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Browns Dysfunctional ....again?


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I would say every FO makes mistakes and misses on draft picks and hires....


But many dont admit it or make changes. They deny and perpetuate till it crashes.


I give Haslam credit for at least recognizing the mistakes.....admitting to them....and making moves to correct them.


So, I dont see mistakes as dysfunction......I see NOT making the needed changes as dysfunction....


And, so far, we have been willing to make the changes.....

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It goes without saying. Get rid of him.

I don't think I've been unclear on this at all.


Doesn't it seemed like those three guys would know that?


If none of them has a clue it's pretty fucking shocking.




I highly doubt Shanny would leave his post if Manziel was a special talent.

It's probably the other way around. He knows Manziel sucks donkey balls and he'll have no QB to lead his offensive schemes.

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Here's a good article about team dysfunction and a coach who cant get along well with others.....hmmmm





Any FO that drafted Manziel in the first round is dysfunctional. PERIOD.

You have to be a moron to not see that Manziel is not a NFL talent.

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I highly doubt Shanny would leave his post if Manziel was a special talent.

It's probably the other way around. He knows Manziel sucks donkey balls and he'll have no QB to lead his offensive schemes.

Well I highly doubt you have much idea what Shanahan thinks or doesn't thanks. I mean as long as we're highly doubting stuff...


I mean seriously he's going to Buffalo with his hat in his hand and their best hope is to pick up Brian Hoyer in a bidding war.



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One Mary Kay article which is all conjecture with no named sources and we're "disfunctional" again.




We had one of the Browns VPs join us at our last Browns Backer game against Baltimore. Real cool guy, real high on the chain. I got to talk with him one on one for a bit and he talked to the group as a whole too.


He said the #1 thing the Browns set out to do this year was to not only change the culture, but to set the culture, because we haven't had one in 15 years.


He said Jimmy is as passionate and smart a owner as you would want. He said Farmer is large and in charge ... speaks with authority, has the respect of everyone in the building. Coach Pettine is exactly what they want, and he is in't going anywhere.


He said on past teams you wouldn't even hear about Gordon, Gilbert and Manziel because the team catered to the players, but it is all about the team now, and you are all in, or you are gone.


He seemed to think Manziel was going to be fine. He basically said he was a "spoiled rich kid, and some things need to change" but that he can be very, very good. It sounded like the organization was committed to him for next year, however if the "things that need to change" involve alcohol, good luck with that.


Overall he stressed over and over that it is a streamlined chain of command and it's not changing, Jimmy is going with these guys.


So if Shanny is really sniffling, he'll be gone. If we re-commit to Shanny then this was just a bullshit story. I really wish we could trade MK to Pittsburgh.




The comments may be total bullshit as far as the internal dysfunction. I do hope though that Jimmy being "large and in charge" doesn't translate to iron fisted meddlesome Nazi similar to the old Raiders owner and his buddy Jerry in Dallas. 4

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The comments may be total bullshit as far as the internal dysfunction. I do hope though that Jimmy being "large and in charge" doesn't translate to iron fisted meddlesome Nazi similar to the old Raiders owner and his buddy Jerry in Dallas. 4


Farmer is the one he described as having the respect of everyone in the building, "large and in charge" were my words to describe his account of Farmer.



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Again? Still! But is a good question...how do we break this dysfunctional crap that's been around since Art Model (can go to HE!!) took over? I think Art Lerner was the answer, and then he died, and his son who didn't care to own an NFL team, couldn't liquidate it quickly enough. I don't think Jimmy Haslam is the answer...but I don't know who is.

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"Professional Experts" who got paid millions were brought in to draft these players:



Trent Richardson

Brandon Weeden

Barkevious Mingo

Justin Gilbert

Johnny Manziel

Of this list, the current GM is only responsible for Gilbert and Manziel. I think Gilbert has the raw talent to be a good corner, just needs a work ethic implant. Mingo seemed like he hustled all year, even with a hurt shoulder. Not ready to put the bust tag on him yet, either. T.Rich and Weedon are obviously no longer with us, and Manziel should join Weeden backing up Tony Romo in Dallas.


On the Manziel thing, I think it's worse - he could have been drafted later, and Carr - IMO much better, could have been there at our second pick without a trade up. I think Carr had a decent rookie year with the always dysfunctional Raiders.

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As a long time Cowboys fan, i know what dysfunction looks like. I have seen if first hand for many years. The Browns are dysfunctional. The way they fell apart at the end of the season showed that something ugly was happening behind the scenes. Changing coaches every season is a big problem. A meddling owner is a big problem. A Head Coach that cant control his team, is a big problem. Shanny wanted out because he wanted nothing to do with the situation any long. Holy hell.


Fuck you fucking everlasting knob slobbing motherfucker.


This is the first year of a brand new organization, new head coach ... they are changing the culture and it takes time.


Your fucking mancrush was part of the problem, not part of the solution, so he either changes or he is gone ... this ain't gonna be some fucking Dallas North dripping with dysfunction and drama, it's going to be run the right way. We didn't have the talent to finish the mission this year. That will change.


Go put your Romo jersey on and jack off to Johnny you fucking useless cock gobbler.



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Why do you keep responding to my posts if you are going to respond like a child? I am giving my honest opinion based on my own experiences. You dont agree, thats fine, but no reason to hurl insults because you cant control your anger issues. Bully me, embarrass me, whatever you feel you need to do to feel better about yourself, but i am going to give my honest opinion regardless.


Well, your opinion sucks. Just like your dad.


This forum is for Browns fans, why are you even offering an opinion?


Oh that's right, because you have an agenda. You can say "Cleveland messed up Johnny". Well, fuck you, we are doing this right this time, and if he's not on board, so be it. So go fuck off and take your Johnny love with you.



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Honest opinion is okay, but how about an opinion that isn't assholish?



I agree.


Ive closely analyzed the situation and tried to apply a balanced objective view.....and have concluded Globbersnobber is a whiny bitter bitch who's broken hearted by her manlove for Johnny Fucking Failure and now needs to lash out.


These manzeilots are the worst much of baby bitches Ive ever seen.....go love your cow / boys already

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And quit reporting me to ... Me.

You dumb fucker.



dammit, just spit a drink of water on my keyboard.



It's even funnier, because it's a cycle.....rinse, repeat...never learn...its fucking hilarious

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It is an opinion and its open to being debated but the insults are against forum rules. You continue to cross the line with your abuse of power and lack of self control. You are also a hypocrite.





I wasn't aware we had rules. Someone should probably point them out to me.


So I can delete them and replace them with:


1. Fans from other teams have no rights.


2. Don't be a complete asshat.



I am a Browns fan. I have followed them all season.


Well, I follow the weather, doesn't make me a fan.


We are a passionate bunch. You are a Cowboy fan. And a Manziel groupie





Can you just leave me alone?


If there is actually something wrong with you ... special needs, etc. ... let me know, and I will leave you alone and send you a nice apology.


If you are just a douchey Cowboy fan, like you appear to be, then I will continue to fuck with you.


This is how this ends: 1. You quit being a douche 2. I get rid of you because it's a distraction to our discussions.


Your choice.

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I private messaged a number of moderators. Many of them do not agree with how you abuse your power and think you are acting childish and immature.


Ya, I'm OK with that.


Dude, it's just a message board. Either fit in, or leave.


If you are going to criticize the organization from the outside prepare to keep getting hit in the face.


If a Browns fan tells me were dysfunctional, I'm going to engage him in a conversation. If a Cowboys fan tells me we're dysfunctional I am going to childishly and immaturely shit down his neck.



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It's even funnier, because it's a cycle.....rinse, repeat...never learn...its fucking hilarious Mud


well, I DID learn, but gradually, got on the net with a bit of food and drink away from

the computer...


then, "wham". I regretted slipping.

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Why not just ask why i feel the way i do instead of insulting me? What does insulting me do? You are not going to bully or intimidate me. Sorry, just doesnt work on me. Just talk about the issue at hand as an adult and we can have a good conversation.


That said, I think i have a better perspective. Following the Cowboys and Browns all season allowed me to compare each team and how its run. I think its been a real eye-opener for me. I am saying that the Cowboys have been dysfunctional for years. I know what it looks like. I lived it for years. I know what it is.


I don't want to have a conversation with you. I want to tell you what a dumb fucker you are.



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Maybe I missed some wildly inappropriate asshole threads from Everlasingxxx?? Overall most of his I have seen are courteous and he does know football. I can think of at least a few regulars here that deserve the hate far more, ummm lets go tacoman, stockston shithisshorts are two that come to mind.


Maybe Ill take some shit but Ever is ok in my book although we will likely never agree on Johnny.

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Maybe I missed some wildly inappropriate asshole threads from Everlasingxxx?? Overall most of his I have seen are courteous and he does know football. I can think of at least a few regulars here that deserve the hate far more, ummm lets go tacoman, stockston shithisshorts are two that come to mind.


Maybe Ill take some shit but Ever is ok in my book although we will likely never agree on Johnny.

I agree with you Jcam.

There are some real assholes here from whom I wouldn't mind if I never heard another word. Ever's okay.

Well, for a Cowboys fan.



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Won the division 3 years ago, playoffs twice since 2007


Browns haven't won the division since 1989, playoffs once since 1999


Really sad


Mortgaged the entire farm for RG3 and the playoffs in 2012 that set them back another 5-6 years in picks.


If any type of long term continuity or decent direction is sacrificed for one player and one year at a first round playoff exit, I'd gladly stick with continuity.

The Skins are going to be bad for a very, very long time.

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Well, throw me a couple Steeler fans and I'll leave him alone.


Oh, that's right, they lost this week so we won't see them for awhile.


This Cowboy fucker means well, but he doesn't realize that this current dysfunction is our most functional dysfunction in a long time.


Let the fuckers have three or four years, develop a roster, implement their "play like a Brown" philosophy and change the culture.


An offensive coordinator leaving for other job opportunities is not a sign of dysfunction.


Regardless of how frustrated fans are about the last 15 years, THIS organization has been in place for one year


If you looked at Bill Walsh (2-14), Bill Parcels (3-12-1),Jimmy Johnson (1-15), Belichick in New England (5-11) ... they probably looked pretty fucking dysfunctional after one year. But the franchises stuck by them, supported them, let them change the systems, let them change the cultures, and their entire franchises turned around eventually ... but not in one year.


For us to go 7-9 in the first year is impressive. We were starting a backup QB, had backup wrs, and decimating injuries ... there is not going to be depth in year one. But the team never quit. They were hustling in meaningless games against Caroina and Baltimore. We've all seen other browns teams pack it in.


People like to say how easy our schedule is, let's see ... Pittsburgh x 2, Cincy x 2, Balt x 2, Indy, Carolina ... that's eight games against playoff teams , half our schedule, and we battled all those teams hard. Buffalo had a winning record too .. 9 games against winning teams.


I'm just tired of the negativity. This is not the same organization. Give them a chance. And I don't need a Cowboy fan telling me what we are. We are a first year team that is working hard to change a losing culture.


And I'm pissed at Manziel because he didn't buy in, didn't prepare, didn't take it seriously enough ... he acted like the culture we are getting rid of, and not the one we are building.


Walsh, Parcels, Johnson, Belichick ... they wouldn't put up with his shit either.


FINALLY someone is taking a hard ass approach with players. If it takes two or three years to turn over the talent until we have a TEAM ... then so be it.



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Mortgaged the entire farm for RG3 and the playoffs in 2012 that set them back another 5-6 years in picks.


If any type of long term continuity or decent direction is sacrificed for one player and one year at a first round playoff exit, I'd gladly stick with continuity.

The Skins are going to be bad for a very, very long time.

Dude you are one of the sane ones around here but last division won 1989, last playoff game 2002. This team has been over .500 twice in the last 15 years, they suck. The direction is circling the drain, this is the first time in 5 years I haven't made the trek from NY to Ohio to watch a game because I can't in good conscience go and support what can only be described as a clusterfuck of an organization. The 49ers just parted ways with a coach who took them to 3 straight conference championship games and a Super Bowl. Somehow the Browns continue to draw fans despite complete and total failure. I described to a friend being a Browns fan means you eat dog food and act like you're being served filet.

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