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Obama Surgeon General Pick Wants Doctors to Find out if Patients Own Guns - and Put Info into Obamacare Database

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Not only that, logic, but for those of us fortunate enough do not have to work a day job and can stay home and watch Judge Judy it's easy to see the number of law firms that specialize in getting disability benefits. They advertise on TV during the time that musicians and unemployed people are watching. It really has skyrocketed the last 6 years. Hmm I wonder why?


By the way woody, what are those evil rich people doing to make all that money? You'll have to give me an example.


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Not only that, logic, but for those of us fortunate enough do not have to work a day job and can stay home and watch Judge Judy it's easy to see the number of law firms that specialize in getting disability benefits. They advertise on TV during the time that musicians and unemployed people are watching. It really has skyrocketed the last 6 years. Hmm I wonder why?


By the way woody, what are those evil rich people doing to make all that money? You'll have to give me an example.


As soon as pecker head gets out of the college boy status and actually has to start working, he will learn.

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Not only that, logic, but for those of us fortunate enough do not have to work a day job and can stay home and watch Judge Judy it's easy to see the number of law firms that specialize in getting disability benefits. They advertise on TV during the time that musicians and unemployed people are watching. It really has skyrocketed the last 6 years. Hmm I wonder why?


By the way woody, what are those evil rich people doing to make all that money? You'll have to give me an example.




I never said they were evil. Don't put words in my mouth. I am not part of the group here calling poor people slugs.


What are they doing? Idk the specifics of the tax code, it is convoluted and filled with loopholes (why they can game it). I assume if you have enough money you can pay accounts to work a lot of magic. Tax shelters, changing where you supposedly live, etc.


It is all legal, technically, but the complete double standard on here by some is ridiculous. Blame poor people for everything and treat the rich as infallible. I guess that is just what you'd hear if you only ever watched right wing news sources.




Speaking of taxes. I just got back my tax return and it was a pretty damn nice amount :)

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Because you are a child. You haven't done shit. Work for a decade, get married, have kids then talk.



Then I'll find Jesus

Fear god

Hate gays

Want to keep pot illegal

Will be "pro-life"



etc etc etc



No... bro. It doesn't work like that.

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So there are no liberals over the age of 35?

There are "liberals" (the textbook version) over 35 but they are usually neurotic douches who sometimes show up at grillouts at friends' houses. They normally have liberal arts degrees and low skilled jobs as a result. They end up being weirdly racist. My wife is black and they dive deep into the white guilt to try and show the wife how "not racist" they are. Usually ends with them loosely implying that black people are dumb and require high minded white people to come in and save them from themselves.

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I don't see my stance on social issues changes because I get older. I won't eventually think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry or not want to be seen in public with them because I'm older.


My views on social issues won't slowly move to the conservative views of today. More liberal views will pop up with younger generations and my views now could become the conservative view

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1) It is incredibly arrogant to act like you "opened your eyes" and became a conservative as you got older. To act like now you are so much wiser for making some "transformation" and understanding things the other side just cannot.


2) Also, you don't become more conservative as you get older, like I said. Instead, your beliefs themselves might just become more conservative, like I was saying too.


and here is my link to back that up. It includes quotes by those damn brainwashing liberal professors though...






I am not going to age and then become religious. I am not going to age and then decide I should treat gays like 2nd class citizens. I am not going to age and then feel the govt. should have a good degree of control over a woman's body.


When I am older though there may be more liberal viewpoints out there in regards to my stances on these issues. Therefore, by comparison, my views could be conservative in a few decades. That is if I continue to keep them at the level they are or continue to stay on the more liberal, progressive side of things.



Here is another article that pretty much agrees with me - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/13/older-more-rightwing




Talk to those who study these patterns and they'll explain that it's not the fact that people are in their late 60s or 70s that gives them these attitudes, but rather the specific period in which they were raised. On gay rights, many of today's senior citizens were shaped in a climate that saw homosexuals as deviants and criminals: for many, those views have simply stuck. It's not as if they were once tolerant and have hardened their hearts as they've grown older. Equally, there's no reason to believe that today's twentysomethings will become anti-gay as they age. On the contrary, the data suggests the attitudes forged now will be theirs for life.


(FYI, I am just searching "do you become more conservative as you grow older" not "PROOF MMGW IS A HOAX" or something....)




These articles speak of the time you've come to age as a major indicator for your political leanings throughout your life. I would like to think then I have come to age in a time of readily available information and reason. (Not to beat this point up again) I won't just look at some old book and say "Well, this book says it is this way, and my parents did it this way, and their parents did too, so I guess I will." I have access to the entirety of man's knowledge at my fingertips. I can view studies, polls, reports, scientific papers, etc. I have grown up with technology intertwined in my life, I have studied a very quantitative degree, I understand how to utilize these things. I can access multiple news outlets and multiple viewpoints. I am not limited in that regard in any way. I'd like to think I am coming to age in a time where I can objectively look at the facts presented to me and go from there, and not look at something in a completely black and white manner. I have access to the information needed to do this that made wasn't as easily gained decades ago. Every generation wants to think they can improve upon where the other left off. My dad is a successful guy, but I want to be more successful. I want to improve, progress in some way. I hope my kids do the same thing. I hope they look at whatever the information and facts are of their time, look at what developments we have made in their time, and construct their views from. I would hate for them to do something or think some way just because I did.

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The only transformation I took was becoming more fiscally conservative but still held no bias. It doesn't matter if it is a rich guy or a poor guy avoiding the tax man and sticking me with the bill. Corporate or regular welfare is still welfare. I can't tolerate free loaders of any stripe.


I will always be socially liberal because I can't bring myself to give a shit what other people do if I am not involved. I will never just up and decide I want to be a nosy dick head and force my pet theories on life on to everyone else via the law.

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It isn't arrogant to say people can become more conservative as they age. For a lot of folks,

it's fact.


There are people who will lock in their identity to a group. In fact, group security was one of

Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs.


But there are many, many people who look at the world through more honest eyes - they see

the world through their experiences in life, in others' experiences, all sorts of factors.


Sometimes there is a vested interest in adopting a nearby groups' interests. I've seen guys who

told me they never smoked in their lives, only to join the service, and start smoking. Because

the guys around them did.


More and more life expeiences can concrete already held convictions. And, conflicting experiences

can change convictions. A friends' daughter used to think that all people should have an income, even

not having a job, etc. it was only fair.


...until she started working after hs, and saw how much she was paying in income tax. That really shocked her

into giving up the free stuff feel good nonsense. Then, it was a choice of "how can I work and not be able to pay

my own bills and go to college, when I'm being taxed for those who are happy not working and on welfare? "


Things do change. But a serious lack of experiences in the world doesn't help anybody understand much.

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It isn't arrogant to say people become more conservative as they age. I agree. It is incorrect to say that. An anecdote here or there doesn't change that. Studies have shown that this isn't the case and it has more to do with the time you grew up. Maybe financially people understand how money works better as they age and need to actually save and pay for things, sure. I am speaking more about socially conservative views, not fiscal views. And even then they probably don't change as much as you think.


It was arrogant, in that article, to act like these people that switched from liberal to conservative at some point in their lives were now so much smarter, so much wiser. That before they were foolish and misguided. But then, they "opened their eyes", had an epiphany and transformed into a great and wise conservative. That is arrogant. That is acting like every liberal is just dumb kid that will "understand how things work some day."


Treating either side like that is stupid and probably a main reason why nothing gets done. When the majority of your posts are directed at the entire opposing ideology and how bad they are, or by lumping everyone that disagrees with you into "liberal", you add on to the problem.

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I have stayed somewhat socially liberal but not completely. For instance I've 180d on abortion. I.used to be all for it but now I would really prefer people be less fucking stupid and irresponsible and learn how to use birth control. I still have no problem with gays but I see why others might not. Care for gay marriage. I've never been more critical of disability sucker uppers than now. I think, woody, your views will evolve over time. You're what? 22? 22-32 is a big difference bud. A big difference. I kind of dismiss your claims that your views will never change because I've been in your shoes, and views change my man. They change. At some point I hope you'll look at the older people that still consider themselves big liberals and see that they're largely huge douchebags but you may not. Living in the real world outside the buffer of my parents, the military, college whatever has changed my views a lot. Just my 2 cents worth.

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I am not saying my views won't change some or evolve over time. I don't consider myself completely liberal now and I don't expect to become completely conservative when I am older. To say it is a fact that one will become conservative as they age is false though. Again, I am looking more at social issues, not fiscal (which I am pretty middle of the road in). As my generation ages we won't decide that gays shouldn't get married or pot shouldn't be legal. I am speaking of the group as a whole. Issues like these are the ones this whole conversation is mainly geared at on my end right now. The sources I have found seem to agree that these views for this generation won't really change and we won't become conservative just from aging.

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Yeah didnt the hippies of the.sixties feel like that too? What happened to them as they.got older? The fact is every generation thinks they're going to be the ones that solve all the social problems but you won't. As your generation gets older it will just become its parents. Take it to the.bank, bud. Maybe gays will be allowed to marry but they will never be accepted as normal and healthy in the real world. It just doesn't work like that. It is what it is. You're highly idealistic but idealism and realism are enemies.

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I don't expect to solve all of the world's problems. I do think gays will be accepted. Most of the anti gay views are held by the old, who will die out, and the religious, who are fading. If there aren't people walking around acting like gays are 2nd class then the overall mindset will change as well.


I have no idea what the majority of youth in the 60s believe but I'd wager that they are more socially liberal in their older age than their parents were at the sane time. That is the point.


We aren't going to solve every social issue. We'll definitely make progress on the issues of today while at the same time having new social issues arise. My generation will not think the same when we're our parents' age as our parents do now. Just like our parents now don't think the same way their parents did. That's the point.


I am sure the same thing you are saying about gays has been said about many different groups, races, ethnicities, genders, etc over time. We don't even second guess most of them now. The same will happen with gays. You may care. Cal may care. DieHard may care. I do not and the majority of my generation does not though.

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I don't expect to solve all of the world's problems. I do think gays will be accepted. Most of the anti gay views are held by the old, who will die out, and the religious, who are fading. If there aren't people walking around acting like gays are 2nd class then the overall mindset will change as well.


I have no idea what the majority of youth in the 60s believe but I'd wager that they are more socially liberal in their older age than their parents were at the sane time. That is the point.


We aren't going to solve every social issue. We'll definitely make progress on the issues of today while at the same time having new social issues arise. My generation will not think the same when we're our parents' age as our parents do now. Just like our parents now don't think the same way their parents did. That's the point.


I am sure the same thing you are saying about gays has been said about many different groups, races, ethnicities, genders, etc over time. We don't even second guess most of them now. The same will happen. with gays. You may care. Cal may care. DieHard may care. I do not and the majority of my generation does not though.

Lol. We'll see. Don't lump me in with guys cal's age. I'm only ten years older than you. But I'm old enough to know that you have no idea about the world.
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I laugh at the generation gap. I was born in 1954, saw the 1960's hippy revolution. Assassination of the President, RFK, MLK, riots, war in Vietnam, etc. I was alive when the Beatles just started and when they finished. I was a father at the age of 17. I was in combat at the same age. I have seen my Father, grandparents, uncles and aunts all die. I guess I don't know a fucking thing over some 21 year old 'engineering student'.

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