same with AIDS, though to a lesser extent. Either way you still gotta work to find a cure for that.


Not the same as being lazy and fat, lol

Crack babies and AIDS are the direct result of irresponsible behavior.

Probably even more so than obesity.

If, back in the eighty's, everyone who wished to sodomize someone used a condom AIDS would be a thing of the past.


1 need not be a rocket scientist to understand that if you do not smoke crack you will not have a crack baby.


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So we abandon the crack baby because of the mom?


Between everything mentioned it seems your weight is something you have the most control over (of course there is a small percentage of people with an actual glandular type problem)

Well I'm a fat guy, and I struggle with it my entire life. It's a pain in the ass to have to be on a diet for ones entire life. P

If you are not then you don't understand but most of that propensity is set in motion in the early years.

But we all have to eat every day.

We never have to smoke a cigarette a joint, drink a beer or hit a crack pipe or get f***** in the ass without a rubber.


No excuses from me, it's just something I have to deal with. Life aint fair.


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You realize with the crack baby thing we're protecting the baby, right? The one that had no so. In the matter and is in this position through no wring doing of its own?


As for AIDS, I can give you AIDS without it being your fault.


If you're older than 12 (and not 5% of the overweight population that actually has a condition) then being fat is directly your fault.

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What about diet pops that contain no white sugars. Your zero calorie soda pops. Id be interested to see what consequences those have vs sugared sodas, and if soda was in fact banned it regulated if those would be as well.



I always thought diet pops were bad for you in their own way because of all the extra shit they throw in there.

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You realize with the crack baby thing we're protecting the baby, right? The one that had no so. In the matter and is in this position through no wring doing of its own?


As for AIDS, I can give you AIDS without it being your fault.


If you're older than 12 (and not 5% of the overweight population that actually has a condition) then being fat is directly your fault.


That's not necessarily true woody. That's why there's this whole childhood obesity movement. You can't learn bad behaviours, be a fat kid then just straighten up and get thin. Well I suppose you could but you'd have to be very driven. The behaviours we learn as children do in fact stick with us through our lives.

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That's not necessarily true woody. That's why there's this whole childhood obesity movement. You can't learn bad behaviours, be a fat kid then just straighten up and get thin. Well I suppose you could but you'd have to be very driven. The behaviours we learn as children do in fact stick with us through our lives.

It's actually not true at all.


However crack addiction is your fault. Totally. Crack babies are a by product that we need to take care of same as fat peoples heart attacks.

Or cigarette smokers heart attacks.

Or the victims of drunk drivers.

Or weed smokers welfare checks.


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Oh, I think I get your point now Steve. You mean the fact that we are paying as a society for the care of crack babies could have been avoided.


I was talking more along the lines of if the person we are directly paying for could have had a say in the matter to improve their health. This is why I felt it obviously wasn't the babies fault. As with the AIDS victim, not always their fault. But fat people, usually their fault.

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Ok, we'll give then til 16


but yeah, parents can fuck a kid up


nothing is permanent though

That's what you don't understand.

Yes, it's forever.

I will never be able to eat what I want for the rest of my life.

That's life.

An alcoholic can't have a few beers once in a while then climb back on the wagon. A cigarette smoker can't just have a pack oncein a while and not be addicted to rest. Crack heroin addict same thing.

P But with those addictions you must choose to become one.


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That's what you don't understand.

Yes, it's forever.

I will never be able to eat what I want for the rest of my life.

That's life.

An alcoholic can't have a few beers once in a while then climb back on the wagon. A cigarette smoker can't just have a pack oncein a while and not be addicted to rest. Crack heroin addict same thing.

P But with those addictions you must choose to become one.



Well, technically your parents could make you an alcoholic or addicted to smoking. And if people can get over those "addictions" I'm sure others can get over eating too many Oreos

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Well, technically your parents could make you an alcoholic or addicted to smoking. And if people can get over those "addictions" I'm sure others can get over eating too many Oreos

Unless you are being intentionally obtuse, no you cannot get over those addictions really.

You learn to live with them.

I know a lot of alcoholics if that don't drink anymore. They are still alcoholics.


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Well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.


Check a few posts back, was I right about what you were thinking about the crack baby thing? I want to know if I understand what you were saying

Well in the first instance you're just disagreeing out of obstinance.

But no it is not the crack babies fault. That's quite true.

It's the mother's fault who chose to start doing crack in the first place.

Just like it is not be fault of the man who gets run down by a drunk or stoned driver.

The crack head or stoned driver is completely at fault and we pick up the tab for the consequences.


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What are the statistics on people being killed by drivers that are high on weed? I'd imagine very small.


I think there is a difference between lack of discipline and a chemical addiction. But then again I have no real experience on the matter so it's just my opinion

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What are the statistics on people being killed by drivers that are high on weed? I'd imagine very small.


I think there is a difference between lack of discipline and a chemical addiction. But then again I have no real experience on the matter so it's just my opinion

Who knows what the stats are and who cares?

Let's say it only ever happened once.

There probably aren't that many crack babies either.


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Well you were comparing drunk and stoned drivers as if they were anywhere near comparable damage wise, and I highly doubt that.


How did we even get into this debate? LOL. What were talking about?


Oh yeah, I disagreed with you on the extent of how much a fat person being fat is there own fault.

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Thought of you yesterday, heck.

Stopped for gas at a circle k in the less affluent part of town.

Something was amiss with the pumps and it was about a 5 minute wait inside.

We all kind of bonded in the shared adversity but what I did notice was the fact that almost every 1 of the patrons had purchased what they call a polar pop a signature product of that particular chain of stores. A polar pop is an inxpenses soft drink served in what seems to be a small wash tub. I was wondering how much white sugar is contained in 1 of those bad boys.



Let's try not to think of each other on weekends.

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Better tell that to your dimwitted sidekick, Little Johnnie Woodpecker.


I think he worships you like Shep did. And, he'd probably wash your tennis shoes for you on weekends.

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Well you were comparing drunk and stoned drivers as if they were anywhere near comparable damage wise, and I highly doubt that.


How did we even get into this debate? LOL. What were talking about?


Oh yeah, I disagreed with you on the extent of how much a fat person being fat is there own fault.

Actually no, I wasnt.

I was comparing paying for the results of personal irresponsibility.

If it makes you happy we will just call it impaired drivers.

That way you don't need to get all worked up because you feel I insulted your buzz of choice.


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I don't smoke. I don't think people should. I. Have shit to do.


That being said I think it should be illegal and I don't think it should be played as way more dangerous than it is.

We probably agree 100 percent.

I'm just saying that driving while you are f***** up is dangerous and your own fault.

whether is weed, whiskey, beer, downers or airplane glue.

People who seem to obsess over different methods of getting high or drunk always seem a little stupid to me.

Granted I earn my living by pandering to drunks........;)


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