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Obama Surgeon General Pick Wants Doctors to Find out if Patients Own Guns - and Put Info into Obamacare Database

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No, some folks on welfare can't work. The rest of America has always been fine with that.


Our economy will crash and burn because so many WON'T work,

and are being treated like poor kings, because they are a locked in,

dependent class of democratic voters.


Obamao's mafia is their "show us the free money, and we'll always vote for you" marxist pig.

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Total US deficit when Obama took over was $1.4 trillion dollars. currently it stands at around $700bn.

Total US deficit when Bush took over was $130bn. when he left it was $1.4tn.


Just saying...

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We could save a lot of money if conservative folk could lay off the "all life is sacred until it is born" nonsense. If you harp on abortion being murder, don't pipe up and scream when you have to fit the bill for little Ricky who could have been aborted.


Just kill off old timers who voted to get as many benefits as possible for themselves and kill some more poor kids. We would be on a gravy train with biscuit wheels!



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There are many people deserving of Welfare, food stamps, etc. There are also many people that have paid into the system for many years only to find themselves out of jobs. They too are deserving. But there are many many people that are very capable of working but choose not to. Why, because there is no incentive to do so when everything is given to them with basically no restrictions. Yeah they don't have any real assets per say, but they are perfectly content to freeload. And you can't deny the fact that there are indeed freeloaders.

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People will always game the system. The wealthy do this a bunch too, there are a ton of loopholes at the top as well. It is just very ignorant to call all those on govt. assistance "slugs". There are also plenty of other places we could cut back funding from as well...

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People will always game the system. The wealthy do this a bunch too, there are a ton of loopholes at the top as well. It is just very ignorant to call all those on govt. assistance "slugs". There are also plenty of other places we could cut back funding from as well...

Slugs always stand up for each other.

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Total US deficit when Obama took over was $1.4 trillion dollars. currently it stands at around $700bn.

Total US deficit when Bush took over was $130bn. when he left it was $1.4tn.


Just saying...

currious to where you seen that at? I just looked at the clock and its at 17 trillion.
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It's how any system of government works?

not necessarily but I'm sure it's reasonably widespread. I just mentioned that because if someone calls someone else a socialist usually it pisses them off.


my personal take is that have no beef what so ever helping out people who need help. I think they should be somewhat grateful for the help and strive to get back on their feet as soon as possible just from a morality standpoint.

I also believe that they should be glad to do whatever busy work they can in return for that help. And it does bother me when people who are actually needy can barely survive while generation after generation of able bodied deadbeats refuse to do anything.




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not necessarily but I'm sure it's reasonably widespread. I just mentioned that because if someone calls someone else a socialist usually it pisses them off.


my personal take is that have no beef what so ever helping out people who need help. I think they should be somewhat grateful for the help and strive to get back on their feet as soon as possible just from a morality standpoint.

I also believe that they should be glad to do whatever busy work they can in return for that help. And it does bother me when people who are actually needy can barely survive while generation after generation of able bodied deadbeats refuse to do anything.




Trust me, that's not just a US problem, we have the same debates here. It's actually one of the biggest issues when it come to election time, benefits. I have no doubt that there are plenty of able bodied people out there not *willing* to find work because they have a cushy enough life living on handouts, and those people deserve nothing.


On the other hand, there are people out there who *cannot* find work, either physically/mentally unable to do so, or just nobody will hire them. If those people don't get the handouts, they won't be able to survive.


Recently the idea of working for benefits has been floated, and I generally support it, as long as it isn't detrimental to local economy - think Shawshank with the prison workers underbidding on every contract. It's no good forcing those people on benefits to work if it means more people are unemployed and claiming benefits.


In another twist, we also have the issue of EU migrants that we can't legally reject, being able to claim benefits, making Britain a potential 'benefit tourism' destination.

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Off topic, but the disability system in this country is out of wack. I would wager many people receive disability payments who are not actually disabled. There are so many driving with the blue disabled placard that there aren't enough parking spots. My brother has one because his knee joints are practically gone and he can never find a parking spot, usually some fat woman waddles out of the car and takes it. Yes, they actually hand them out now for being a fat ass.

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Off topic, but the disability system in this country is out of wack. I would wager many people receive disability payments who are not actually disabled. There are so many driving with the blue disabled placard that there aren't enough parking spots. My brother has one because his knee joints are practically gone and he can never find a parking spot, usually some fat woman waddles out of the car and takes it. Yes, they actually hand them out now for being a fat ass.

I hate that. No doubt, some people are fat because they're disabled and don't adjust their eating habits, but being fat in itself isn't a disability. If you can't walk 200m because of your obesity then there's something extremely wrong with you, and a blue sticker isn't the answer.

You have to really work at being this fat, generally:



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So Chris if you were king (a proper King not a figurehead) do you require those on the dole to do such work as they can or not?


As far as disability I know a few people who are actually disabled and a few who could most certainly handle productive employment. The biggest complaint of the latter group? That they can't get unlimited oxycodone like they used to.


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In general terms, yes. But it's difficult to ensure that everyone is what they say they are. Some people are clearly going to game the system so as to not work. That's where the difficulty lies. So you get people to check up on them - how many people? At a certain point it becomes more cost effective to just allow the cheaters to cheat than pay people to check up on them.

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In general terms, yes. But it's difficult to ensure that everyone is what they say they are. Some people are clearly going to game the system so as to not work. That's where the difficulty lies. So you get people to check up on them - how many people? At a certain point it becomes more cost effective to just allow the cheaters to cheat than pay people to check up on them.

it doesn't seem like that grand a task. I'm sure there's something that everyone even the most disabled could do for a few hours a day. I'd guess most of them could do a reasonably normal job but even the really disabled ones should be able to sit and watch a door or something. As I said busy work. Just annoying enough that they have to go do it, not that it's particularly hard.

And it's not about the money. We don't spend that much on welfare considering. It's just that the numbers are going to grow by leaps and bounds it's just the idea that these people will be damaged for generations and there will be more of them. Just because a standard of living is beneath you or me doesn't mean that someone else couldn't live that way without a problem. Hell there are people born raised and die in Somalia without committing suicide.


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Off topic, but the disability system in this country is out of wack. I would wager many people receive disability payments who are not actually disabled. There are so many driving with the blue disabled placard that there aren't enough parking spots. My brother has one because his knee joints are practically gone and he can never find a parking spot, usually some fat woman waddles out of the car and takes it. Yes, they actually hand them out now for being a fat ass.

The state of WV has to be the tops per capita for people gaming the disability system. Seriously, you get more people in 10 with "back injuries" or "nerve problems" than any other place i have been. They game the system and then teach their kids how to do it.

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