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Presidential Debate 1 - Your Verdict


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I was half-heartedly watching it, but I think Romney was more eloquent than Obama. I keyed in when Obama was talking about the Cleveland Clinic, and he was just talking out his ass. Even if you didn't have any idea what the hell he was talking about, you could see that Obama didn't either, given how many times he said "um" in his opening statement.

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Romney - Very composed. Answered very well and did not stutter or stammer. He was confident well poised, sharp precise and came out on top. He attacked Obama from the start and defended himself well. His biggest issue was lack of details on his plans to help the middle class or replace ObamaCare. He needs to give more specifics and not rhetoric.


Obama - Not the same guy we say 4 years ago. His ability to impress people with his speech seems to have gone missing. He was on the defense, taking long pauses and seemed unconvincing. He is not defending himself very well and did not seem confident and seemed more reticent. HE definitely lost ground among independents.

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I thought romney kicked ass here. Very good debate for him. He was aggressive almost to the point of bullying both the president and the moderator who he just talked over and ignored several times. Frankly I liked that about him, the potus should be confident and aggressive. Obama did not carry himself too well, but I expect that to change by the next debate. I give mitt the win here, hands down.

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I completely agree that Obama looked tired and out of it. He almost gave the look of a president who has lost much of the hope he presented 4 years ago. It was almost shocking in comparison to the energetic hopeful campaign machine he was in '08.


Right or wrong about policy Romney presented better tonight and he should certainly get a bump in the polls that might actually make it a race.

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Well I had rehearsal tonight so I will to check the DVR tomorrow.

I got home around 11 and have watched about ten minutes of Fox and ten MSNBC.


I'm guessing Romney had a pretty good performance since Sean Hannity was positively giddy and Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews seemed furious.


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They were waiting for a zinger that I think almost escaped notice... but near the end- before closing statements, Romney let fly about Obamas failed green energy program costs and appeasing his campaign contributors!


Obamas head was still spinning from the other jabs.... Good job for the challenger!


Obama still has the media in the bag .....



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Romney dominated. The little 500 independent voters poll immediately afterwards, was reflecting a lot of Dems' concern. Romney came off as who he REALLY is....


which was very, very solid.


And Obamao came off as he really is... not good.


Romney knows his stuff- and will never need a teleprompter, maybe.


Obamao, lost without one.


I can't wait for the foreign policy part.


That should be a kick ass debate, right there.

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Agree... Romney won tonite...


Style wise Romney was surprisingly effective... almost seemed human.


Substantively I think the leason was if you're going to lie... go big. Romney did and it seemed to completely throw POTUS off stride.


For example:

$5 trillion tax cut? What $5 trillion tax cut? That's not my plan...

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The fact that Heck isn't in here gloating proves what everyone (except MSNBC) is right, Obama got his ass handed to him. What's funny is that everyone thought that Obama was going to kick his ass in a debate. What they don't uderstand is Obama needs a script to read from (teleprompter). If he actually has to think and repond to unknown questions, he is in trouble.

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Sorry, I don't run right to this board and haven't looked at until now, but yes, Romney clearly won last night. It was one of the more lopsided debates I can remember. I don't think it could have gone better for him. It changes the race.


If he'd done poorly, or Obama had done better, that probably would have been the end of it. Now the media narrative is "Romney's back!" Because they're all in the tank for Obama.


Funny, because someone was asking me last night if the conservative or Tea Party wing of the Republican Party would be upset this morning because Romney played it like a total moderate last night. Which just made me laugh. Not at Romney - at my co-worker. Because it's about winning, and Romney won. They wouldn't care if he came out for abortion on demand.

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That's what I was thinking Heck.


Can't Romeny just come out and express more moderate and liberal views now to attract the remaining middle of the road vote? With this board as the example I think conservatives are more concerned about beating Obama and would vote against him regardless of what they were voting for.

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That's what I was thinking Heck.


Can't Romeny just come out and express more moderate and liberal views now to attract the remaining middle of the road vote? With this board as the example I think conservatives are more concerned about beating Obama and would vote against him regardless of what they were voting for.


Yeah, the Republicans were getting so used to seeing bad polls and accepting defeat that they don't give a shit that he just turned back into a barely Republican guy from Massachusetts. If that's what wins, whatever.

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Just as i thought, Obama doesn't want the job anymore. He only wants the prestige of being a president but not the responsibilties that come along with it.


His body language spoke volumes and Moochelles body langusge spoke that she was going to kick Barry's ass when they got back to the hotel room.



after last nights debate the Vegas odds makers are telling their clients to put their money on Romney.

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Heckbunker DID admit Romney kicked ass, and then POUTED that Romney would have won no matter what.


and of course, his "friend" represents all Americans on earth. LOL


Kudos to Heckbunker for saying something honest, although he had to temper it


with left-handedly blaming Lehrer.


I mean, seriously, at least Heckbunker didn't blame the ALTITUDE (like his hero Gore actually did) LOL.....

for ObaMao showing America who he really is...and is not.


And he is not a competent president.


I wouldn't be surprised if ObaMao cancels the next debate or the rest of the debates,


especially the one on foreign policy - for whatever excuse his backers can muster.


Hey, maybe ObaMao will issue an "executive order" banning any more debates on national security... !!!:D


Meanwhile, ObaMao has allowed the Mid East to erupt into a flaminig, violent inferno.... and he says it's a "bump in the road" ???????


And I don't think Mr. slick foot in mouth Biden has any chance in his debate.


Should be fun ! I would actually give a couple of bucks to go in on a package of boxes of kleenex for Shep,


wherever he dallies.... he surely is devasted. Obamao's magic brilliance and eloquence was all in his and Heck's minds.

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I SAID left handedly.


Look it up, self-described brainiac.


Go back and look it up.


I don't remember how far back it was,


but you were spinning that Romney would probly win the first debate, something like that.


Maybe Steve can find it...


but criticizing the moderator... not one person on this board thinks, imho, that you


would be complaining about the moderator if Obamao had won big.


You betcha....B)

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So, heckbunker, you are denying that you figured Romney would win the debate?


So you figured that Obamao would win?


I gave you the benefit of doubt unfairly then.


So, you were WRONG about who would win the debate.


Or, was it that you thought it would be a tie?


In either case, you were totally, embarrassingly WRONG.


So, you deny that you were right.


Heckbunker is Chris Mathews drinking one too many tequila shots, I think.

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Sorry, I don't run right to this board and haven't looked at until now, but yes, Romney clearly won last night. It was one of the more lopsided debates I can remember. I don't think it could have gone better for him. It changes the race.


If he'd done poorly, or Obama had done better, that probably would have been the end of it. Now the media narrative is "Romney's back!" Because they're all in the tank for Obama.

They still are. They just also what the story to draw attention.


Funny, because someone was asking me last night if the conservative or Tea Party wing of the Republican Party would be upset this morning because Romney played it like a total moderate last nights. Which just made me laugh. Not at Romney - at my co-worker. Because it's about winning, and Romney won. They wouldn't care if he came out for abortion on demand.

Or if he were sending hundreds of American kids to their deaths in an unwinnable war with no positive goal in sight......

Oh sorry, that's your base.


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I don't get how you see universal agreement among media pundits that Romney fared far better in the debate than President Obama, and yet not question your belief that many in the media actually take their jobs seriously and don't secretly scheme for their liberal candidate buddies?


Is it possible that you're, you know, wrong?

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Or if he were sending hundreds of American kids to their deaths in an unwinnable war with no positive goal in sight......

Oh sorry, that's your base.



They do care about that. I know I do. Among liberals I know, the war in Afghanistan is - easily - the number one complaint about the administration, followed by the continuation of Bush surveillance/anti-terror policies, and no movement at all in the war on drugs. Those would be the top three. If I had to go to four i'd say his lack of an effective policy to assist homeowners/stabilize the housing market.


Just to give you a little window into a world you clearly have little familiarity with.

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<br />I don't get how you see universal agreement among media pundits that Romney fared far better in the debate than President Obama, and yet not question your belief that many in the media actually take their jobs seriously and don't secretly scheme for their liberal candidate buddies?<br /><br />Is it possible that you're, you know, wrong?<br />



Hey dipshit did you look at the CNN poll? Chris Matthews about had a heart attack with wimpy sniveling and bitching about Obama's Big Fail!


It took you almost a full day to come out of closet where you were licking your balls when you're boy got his ass handed to him last night.

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