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Obama Surgeon General Pick Wants Doctors to Find out if Patients Own Guns - and Put Info into Obamacare Database

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Lol. We'll see. Don't lump me in with guys cal's age. I'm only ten years older than you. But I'm old enough to know that you have no idea about the world.


I don't believe I ever did...


You seemed to think gays will never be treated the same or accepted. In that regard you are similar to those two.

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See, I think that's what woody was talking about as the arrogance, perhaps condescension.



Exactly. Just because someone has more "experience" in the world does not mean they are correct. That does not mean they are always right over the younger guy. That does not excuse their beliefs from scrutiny, the need for facts, evidence, etc and it does not automatically write off the younger person's viewpoint.

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You don't think its arrogant to speak for an entire generation? Ok, Buddy.


I think it is pretty obvious to speak for an entire generation when I am just relaying the results of public opinion polls on issues that I have brought up. I am not speaking in absolutes, just the average, majority opinion for the younger age. Does everyone think that way? No. But do we have the poll results and statistics to show which way this generation is headed on these issues? Yes

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On the theme of working for a living, this story came up on the news this morning. Essentially, the council in Wigan (old fashioned ex-industrial town losing residents and income after industry left, same old story) had its budget cut by 30%. They made a plea to the local residents that, if people were more involved in various things like recycling, volunteering etc they could avoid mass job losses. It seems to be working, at least for now.







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Reason did an article on just that sort of thing in Detroit. The city is broke so the people are volunteering and doing basic service (upkeep on municipal buildings, neighborhood policing, etc.).

Is it the way of the future? There's a part of me thinking that in a place like detroit, you can get so much property on the cheap; you encourage this sort of community spirit and before you know it, you've got a lot of living space, in a city with all the infrastructure in place, inhabited largely by nice people. Could be a big killing to be made there, but also it might just be a nice plce to live.


Then reality kicks in and I think about all the poor people ;)

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Yeah as soon as the city would start to get revitalized you would have an army of idiots coming out to protest about how they are pushing out the poor with the improved property values. They won't take into account that Detroit's poor live in subsidized government housing not effected by gentrification related property value increases.

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I've been playing Detroit for the St Patrick's Day parade for many years. The city is definitely a shithole for miles and miles and miles. Unfortunate because the surrounding areas are just great. I always think there should be a lot of money waiting for someone to make by gentrifying part of that run down landscape but like Chris said poor people. Now it always seems mean hearted to complain about poor people doesn't it? More accurate to say criminals. That's why it would be hard to get nice people moving back into the city. It's not that the people there are poor its the fact that you are not safe to walk down the street.


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