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Video of the actual Ray Rice knock out punch


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Well... she was rushing him...



He's lucky that she wasn't more seriously hurt when her head hit the handrail on the way to the floor.

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Roger Goodell has to go. He saw this tape. So did prosecutors which means the NFL influenced them not to press charges. That has to be looked into as well. I'm the last person that wants the federal govt involved in local matters but if an organization such as the NFL can be shown to influence local law enforcement, than congress needs to step in and put a check on this. I don't care if this was a Cleveland Brown, I'd want him the fuck off the team fuck that shit. She gave him a little nip outside the elevator so he followed her in there with the clear intention of "getting her back". He slugged her once down low and backed away and she came forward..and he slept her. Should be out of the NFL. If anyone of us had done that we'd be sitting in a cell right now. I'm fucking sick and tired of rich people routinely getting away with shit that the rest of us would spend years if not in some cases decades in prison for. When normal people start getting put away for shit that rich people routinely buy their way out of...this is when societies collapse. It certainly feels like it's gettin about that time.

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And yet.... test positive for weed, and you're banned for a year! :mad:


not only that, we're gonna take our sweet time and make sure he can't participate in camp next year either. Goodell has to go for this one. This has to be one of the ugliest things that the league has ever had their hands in. How anyone that's seen that tape says it's aight Ray....take 2 games off then we'll make your first game back a big to do. Ratings will be huge. It's only 2 games ray cause we want that come back game to be against those patsies in Cleveland so make sure you get 200 yds on em ok? :angry:

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God I'd love to see the look on King Roger's face knowing this is public. I'm typically never the type to say this but the Ravens organization should seriously consider suspending him the max they can (4 games right?) on top of the two. I'd be perfectly content if the Browns did that in the same situation. This was not a he said/she said affair. He knocked her out unconscious


Take Gordon's case completely, and this a huge embarrassment to not only the NFL but anyone who enjoys it. I don't care that new rules are implemented, punish Ray Rice now.

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I'm much more concerned for why law enforcement, being privy to this video from day one....decided not to pursue charges. If one us boxed our wives or g/f's like that...it would not matter AT ALL that she pleaded with the police not to charge us. Not even slightly would they take her pleas into consideration, this is indisputable fact. I love the fact that he tried to put her sandals on her after the fact. She walked into the elevator barefoot, but got dragged out with one sandal on. Like wtf was putting her sandals on gonna do? He knew right the fuck away he fucked up. He saw his career flash before him.

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The NFL is saying that this is the first time they've seen this video--that law enforcement didn't

make it available to them.


Which begs the question: What the fuck did they actually think happened--he knocked her unconscious

with harsh language?

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not only that, we're gonna take our sweet time and make sure he can't participate in camp next year either. Goodell has to go for this one. This has to be one of the ugliest things that the league has ever had their hands in. How anyone that's seen that tape says it's aight Ray....take 2 games off then we'll make your first game back a big to do. Ratings will be huge. It's only 2 games ray cause we want that come back game to be against those patsies in Cleveland so make sure you get 200 yds on em ok? :angry:



Goodell is an asshole! He is destroying the game! I mean, yes Gordon broke the rules, multiple times. But there is no comparison for smoking pot vs violently assaulting someone! Let's do the math on which offense had a victim and which one did not! Furthermore, I'll be so glad when our Federal government finally ends prohibition and the war on a freakin' plant, as well as the NFL lightening up their stance on cannabis as well!

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The NFL is saying that this is the first time they've seen this video--that law enforcement didn't

make it available to them.


Which begs the question: What the fuck did they actually think happened--he knocked her unconscious

with harsh language?


1) that's bull fucking Shiite, someone at the NFL saw this video.


2) law enforcement saw and decided not to press charges. Why? They didn't do it of their own volition. The NFL front office is full of ridiculous Shiite cause of course they influenced law enforment which means they saw the whole thing. Their plan all along was to give Rice 2 games and then when the video inevitably made it's debut, say oh we didn't see that part. Uh huh. Right.

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1) that's bull fucking Shiite, someone at the NFL saw this video.


2) law enforcement saw and decided not to press charges. Why? They didn't do it of their own volition. The NFL front office is full of ridiculous Shiite cause of course they influenced law enforment which means they saw the whole thing. Their plan all along was to give Rice 2 games and then when the video inevitably made it's debut, say oh we didn't see that part. Uh huh. Right.


Assault or domestic violence is up to the victim if they will press charges. I doubt someone who says 'I do' will be apt to give the nod at pressing charges in this case. Just another abusive relationship, nothing new here.

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Assault or domestic violence is up to the victim if they will press charges. I doubt someone who says 'I do' will be apt to give the nod at pressing charges in this case. Just another abusive relationship, nothing new here.


It most certainly is not bro, you need to read up on that. If the cops keep getting called to your house and see your wife's face bruised up, and they get testimony from your neighbors....you're getting charged whether your wife agrees to it or not. That's been the case for awhile now...didn't use to be decades ago, but they learned women didn't press charges cause they'd get the shit beaten out of them again and worse when the man got done serving his time. Pressing charges against your spouse is the end of the relationship, you get that right? Decades ago women weren't apt to do that much. Different times now, women don't have to take abusive assholes anymore.

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It most certainly is not bro, you need to read up on that. If the cops keep getting called to your house and see your wife's face bruised up, and they get testimony from your neighbors....you're getting charged whether your wife agrees to it or not. That's been the case for awhile now...didn't use to be decades ago, but they learned women didn't press charges cause they'd get the shit beaten out of them again and worse when the man got done serving his time. Pressing charges against your spouse is the end of the relationship, you get that right? Decades ago women weren't apt to do that much. Different times now, women don't have to take abusive assholes anymore.

I know in Ohio it doesn't matter if the victim wants to press charges or not, they will.

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If I did this guarantee I'd be locked up for awhile.


anyone would.


preferrential treatment?


irsay cocaine possession dismissed. 8 games and a chump change (for him) fine.


aldon smith federal bomb threat dismissed along with 3 felony gun possession charges swept under the rug. 6 games.


josh gordon 1/zintilla of a zintilla of a point over on only one of a 2 part sample piss test. gone for a year.

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It most certainly is not bro, you need to read up on that. If the cops keep getting called to your house and see your wife's face bruised up, and they get testimony from your neighbors....you're getting charged whether your wife agrees to it or not. That's been the case for awhile now...didn't use to be decades ago, but they learned women didn't press charges cause they'd get the shit beaten out of them again and worse when the man got done serving his time. Pressing charges against your spouse is the end of the relationship, you get that right? Decades ago women weren't apt to do that much. Different times now, women don't have to take abusive assholes anymore.

you are correct on all points posted above.


the criminal justice is seriously slanted with people of celeb/fame stature are held at a different standard than you or me (unless you are a celeb and we don't know it).


i'm on google+ and everyday there is some ant-gov't anti-police bashing thread unto which i totally bash those fucks. there has to be a system above us to protect us, our rights and gleen for a better world. i know it's half bullshit but when i see how the judicial system works sometimes it's hard to defend it. but it ain't the beat cops or a guy protecting the border in texas, it's the DAs and the judges that have handshake deals in the backrooms and fill their pockets with trinkets to be had at a later date only to let these guys off as if they did nothing wrong.

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It most certainly is not bro, you need to read up on that. If the cops keep getting called to your house and see your wife's face bruised up, and they get testimony from your neighbors....you're getting charged whether your wife agrees to it or not. That's been the case for awhile now...didn't use to be decades ago, but they learned women didn't press charges cause they'd get the shit beaten out of them again and worse when the man got done serving his time. Pressing charges against your spouse is the end of the relationship, you get that right? Decades ago women weren't apt to do that much. Different times now, women don't have to take abusive assholes anymore.


They can press charges sure, but it's INCREDIBLY hard for anything to stick without the victim wanting to testify/come forward about it. It's even harder when the victim in the situation (like Ray's wife did) comes out in support of the guy. I guarantee Rice's lawyers claimed he was being "attacked" well before that video and that was the ultimate last step in self-defense. Am I saying that's not total bullshit? Of course not, but that's how this stuff goes down. It's unfortunate but true. Laws are getting better but that's still the truth.

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It most certainly is not bro, you need to read up on that. If the cops keep getting called to your house and see your wife's face bruised up, and they get testimony from your neighbors....you're getting charged whether your wife agrees to it or not.


You can be charged all you want. If the victim doesn't agree to testify, or worse, says she slipped in the shower, prosecutor won't bother proceeding.

Even with this video evidence, she'll probably say something to the effect of "Well, I hit him first". At the first sign of wavering, charges wont stick. Brah...

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You can be charged all you want. If the victim doesn't agree to testify, or worse, says she slipped in the shower, prosecutor won't bother proceeding.

Even with this video evidence, she'll probably say something to the effect of "Well, I hit him first". At the first sign of wavering, charges wont stick. Brah...


Oh yes the charges most certainly will stick. Dude this is old news. Men have been put away for decades now without the testimony of the wife. IF the prosecutors have witness's that say the only thing that "slipped" was a stiff jab followed by a right cross, dude's gettin put away. And please be assured that if any normal dude gave his wife or g/f a Robin Givens left and had the whole thing caught on an elevator cam, wouldn't mean fuck if the woman pressed charges or not. If you have a wife or g/f who's willing to take a lead right infront of a security camera and agree to not cooperate with police, feel free to test your hypothesis that they won't charge you on just the video evidence. They most certainly will and your ass will be in jail before mind has fully wrapped itself around it's new realities. Even if Rice's fiancée said "I hit him first", they would have to see some kind of massive injuries on Rice to warrant that kind of retaliation. It is true if a woman attacks you with a shovel or something you can knock the bitch clean out of her socks assuming you didn't do nothing to warrant her coming at you with a shovel. But the little nip she gave him outside the elevator in no way shape or form legally justifies him willingly following her into the elevator and socking her one upside her jaw. It's all on video "brah". They've got the incident itself plus the follow up to it outside the elevator, you or me would be nailed to a cross for doing that....there's really no logical debate to the contrary here.

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