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Obama Surgeon General Pick Wants Doctors to Find out if Patients Own Guns - and Put Info into Obamacare Database

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Obama Surgeon General Pick Wants Doctors to Find Out if Patients Own Guns – And Put Info into Obamacare Database

by Top Right News on March 9, 2014 in 2016, GOP, Guns, Obama, ObamaCare, Politics


by Jason DeWitt | Top Right News

Barack Obama picked far left 36 year-old organizer Vivek Murthy as the next Surgeon General.

Not for his medical expertise but for his activism.

Vivek was the co-founder and president of “Doctors for America,” which began as “Doctors for Obama in 2008.”

Vivek also wants doctors to ask patients, including children, if there are any firearms in their home. This would be included on their file that would be shared with several government agencies under Obamacare.
Investor’s Business Daily reported:

Murthy is the 36-year-old president and co-founder of the anti-gun group Doctors for America, which advocates ObamaCare and gun control laws.

His group, which has been dubbed “Docs vs. Glocks,” has pushed Congress to ban “assault” weapons and “high-capacity” magazines.

He also wants to spend more tax dollars on more research to prove that fewer guns mean a lower crime rate, despite the fact that a number of reputable studies prove the opposite.

At a recent hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Sen. Lamar Alexander inquired about Murthy’s social media comments on firearms, such as this tweet before the 2012 presidential election: “Tired of politicians playing politics w/ guns, putting lives at risk b/c they’re scared of NRA. Guns are a health care issue.”

Murthy’s Twitter timeline is chock-full of his anti-firearms screeds.

“NRA press conference disappointing but predictable — blame everything in the world except guns for the Newtown tragedy. #wakeup,” he tweeted in December 2012.

Doctors for America has also promoted the invasion of privacy by doctors by allowing them to ask patients if they have guns at home, including asking children if their parents own guns,
and pushing back against Florida Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to sign into law a bill prohibiting doctors there from asking the question.

“NRA press conference disappointing but predictable — blame everything in the world except guns for the Newtown tragedy. #wakeup,” he tweeted in December 2012.

Doctors for America has also promoted the invasion of privacy by doctors by allowing them to ask patients if they have guns at home, including asking children if their parents own guns,
and pushing back against Florida Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to sign into law a bill prohibiting doctors there from asking the question.

EVERYTHING is political with Barack Obama, and every pick, even Surgeon General, is a political hack to advance his radical agenda, this time on guns.

ACT NOW: Tell your Senator we need a Surgeon General, not an anti-gun fanatic…VOTE NO ON VIVEK MURTHY’s Confirmation. CLICK HERE FOR SENATE CONTACTS.

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I wouldn't particularly care if the surgeon general is pro-gun or anti-gun in terms of his ability to do his job. I also wouldn't hugely care if he were to be politically active outside of the sphere of his job. But the two aspects should remain separate.

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That's the left - "global warming" is an excuse to control/tax/fine/license everything that exists,

and persecute things and the people that have them, that the left doesn't like..


And "gov health care" is another one of those excuses - it can be used to politically go after

anything that exists, especially things they don't like.....


That's why this corrupt wh has a hc giant law that doesn't get everybody

hc, and why millions losing their hc doesn't matter either.


It is all about control, and money, and political dominance over every part of our country

that isn't on the left.

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Well the stupidity of barracks administration is paramount, do to his wonderful failure of healthcare we won't have to worry about it because doctors are going to get hard to find. There quitting there professions in alarming rates.

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I'm still waiting to find out how Cysko fared with Obamaocare.


Lower rate? Same coverage? Keeping own doctor? Easy to apply (lol) ?

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I'm still waiting to find out how Cysko fared with Obamaocare.


Lower rate? Same coverage? Keeping own doctor? Easy to apply (lol) ?

To be perfectly honest I'm fine with Obama care. All our doctors take it, I pay less than half of what I was paying privately. If you're still buying the horror stories you're just following party lines. I get it, you hate Obama, but I'm doing fine with it.

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That's great, seriously. There are horror stories, and they are true,

but there are also some folks that will get a nice benefit.


But the money isn't there to support it in the long run, I think.


If it works for you, that's a great thing for your family. Our deductable

doubled because of new Obamaocare requirements. Not good.

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We I know one thing it sucks. I can't qualify for it first off and it made my deductible go up from 500 to 2500 and it doubled my monthly rate. And what happens when there is no more private insurance and the system collapses? And it will. Personally if they wanted to fix healthcare they would let it run like car insurance. You could personalize your plans and get discounts for bring and staying healthy. And since they have this unholy war on smoking that would curb it.

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And yes and no. From which side your getting the information from the left is going to put out only good stuff and the right only the bad. Thing is just as many Americans are going to be without healthcare. And many won't get if because the government is saying they have to. I don't know about you guy but I want to see the guy that goes into huge hills of West Virginia and tells them hillbillies they have to get it hahahahahah

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I've been in the healthcare business for 20 years, and these are definitely not horror stories. Yes, IF you fall within the 100-400%, of the poverty level (especially the low end), and are eligible for a subsidy, your premiums will be low and affordable. If you have been paying high premiums due to past health conditions, yes, you will probably see a decrease in your premium, but your plan will change also. If you are younger, say between 25-40, your premiums won't be too bad.


IF on the other hand you are fairly healthy and over the age of 45, you will see significant increases in your premium, and significant decreases in your coverage. Those small group employers, with under 50 employees, in the state of Ohio are seeing significant increases in their renewals this year. I have had increases anywhere from 35-65% already, again with significant decreases in coverage from their current plan. So not only are they getting the increases in premium, they have to take away the good coverage they now offer their employees to continue to offer coverage that they may or may not be able to afford. I have seen employees decide to just not offer coverage any longer and the employees are left to get individual coverage. I am very concerned, and anxious at the same time, to see how this year, and next year (for those that were able "to keep their current coverage") shakes out, and I don't think it will be pretty. Especially for the small employer. It will be a struggle.

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Nice to have you drop in, Gidget.


Wait for it....woody is going to say you're debunked or something.....


It's been said that the real reason this obamaocare is so convoluted,

and interfering with the hc industry... is because they actually want it

to fail, the obamaocare and the hc biz....


because they really want a single payer system.


And I have friends who lost their health insurance, and jobs lost.


It's going to get uglier before it becomes even worse.....

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spending taxes on the military isn't the same as spending it for entitlement slugs, drains on our economy.


The military folks WORK. They DEFEND our country.


Slugs who refuse to work, and intentionally don't marry, and

have more and more kids for more welfare and assistance.....

and free, unearned hc, and housing, and food, and crack,



Unearned is free. Earned is not. We have a pres who doesn't know the difference,

and even understands it backwards.


The Obamao mafia want to cut benefits and pay to the military.

and give it to...


more voters in the next election.

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